Full-Time MBA Students involved in class project
Meet Talented MBAs with Myriad Interests

Read more about the students who are in the thick of learning business and loving Ann Arbor. 

Get the Full-Time MBA Experience
with Our Featured Student Profiles

Learn how these MBA students went above and beyond throughout their time at Michigan Ross.

MBA/MS '13
Launching McKinsey.org to Advance Global Sustainability
Cynthia Shih arrived at Michigan Ross as a professional recording artist. For years, Cynthia had been writing and recording her own music, playing venues and festivals across the country, and even...

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MBA '22
Championing Representation in Real Estate
Lexx Mills' passion for public service started at a young age; her parents came from low-income families in Washington D.C. and worked hard to make sure Lexx had access to quality education and the...

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MBA '17
Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Venture Capital
According to Salonee Shah, MBA '17, before she was ever a Michigan Ross MBA graduate or a senior portfolio development manager at Microsoft, she was first and foremost a Girl Scout. Salonee says her...

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Chat with an Ambassador

Our student and alumni ambassadors are here to answer any questions, share their experiences, and provide you with an honest perspective of the Full-Time MBA Program.

Student ambassador
Class of 2025
I began my career in the field of Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs, where I played a significant role in assisting companies with their growth strategies...

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Student ambassador
Class of 2025
I’m a Dual Degree Student pursuing a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Health Informatics. I’m passionate about alleviating health inequities...

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