Boost Your Career. Get the Support You Need.

Remember, sponsorship is a business decision for your organization. We're here to help you present your best case to your employer.

Here’s How to Get Started
Make a Plan

Research your organization’s policies regarding educational sponsorship requests.

Prepare an answer to this question: “Why should my company sponsor me?” Include aspects of company growth and the need for strong leadership in a challenging economy.

Include a realistic schedule of the time you will be away from the office for orientation, regular residencies, and other extended residencies during the program.

Be Committed

Your employer might be worried about losing you after you acquire your degree. Demonstrate your commitment; explain how much your organization will benefit from your new-found knowledge and tools.


Try designing and communicating your approach to complement the goals and policies of your organization. And keep the dialogue open with your organization’s leadership, your direct management, and your colleagues and peers. When they know what to expect, they will be prepared to accommodate your needs.

Get Endorsed

Determine who will make the decision about your sponsorship and work your way toward this person, starting with your closest mentor. If each person can endorse you to the next in line, you are more likely to succeed in your request. Once the ultimate decision-maker has approved you for sponsorship, make sure to get it in writing.

Follow Up

Make sure to follow up on every detail required by your organization and the program. Make the process as seamless as possible for your staff and superiors. It’s your education, your responsibility, and your future.

Resources to Share with Your Employer

Share the Guide to Sponsoring an Employee brochure to help answer their questions about sponsoring your EMBA education.

You can also refer your employer to Sponsoring an EMBA Student

sponsoring an employee Brochure

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