Learn from Accessible, World-Renowned Faculty
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When you join the Michigan Ross Executive MBA program, you learn from and gain access to our most senior faculty members. Executive MBA faculty are not only world-renowned scholars, they are impactful teachers and seasoned practitioners who work with global organizations to solve their most pressing challenges.

Kathleen Kobashi, MBA ‘22
The faculty’s dedication to their students is palpable and all are remarkably skilled at and committed to imparting their knowledge on their students, particularly on the most challenging of topics.
EMBA class

Experience a Class

Michigan Ross faculty are passionate about sharing their knowledge with students and creating an atmosphere conducive to lively discussion and debate. Complex and challenging concepts are shared in a way that allows students to apply what they’re learning immediately. 

Class Recording

Meet the Faculty

Be inspired by the knowledge, intellect, and experience of some of the brightest minds in business.

Ford Motor Company Co-Director of the Joel D. Tauber Institute for Global Operations
Professor of Technology and Operations
Michael & Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organizations
Clinical Associate Professor of Business Administration, Co-Director of Yaffe Digital Media Initiative, Ross School of Business
Associate Director, Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies
Research Fellow, William Davison Institute
Gilbert and Ruth Whitaker Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Herrick Professor of Business
Professor of Technology and Operations
Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering
Faculty Director, Executive MBA Program
Clyne Crawford Teaching Fellow and Clinical Assistant Professor of Accounting
Accenture Professor of Computer Information Systems
Professor of Technology & Operations
Victor L. Bernard - Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Collegiate Professor of Accounting
Robert Morrison Hoffer Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Finance
Associate Professor of Marketing
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow
Marketing Faculty Doctoral Coordinator
Thomas C. Kinnear Professor and Associate Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies
William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Professor of Strategy
Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow
Jack D. Sparks Whirlpool Corporation Research Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management and Organizations
Management and Organizations Faculty Doctoral Coordinator
Executive Director, Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies
Eugene Applebaum Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies
Professor of Business Administration
Area Chair of Entrepreneurial Studies
Cameron Scharchburg Beyer, MBA ‘22
Even after the course had concluded, my professor took the time to meet with me and discuss a topic completely unrelated to his course. This experience showed me the value of running real-life business problems by my professors and opened up another level of learning.

Featured Course

EMBA 632: Leading Organizational Change

“One of the reasons our EMBA students come to Ross is because they envision an opportunity to become change agents within their organization. EMBA 632 is all about how to set them up for success in this endeavor of designing and implementing strategic change. I find it immensely rewarding to leverage the diversity of experience and aspirations in our EMBA cohort to make this course vivid and practical." - Prof. Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks

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Our faculty drive some of the most important conversations in business today.

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