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  1. How do users escalate concerns about an abusive employee?(2k)

  2. What would be good "call to action" elements for "Reinstate Monica" profiles? (3k4k)

  3. Why were multiple comments on the moderator process review post deleted?

  4. What does ɴᴏᴛ count as a “neopronoun”? [d]

  5. Are other sites (besides MSE) growing inactive? (2k)

  6. Why was the Weekly Day of Silence post deleted? [d]

  7. Did Upper Management ignore the growing tension in the TL that resulted in Monica's being axed?  (2k)

  8. Let's say they reinstate Monica. What then?

  9. Is the Teachers' Lounge toxic, if so why? (3k4k)

  10. Rename the Teachers' Lounge [c]

  11. Why obsolete faq on gender pronouns was deleted? [d]

  12. Q&A activity over the last month [d]

  13. As a regular user, what is my incentive to continue to contribute? (2k)

  14. Questions deleted by authors who happen to be moderators should show as "removed for reasons of moderation" if the author can't normally delete

  15. Does SE have a disclosure form that moderators are asked to sign before beginning their volunteer work?

  16. Answers/comments were not copied during migration to another site

  17. Is peer-accountability permitted on meta.stackexchange?

  18. Has there been an uptick in the number of users post-banned from Meta Stack Exchange contemporary to the recent drama?

  19. Should we just impose a blanket ban on identity politics? [c]

  20. How can we help Monica Cellio? ✭✭✭✭✭ (7k11k)

  21. Maybe SE is journalism

  22. Is Stack Exchange in violation of New York labor law, in using volunteer moderators? ✭✭ (25k)

  23. Should we be taking legal action against the network for possible breach in labour laws with moderators

  24. A letter to SE Inc. - please protect our moderators (2k)

  25. Is Monica's situation a good example of why you should opt out of forced arbitration? [c]

  26. Does continuing to talk about Monica actually do her any good? (3k)

  27. Does Stack Exchange have a responsibility to protect the rights of their volunteers?(2k)

  28. How best to find all my own posts where I employ pronouns?

  29. How can I find posts in response to my posts that use pronouns?

  30. If someone is hurt by a literary reference, should it be removed? (2k)

  31. Appoint chat moderators exclusively responsible for moderating chat

  32. How can we improve the inconsistent tagging of the questions relating to the recent uproar and associated issues?

  1. What would we like to see come out of the legal action many participants are contributing to?
  2. Is It Time To Decentralize? (2k3k)
  3. What is the process regarding moderator inactivity removals?
  4. A tale of two postings, and what to learn from it (2k)
  5. What can we do about systemic lies regarding Monica's situation?
  6. Does some kind of middle ground exist regarding the CoC for a moderator who might need to avoid singular 'they' for personal reasons?
  7. Is this an appropriate place to call for the resignation of an SO employee?(3k4k)
  8. Is there a list of non-moderators who have stated they suspended activities due to recent events? [c]
  9. How can one appropriately and constructively criticize or complain about a Stack Exchange employee on Meta Stack Exchange? (2k)
  10. Checking in with the Lavender community (3k)
  11. How many usernames have been changed to support Monica?
  12. Delete own questions with upvoted answers is not allowed [d]
  13. Why close the question about changed user names?
  14. May I use “they” even when a user prefers another pronoun? [d]
  15. Has stirring the pot reached the point of being counter productive?
  16. Winter Bash 2019 - is it happening this year? (2k3k)
  17. Warning potential new moderators? (2k)
  18. Is there a good term/phrase to denote the "current events"? (2k)
  19. Is the re-licensing situation perceived as much less important than Monica's defamation lawsuit? [c]
  20. Is it ok to call a question silly?
  21. Are SE staff open to dialogue and find a different solution about gender pronouns? [d]
  22. My profile's about me randomly changed across all sites [d]
  23. Why is SE removing links and community ads about a legal fund campaign? ✭✭ (15k17k)
  24. How wide/narrow does SE consider activities related to Monica?
  25. When is it reasonable to change the owner of a post?
  26. Is Stack Exchange still planning to respond to the community's open letters?(2k)
  27. Is it time for a SE Volunteer Labor Union or similar organization?
  28. When should edits removing clarifying links be reverted
  29. How can we mitigate the difficulties some autistic users have with pronouns?
  30. What legal risks would Stack Exchange face if it does not actively remove links to a legal fund campaign?
  31. for posting links to certain legal fund campaigns?
  32. The Great Meta Tire Fire of 2019: is anybody keeping receipts?(2k)
  33. Policing gender expressions and pronouns(4k)
  34. Will the old "about me" message be affected by these recent pronoun usage rules?
  35. What effect does the current crisis have on the SE network? (2k)
  36. Why aren't moderators moderating but wait for high-rep users to do it?
  37. Does Fram's ban on Wikipedia seem similar to recent events? What can Stack Exchange learn from it?(4k)
  39. Is MSE understaffed in terms of moderators?
  40. Can my answer about current events be undeleted?
  41. Please unlock “Fram's ban on Wikipedia…What can Stack Exchange learn from it?” (2k)
  42. Reinstate Monica tag [duplicate]
  43. Are we witnessing the demise of “community”? (2k)
  44. Will Meta Stack Exchange be removed now? [c](2k3k)
  45. What will the community's next step be now that SE has declared inactivity and silence towards the current events? [c]
  46. Is it appropriate to create a 'Monica' Tag? [d]
  47. Are we doing anything but spinning our wheels?
  48. Is Stack Exchange staff removing GoFundMe links?
  49. Is SE admitting they don't deem recent issues as important?
  50. Have mods ever been a (potentially) powerful lobby?
  1. Is there an organized community of moderators?

