Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Shinzon leads Reman troops in an attack on Dominion forces occupying the planet Goloroth.


A group of Romulan dignitaries, including Senator Tal-Aura, arrive on Centurion Shinzon's ship to brief him on a new mission. The Jem Hadar have taken the planet Goloroth in the Romulan/Federation Neutral Zone. On this planet is a secret Tal Shiar laboratory which the Tal Shiar believe the Jem Hadar have taken intact and will be revealed when a Starfleet/Klingon task force arrives to take the planet. Shinzon is ordered to destroy the lab and the Jem Hadar before Starfleet and the Klingons arrive. If he succeeds, he is promised the command and crew of his choice.

The Romulans assign Shinzon and his Reman soldiers the mission hoping they will be wiped out. Shinzon accepts the mission because he believes the lab is being used to create thalaron radiation which they can then use to liberate the Reman populous.

After a brief, bloody battle and with the use of the laboratory's thalaron particles, Shinzon and his troops secure the lab. In the lab, they find the android B-4. Activating it, B-4 tells them that he was discovered and studied by the Romulans nineteen years earlier, then was deactivated and forgotten about because it was "too stupid" to be of use. Shinzon realizes the android is similar to Starfleet's Data just as he is a clone of Jean-Luc Picard. Seeing B-4 as a kindred spirit, Shinzon takes the android with him before destroying the lab.

As they leave the planet, Shinzon feels a pain deep inside him. He then returns to the Romulans to collect his promised reward.



B-4 • E'Mek • J'Nek • Mogano'gar • N'Vol • R'Vek • Rayik • Shinzon • T'Reth • Tal'Aura • Valnor • Vkruk • Xiomek
Referenced only
Data • Jean-Luc Picard • Svala • Tran


Alpha Quadrant • Goloroth • Romulan Neutral Zone
Referenced only
Omarion Nebula • Remus • Rikolet • Romulus • Tibura Secundus

Starships and vehicles[]

IRW Draco (Romulan warbird) • IRW Lykara (Romulan warbird) • Scorpion-class • Zdonek (Zemba-class dropship)
Referenced only
USS Enterprise-E

Races and cultures[]

Human • Jem'Hadar • Reman • Romulan • Vorta
Referenced only
Cardassian • Deltan

States and organizations[]

Dominion • Klingon Defense Force • Romulan Guard • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • Tal Shiar

Other references[]

android • antecenturion • Battle of Goloroth • Battle of the Omarion Nebula • biogenic weapon • bloodworm • centurion • cloaking device • commander • disruptor • Dominion War • duranium • First • high commander • inertial dampener • kar'takin • ketracel-white • monofilament • plasma cannon • Senator • Saurian brandy • subcommander • sword • thalaron core • thalaron generator • transporter • turbolift • Vulcanoid


Related Stories[]

  • DS9 episode: "The Die is Cast" - The Tal Shiar's power was decreased after their loss at the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, forcing them to turn to the military for help
  • TNG movie: Star Trek: Nemesis - Shows Shinzon's rise to power using the thalaron generator.


published order
Previous story:
Mirror Eyes
Tales of the Dominion War
Tales of the Dominion War
Next story:
Eleven Hours Out
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Battle of Betazed
Pocket Next Adventure:
Old Wounds