When reviewing questions I often run across ones I think should already have a canonical answer, but I'm still new enough to the site that I don't know for sure. Not wanting to answer if the question should be flag as a duplicate, I go about searching the site (you know, what the poster ought to have done). This can be pretty time consuming and if there's a list of canonical questions I could refer to, that would be helpful*.

  • I've looked for a tag that would identify such questions and found none.
  • I've searched Meta SU as well as examined questions in the [canonical-answer] tag
  • I also search Meta SE

As I was writing this question, I found the [community-faq] tag on SU. It has 30 questions in it. Is this what I'm looking for?

*I'm not implying the only questions that should be flagged as duplicate are ones with canonical answers. Rather, some questions betray their commonality so plainly that answering with anything short of a canonical answer doesn't make sense.

1 Answer 1


Yes it is. is where the canonical questions/answers are. In general, for a new canonical question/answer, asking on meta first and getting community feedback is a good idea.

  • asking on meta first -- Good to know. You've rightly guessed I may run across the need to add canonical answers so knowing the process is most helpful. Commented Nov 29, 2014 at 0:12
  • 1
    Yup. That and "Yes you're right" is too short for the lameness filter ;)
    – Journeyman Geek Mod
    Commented Nov 29, 2014 at 0:13
  • 1
    Don't forget community-faq-proposed either!
    – gparyani
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 23:09
  • @damryfbfnetsi Please explain that tag to me. Can I tag a question with it if I think it should be considered for the FAQ, or should I first bring it up on meta? Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 15:53
  • 1
    @Twisty In short: Simply tag it, and if it gets good answers, it will be retagged into a community-faq. For more info, see the tag wiki: superuser.com/tags/community-faq-proposed/info. With that being said, you should probably raise a meta question too in order to get a consensus toward creating one and to get attention to it once it's created.
    – gparyani
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 16:17

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