  2. Has the October 2019 moderator reinstatement process actually been used?

  3. Is Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow dying? [c]

  4. Winter Bash … does it matter to you this year?

  5. A sensible alternative to the Code of Conduct

  6. Can anyone link examples where the new COC policy on gender pronouns was used?

  7. Is it against the rules to make a suggestion to change the CoC?

  8. Get rid of the pronouns FAQ

  9. What constitutes “acting in good faith”?

  10. What is considered acceptable feedback? (2k3k)

  11. Please don't refer to 2019 as 'a great year'(3k)

  12. Are excessively long display names for political messaging allowed on SE sites?

  13. Yet another retweet of criticism of the community…

  14. Unfitting "This Is Fine" hat

  15. Does the Code of Conduct apply to off-site interactions?

  16. What exactly does "links to a legal fund campaign" mean?

  17. What are the next steps we as a community should take? ✭ (3k))

  18. What progress has been made so far in implementing support for gender diversity in SE's foreign language sites? [c]

  19. How exactly does the moderator inactivity process interact with employment at SE and employee moderator rights?

  20. How to find all recent posts and comments by SE staff?

  21. Has anyone tried approaching any of the investors to improve community-company communication? (2k)

  22. Who created the Monica Reinstatement symbol?

  23. Why are there a lot of users with Reinstate Monica in the username? [d]

  24. Who pays the fees to JAMS Inc. (US$1,750+) for mandatory arbitration?

  25. Can a user use neopronouns for any third party?

  26. Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio (14K87K) Locked

  27. Why is "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" not on showing on top questions? [d]

  28. SE fires mods, updates terms and invites to apply for reinstatement [c]

  29. Can we post links to Monica's GoFundMe page again now that donations to it are closed and she's reached an agreement with SE?

