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Employment Data for Master of Business Analytics

mean base salary.


accepted job offers within six months of graduation.


graduates work in data analytics or consulting functions.

MBAn Graduate Acceptances

48% of accepted offers reported a signing bonus.


of graduates work in financial services or consulting industries.


of graduates reported landing a role with a social impact or sustainability focus.

Timing of Job Offers and Acceptances
 Total Seeking EmploymentReceived Offer Within 6 Months of GraduationAccepted Offer Within 6 Months of Graduation
U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident1492.9%92.9%
Foreign National2095.0%95.0%
Grand Total3494.1%94.1%
Top Hiring Companies for MBAn
Capital One
GE Healthcare Logo

American International Group Inc.
Batelle Memorial Institute
Capital One Financial Corp.
CarMax Inc.
China International Capital Corp. Ltd.
Comau S.p.A.
U.S. Department of Defense
Discover Financial Services
Fuyao Glass America

GE HealthCare
Gopher Sport
JD Logistics Inc.
Michigan Medicine
Moonbug Entertainment Ltd.
Plasdent Corp.
Procter & Gamble Co.
Salesforce Inc.
Sysco Corp.
U.S. Marine Corps
Western Forest and Fire Initiative at U-M SEAS

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