  30. Educating users gently about pronoun usage

  31. Why was "An Update to our Community and an Apology" deleted? (2K4K)

  32. Checking in with moderators that suspended their activity(5K)

  33. The "update: an agreement..." question does not show up in every list of active questions [d]

  34. Merge the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service

  35. Has there been an increase in suspensions on MSE lately? (2k)

  36. Has Stack Overflow requested a retraction of The Register article?(2k)

  37. Definitive grammar resources for usage of neo-pronouns at SE [d]

  38. What if Monica runs for Moderator in an open election?

  1. 2019: a year in moderation
  2. Checking in with "*Monica*" users(6k)
  3. ⚑'s the Monica thing? [d]
  4. Can a site enforce its own rules above and beyond the Code of Conduct?
  5. Why was the original Q&A apology about Monica Cellio deleted? [d]
  6. About Codes of Conduct and the welcoming spirit of SE
  7. Why was "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" historically locked?
  8. Thank you, Shog9 ✭ x13 (36k37k)
  9. Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it? ✭ x7 (38k40k) Monica Cellio's farewell post 27 Jan, 2020
  10. Why is SE gutting the CM team? ✭✭ (6k)
  11. I feel helpless. Is there anything we can do to help guide SE? (2k)
  12. Thank you, Robert Cartaino ✭ x7 (38k39k)

The End?#PART 3

(for this answer, it is)

As far as I'm concerned, for the moment, thisThis is where my answer ends. Someone else can start a new thread, for instance on question 129,All stats have been updated and turn the answer into a Community Wiki post if they prefer. Bestare correct as of luck2020/01/28.

  1. How do users escalate concerns about an abusive employee?(2k)

  2. What would be good "call to action" elements for "Reinstate Monica" profiles? (3k)

  3. Why were multiple comments on the moderator process review post deleted?

  4. What does ɴᴏᴛ count as a “neopronoun”? [d]

  5. Are other sites (besides MSE) growing inactive?

  6. Why was the Weekly Day of Silence post deleted? [d]

  7. Did Upper Management ignore the growing tension in the TL that resulted in Monica's being axed?  (2k)

  8. Let's say they reinstate Monica. What then?

  9. Is the Teachers' Lounge toxic, if so why? (3k)

  10. Rename the Teachers' Lounge [c]

  11. Why obsolete faq on gender pronouns was deleted? [d]

  12. Q&A activity over the last month [d]

  13. As a regular user, what is my incentive to continue to contribute?

  14. Questions deleted by authors who happen to be moderators should show as "removed for reasons of moderation" if the author can't normally delete

  15. Does SE have a disclosure form that moderators are asked to sign before beginning their volunteer work?

  16. Answers/comments were not copied during migration to another site

  17. Is peer-accountability permitted on meta.stackexchange?

  18. Has there been an uptick in the number of users post-banned from Meta Stack Exchange contemporary to the recent drama?

  19. Should we just impose a blanket ban on identity politics? [c]

  20. How can we help Monica Cellio? ✭✭ (7k)

  21. Maybe SE is journalism

  22. Is Stack Exchange in violation of New York labor law, in using volunteer moderators? ✭✭ (25k)

  23. Should we be taking legal action against the network for possible breach in labour laws with moderators

  24. A letter to SE Inc. - please protect our moderators (2k)

  25. Is Monica's situation a good example of why you should opt out of forced arbitration? [c]

  26. Does continuing to talk about Monica actually do her any good? (3k)

  27. Does Stack Exchange have a responsibility to protect the rights of their volunteers?(2k)

  28. How best to find all my own posts where I employ pronouns?

  29. How can I find posts in response to my posts that use pronouns?

  30. If someone is hurt by a literary reference, should it be removed? (2k)

  31. Appoint chat moderators exclusively responsible for moderating chat

  32. How can we improve the inconsistent tagging of the questions relating to the recent uproar and associated issues?

  1. What would we like to see come out of the legal action many participants are contributing to?
  2. Is It Time To Decentralize? (2k)
  3. What is the process regarding moderator inactivity removals?
  4. A tale of two postings, and what to learn from it (2k)
  5. What can we do about systemic lies regarding Monica's situation?
  6. Does some kind of middle ground exist regarding the CoC for a moderator who might need to avoid singular 'they' for personal reasons?
  7. Is this an appropriate place to call for the resignation of an SO employee?(3k)
  8. Is there a list of non-moderators who have stated they suspended activities due to recent events? [c]
  9. How can one appropriately and constructively criticize or complain about a Stack Exchange employee on Meta Stack Exchange? (2k)
  10. Checking in with the Lavender community (3k)
  11. How many usernames have been changed to support Monica?
  12. Delete own questions with upvoted answers is not allowed [d]
  13. Why close the question about changed user names?
  14. May I use “they” even when a user prefers another pronoun? [d]
  15. Has stirring the pot reached the point of being counter productive?
  16. Winter Bash 2019 - is it happening this year? (2k)
  17. Warning potential new moderators? (2k)
  18. Is there a good term/phrase to denote the "current events"? (2k)
  19. Is the re-licensing situation perceived as much less important than Monica's defamation lawsuit? [c]
  20. Is it ok to call a question silly?
  21. Are SE staff open to dialogue and find a different solution about gender pronouns? [d]
  22. My profile's about me randomly changed across all sites [d]
  23. Why is SE removing links and community ads about a legal fund campaign? ✭✭ (15k)
  24. How wide/narrow does SE consider activities related to Monica?
  25. When is it reasonable to change the owner of a post?
  26. Is Stack Exchange still planning to respond to the community's open letters?(2k)
  27. Is it time for a SE Volunteer Labor Union or similar organization?
  28. When should edits removing clarifying links be reverted
  29. How can we mitigate the difficulties some autistic users have with pronouns?
  30. What legal risks would Stack Exchange face if it does not actively remove links to a legal fund campaign?
  32. The Great Meta Tire Fire of 2019: is anybody keeping receipts?(2k)
  33. Policing gender expressions and pronouns(4k)
  34. Will the old "about me" message be affected by these recent pronoun usage rules?
  35. What effect does the current crisis have on the SE network? (2k)
  36. Why aren't moderators moderating but wait for high-rep users to do it?
  37. Does Fram's ban on Wikipedia seem similar to recent events? What can Stack Exchange learn from it?(4k)
  39. Is MSE understaffed in terms of moderators?
  40. Can my answer about current events be undeleted?
  41. Please unlock “Fram's ban on Wikipedia…What can Stack Exchange learn from it?” (2k)
  42. Reinstate Monica tag [duplicate]
  43. Are we witnessing the demise of “community”? (2k)
  44. Will Meta Stack Exchange be removed now? [c](2k)
  45. What will the community's next step be now that SE has declared inactivity and silence towards the current events? [c]
  46. Is it appropriate to create a 'Monica' Tag? [d]
  47. Are we doing anything but spinning our wheels?
  48. Is Stack Exchange staff removing GoFundMe links?
  49. Is SE admitting they don't deem recent issues as important?
  50. Have mods ever been a (potentially) powerful lobby?
  1. Is there an organized community of moderators?

  2. Has the October 2019 moderator reinstatement process actually been used?

  3. Is Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow dying? [c]

  4. Winter Bash … does it matter to you this year?

  5. A sensible alternative to the Code of Conduct

  6. Can anyone link examples where the new COC policy on gender pronouns was used?

  7. Is it against the rules to make a suggestion to change the CoC?

  8. Get rid of the pronouns FAQ

  9. What constitutes “acting in good faith”?

  10. What is considered acceptable feedback? (2k)

  11. Please don't refer to 2019 as 'a great year'(3k)

  12. Are excessively long display names for political messaging allowed on SE sites?

  13. Yet another retweet of criticism of the community…

  14. Unfitting "This Is Fine" hat

  15. Does the Code of Conduct apply to off-site interactions?

  16. What exactly does "links to a legal fund campaign" mean?

  17. What are the next steps we as a community should take? ✭ (3k)

  18. What progress has been made so far in implementing support for gender diversity in SE's foreign language sites? [c]

  19. How exactly does the moderator inactivity process interact with employment at SE and employee moderator rights?

  20. How to find all recent posts and comments by SE staff?

  21. Has anyone tried approaching any of the investors to improve community-company communication?

  22. Who created the Monica Reinstatement symbol?

  23. Why are there a lot of users with Reinstate Monica in the username? [d]

  24. Who pays the fees to JAMS Inc. (US$1,750+) for mandatory arbitration?

  25. Can a user use neopronouns for any third party?

  26. Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio (14K)

  27. Why is "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" not on showing on top questions? [d]

  28. SE fires mods, updates terms and invites to apply for reinstatement

  29. Can we post links to Monica's GoFundMe page again now that donations to it are closed and she's reached an agreement with SE?

  30. Educating users gently about pronoun usage

  31. Why was "An Update to our Community and an Apology" deleted? (2K)

  32. Checking in with moderators that suspended their activity

  33. The "update: an agreement..." question does not show up in every list of active questions [d]

  34. Merge the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service

  35. Has there been an increase in suspensions on MSE lately? (2k)

  36. Has Stack Overflow requested a retraction of The Register article?(2k)

  37. Definitive grammar resources for usage of neo-pronouns at SE

  38. What if Monica runs for Moderator in an open election?

  1. 2019: a year in moderation
  2. Checking in with "*Monica*" users(6k)
  3. ⚑
  4. Can a site enforce its own rules above and beyond the Code of Conduct?
  5. Why was the original Q&A apology about Monica Cellio deleted?
  6. About Codes of Conduct and the welcoming spirit of SE
  7. Why was "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" historically locked?
  8. Thank you, Shog9 ✭ x13 (36k)
  9. Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it? ✭ x7 (38k) Monica Cellio's farewell post 27 Jan, 2020
  10. Why is SE gutting the CM team? ✭✭ (6k)
  11. I feel helpless. Is there anything we can do to help guide SE? (2k)
  12. Thank you, Robert Cartaino ✭ x7 (38k)

The End?

(for this answer, it is)

As far as I'm concerned, for the moment, this is where my answer ends. Someone else can start a new thread, for instance on question 129, and turn the answer into a Community Wiki post if they prefer. Best of luck.

  1. How do users escalate concerns about an abusive employee?(2k)

  2. What would be good "call to action" elements for "Reinstate Monica" profiles? (4k)

  3. Why were multiple comments on the moderator process review post deleted?

  4. What does ɴᴏᴛ count as a “neopronoun”? [d]

  5. Are other sites (besides MSE) growing inactive? (2k)

  6. Why was the Weekly Day of Silence post deleted? [d]

  7. Did Upper Management ignore the growing tension in the TL that resulted in Monica's being axed? (2k)

  8. Let's say they reinstate Monica. What then?

  9. Is the Teachers' Lounge toxic, if so why? (4k)

  10. Rename the Teachers' Lounge [c]

  11. Why obsolete faq on gender pronouns was deleted? [d]

  12. Q&A activity over the last month [d]

  13. As a regular user, what is my incentive to continue to contribute? (2k)

  14. Questions deleted by authors who happen to be moderators should show as "removed for reasons of moderation" if the author can't normally delete

  15. Does SE have a disclosure form that moderators are asked to sign before beginning their volunteer work?

  16. Answers/comments were not copied during migration to another site

  17. Is peer-accountability permitted on meta.stackexchange?

  18. Has there been an uptick in the number of users post-banned from Meta Stack Exchange contemporary to the recent drama?

  19. Should we just impose a blanket ban on identity politics? [c]

  20. How can we help Monica Cellio? ✭✭✭ (11k)

  21. Maybe SE is journalism

  22. Is Stack Exchange in violation of New York labor law, in using volunteer moderators? ✭✭ (25k)

  23. Should we be taking legal action against the network for possible breach in labour laws with moderators

  24. A letter to SE Inc. - please protect our moderators (2k)

  25. Is Monica's situation a good example of why you should opt out of forced arbitration? [c]

  26. Does continuing to talk about Monica actually do her any good? (3k)

  27. Does Stack Exchange have a responsibility to protect the rights of their volunteers?(2k)

  28. How best to find all my own posts where I employ pronouns?

  29. How can I find posts in response to my posts that use pronouns?

  30. If someone is hurt by a literary reference, should it be removed? (2k)

  31. Appoint chat moderators exclusively responsible for moderating chat

  32. How can we improve the inconsistent tagging of the questions relating to the recent uproar and associated issues?

  1. What would we like to see come out of the legal action many participants are contributing to?
  2. Is It Time To Decentralize? (3k)
  3. What is the process regarding moderator inactivity removals?
  4. A tale of two postings, and what to learn from it (2k)
  5. What can we do about systemic lies regarding Monica's situation?
  6. Does some kind of middle ground exist regarding the CoC for a moderator who might need to avoid singular 'they' for personal reasons?
  7. Is this an appropriate place to call for the resignation of an SO employee?(4k)
  8. Is there a list of non-moderators who have stated they suspended activities due to recent events? [c]
  9. How can one appropriately and constructively criticize or complain about a Stack Exchange employee on Meta Stack Exchange? (2k)
  10. Checking in with the Lavender community (3k)
  11. How many usernames have been changed to support Monica?
  12. Delete own questions with upvoted answers is not allowed [d]
  13. Why close the question about changed user names?
  14. May I use “they” even when a user prefers another pronoun? [d]
  15. Has stirring the pot reached the point of being counter productive?
  16. Winter Bash 2019 - is it happening this year? (3k)
  17. Warning potential new moderators? (2k)
  18. Is there a good term/phrase to denote the "current events"? (2k)
  19. Is the re-licensing situation perceived as much less important than Monica's defamation lawsuit? [c]
  20. Is it ok to call a question silly?
  21. Are SE staff open to dialogue and find a different solution about gender pronouns? [d]
  22. My profile's about me randomly changed across all sites [d]
  23. Why is SE removing links and community ads about a legal fund campaign? ✭✭ (17k)
  24. How wide/narrow does SE consider activities related to Monica?
  25. When is it reasonable to change the owner of a post?
  26. Is Stack Exchange still planning to respond to the community's open letters?(2k)
  27. Is it time for a SE Volunteer Labor Union or similar organization?
  28. When should edits removing clarifying links be reverted
  29. How can we mitigate the difficulties some autistic users have with pronouns?
  30. What legal risks would Stack Exchange face if it does not actively remove links to a legal fund campaign?
  31. Repercussions for posting links to certain legal fund campaigns?
  32. The Great Meta Tire Fire of 2019: is anybody keeping receipts?(2k)
  33. Policing gender expressions and pronouns(4k)
  34. Will the old "about me" message be affected by these recent pronoun usage rules?
  35. What effect does the current crisis have on the SE network? (2k)
  36. Why aren't moderators moderating but wait for high-rep users to do it?
  37. Does Fram's ban on Wikipedia seem similar to recent events? What can Stack Exchange learn from it?(4k)
  39. Is MSE understaffed in terms of moderators?
  40. Can my answer about current events be undeleted?
  41. Please unlock “Fram's ban on Wikipedia…What can Stack Exchange learn from it?” (2k)
  42. Reinstate Monica tag [duplicate]
  43. Are we witnessing the demise of “community”? (2k)
  44. Will Meta Stack Exchange be removed now?(3k)
  45. What will the community's next step be now that SE has declared inactivity and silence towards the current events? [c]
  46. Is it appropriate to create a 'Monica' Tag? [d]
  47. Are we doing anything but spinning our wheels?
  48. Is Stack Exchange staff removing GoFundMe links?
  49. Is SE admitting they don't deem recent issues as important?
  50. Have mods ever been a (potentially) powerful lobby?
  1. Is there an organized community of moderators?

  2. Has the October 2019 moderator reinstatement process actually been used?

  3. Is Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow dying? [c]

  4. Winter Bash … does it matter to you this year?

  5. A sensible alternative to the Code of Conduct

  6. Can anyone link examples where the new COC policy on gender pronouns was used?

  7. Is it against the rules to make a suggestion to change the CoC?

  8. Get rid of the pronouns FAQ

  9. What constitutes “acting in good faith”?

  10. What is considered acceptable feedback? (3k)

  11. Please don't refer to 2019 as 'a great year'(3k)

  12. Are excessively long display names for political messaging allowed on SE sites?

  13. Yet another retweet of criticism of the community…

  14. Unfitting "This Is Fine" hat

  15. Does the Code of Conduct apply to off-site interactions?

  16. What exactly does "links to a legal fund campaign" mean?

  17. What are the next steps we as a community should take? ✭ (3k)

  18. What progress has been made so far in implementing support for gender diversity in SE's foreign language sites? [c]

  19. How exactly does the moderator inactivity process interact with employment at SE and employee moderator rights?

  20. How to find all recent posts and comments by SE staff?

  21. Has anyone tried approaching any of the investors to improve community-company communication? (2k)

  22. Who created the Monica Reinstatement symbol?

  23. Why are there a lot of users with Reinstate Monica in the username? [d]

  24. Who pays the fees to JAMS Inc. (US$1,750+) for mandatory arbitration?

  25. Can a user use neopronouns for any third party?

  26. Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio (87K) Locked

  27. Why is "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" not on showing on top questions? [d]

  28. SE fires mods, updates terms and invites to apply for reinstatement [c]

  29. Can we post links to Monica's GoFundMe page again now that donations to it are closed and she's reached an agreement with SE?

  30. Educating users gently about pronoun usage

  31. Why was "An Update to our Community and an Apology" deleted? (4K)

  32. Checking in with moderators that suspended their activity(5K)

  33. The "update: an agreement..." question does not show up in every list of active questions [d]

  34. Merge the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service

  35. Has there been an increase in suspensions on MSE lately? (2k)

  36. Has Stack Overflow requested a retraction of The Register article?(2k)

  37. Definitive grammar resources for usage of neo-pronouns at SE [d]

  38. What if Monica runs for Moderator in an open election?

  1. 2019: a year in moderation
  2. Checking in with "*Monica*" users(6k)
  3. What's the Monica thing? [d]
  4. Can a site enforce its own rules above and beyond the Code of Conduct?
  5. Why was the original Q&A apology about Monica Cellio deleted? [d]
  6. About Codes of Conduct and the welcoming spirit of SE
  7. Why was "Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio" historically locked?
  8. Thank you, Shog9 ✭ x13 (37k)
  9. Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it? ✭ x7 (40k) Monica Cellio's farewell post 27 Jan, 2020
  10. Why is SE gutting the CM team? ✭✭ (6k)
  11. I feel helpless. Is there anything we can do to help guide SE? (2k)
  12. Thank you, Robert Cartaino ✭ x7 (39k)


This is where my answer ends. All stats have been updated and are correct as of 2020/01/28.

added 52 characters in body
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deleted 101 characters in body
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N.BAddendum Please supply links to any questions correlated to the CoC, its FAQ, the dispute over the removal of Monica Cellio's six diamonds, her podcast
As far as I'm concerned, and the subsequent removal of the GoFundMe links tofor the campaign that I may have missedmoment, in the comments belowthis is where my answer ends. As soon as ISomeone else can start a new thread, they will be added ontofor instance on question 129, and turn the listanswer into a Community Wiki post if they prefer. ThanksBest of luck.

N.B Please supply links to any questions correlated to the CoC, its FAQ, the dispute over the removal of Monica Cellio's six diamonds, her podcast, and the subsequent removal of the GoFundMe links to the campaign that I may have missed, in the comments below. As soon as I can, they will be added onto the list. Thanks.

As far as I'm concerned, for the moment, this is where my answer ends. Someone else can start a new thread, for instance on question 129, and turn the answer into a Community Wiki post if they prefer. Best of luck.

Rollback to Revision 67
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added 99 characters in body
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  • 3.2k
  • 14
  • 21
List finished. Will add a specific answer to the OP some time in the near future.
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updated stats
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forgot to add Q107
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Rollback to Revision 60
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added Q104
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added 2 characters in body
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updated stats; added Q100
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added questions 339944, 340093, 340099
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  • 11.2k
  • 26
  • 149
  • 328
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  • 11.2k
  • 26
  • 149
  • 328
The "on hold" status is no longer with us.
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Frédéric Hamidi
  • 7.8k
  • 7
  • 34
  • 62
Q85 was not deleted. Q89, Q90, Q91 are deleted. Updated list
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Q75 and Q88 deleted.
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