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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Haakona.
For the Kelvin timeline counterpart, see IRW Haakona.

The IRW Haakona (IRC-1952[4]) was a 24th century Romulan Empire starship, a D'deridex-class warbird cruiser[5] in Romulan Imperial Fleet service in the 2360s decade. Haakona was commanded by Subcommander Taris by the year 2365. (TNG episode: "Contagion")

Service history and disposition[]

Active service[]


Subcommander Taris in 2365.

In 2365, the USS Yamato rediscovered the location of the planet Iconia. When the Yamato entered the Romulan Neutral Zone, the Haakona pursued the Yamato before losing track of the ship. Taris later discovered the Enterprise and Yamato meeting in the Neutral Zone, and witnessed the destruction of the Yamato.


Iconia in the 2360s.

When Captain Jean-Luc Picard took the Enterprise to Iconia, Taris shadowed the Federation vessel. Arriving at Iconia, Taris attempted to claim the planet for the Empire, but was rebuffed by Commander William T. Riker. By then, her ship was malfunctioning due to an ancient Iconian program present in the Haakona's computers. When Picard used an Iconian gateway to board the Enterprise, the Haakona was locked on a self-destruct countdown which Taris was unable to deactivate. The Enterprise was able to locate and beam Picard off the Romulan ship. The Enterprise crew instructed the Romulan crew how to purge the Iconian program from the Haakona and save their lives. (TNG episode: "Contagion")

Hakeev served under Taris as science officer aboard the Haakona at the time. (STO - In Shadows mission: "Revelation")

The Romulans later harnessed the Iconian virus, and the crew of the Haakona used it in battle when the ship took serious damage. (WizKids module: Tactics)


The USS Enterprise in 2368.

Around stardate 45863.7 in the year 2368, when the Devil's Heart resurfaced, the Praetor sent the Haakona to recover the Heart for the Empire. Taris destroyed a smuggler's hideout and Starbase 193 while searching for the Heart. One of the crew who was a follower of Ambassador Spock then decided that the Empire should never have possession of the Heart again, and he sabotaged the Haakona. This sabotage caused a section of the Haakona's shields to drop during battle with the Enterprise. Lieutenant Worf was able to fire phasers through the hole created in the shields, destroying the Haakona and killing its crew. (TNG novel: The Devil's Heart)

Alternate realities[]


The Enterprise and the Haakona in 2378.

In an alternate reality where Soong-type androids achieved mass-production, the Haakona was a ship serving the Romulan-Klingon Alliance in the 2370s. In 2378, the Haakona responded to a Romulan wardrone going silent at "Planet Designate 89753-Alpha", the second planet in its star system. A population of androids had settled on Turing. At the time, the Haakona was equipped with an antipositronic disruptor, and its Romulan android shock troops carried anti-positronic disruptor rifles. Lore threatened to deposit a warhead on the warbird's bridge. An inspection of the Turing city by Taris and her forces led to skirmishes with the local population until a diplomatic solution was reached with Turing leader Data and Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. (TNG - Myriad Universes - Echoes and Refractions novel: Brave New World)

Kelvin timeline[]

IRW Haakona

IRW Haakona in 2263.

In the Kelvin timeline, the Romulan Star Empire operated the warbird IRW Haakona in the 2260s. In the year 2263, this ship was under the command of Tallus and became involved in a Borg attack on Romulus. (TOS - Boldly Go comic: "Issue 4")


Onias sector 2409

The Haakona system on a map of the Onias sector.

Haakona was a star with an associated planetary system. In the 22nd century, the Romulan Star Empire fought the Romulan-Haakonan War with the Haakonans. The Romulans annihilated the Haakonans by infecting them with a mutagenic virus and finally conquered Haakona Prime in 2156. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm)


Taris survived and went on to become Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire. However, she became obsessed with the Iconians and later vanished. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)

Hakeev portrait

Colonel Hakeev in 2409.

Manipulated by Hakeev, Taris worked with the Iconian Whole, unwittingly leading to the destruction of Romulus in 2387. In 2410, she lived aboard the Andromeda Dyson Sphere in the Andromeda Galaxy, and tried to convince the resurgent Iconian Empire to use time travel to undo the loss of Romulus. She was killed by Sela, the former Romulan empress. (STO - The Iconian War mission: "Uneasy Allies")

Hakeev became a pawn of the Iconians as well, using their support to try and exterminate the Remans living in the post-Romulus Imperial remnant. He was defeated by the Reman Resistance and its allies in 2409. (STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "Cutting the Cord")

Haakona Warbird

The 25th century Haakona-class warbird.

Also in 2409, the fledgling Romulan Republic launched the RRW Haakona, prototype of the Romulan Republic Navy's Haakona-class advanced warbird. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "Explore the Flotilla")




Ships named Haakona
Romulan Star Empire, Imperial Navy IRW Haakona (IRC-1952, D'deridex-class) Romulan Star Empire icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy RRW Haakona (Haakona-class) • see also: Haakona-class Romulan Republic icon image.
Romulan Star Empire
(Kelvin timeline)
IRW Haakona (D'deridex-class) Romulan Star Empire icon image.
D'deridex-class battlecruiser warbirds
Romulan Star Empire

(The 62nd Rule) • Adjacian • Adversarius • Aj'rmr • Albius • Antius • Araram • Atrox • (Avatar of Tomed) • Auleius • Auspex • Battle Roc • Battlecrow • Belak • Brak'en • Cacivus • Caelum • Calaf • Chairo • Clania • Clenos • Crolvius • D'Arvuk • D'dara • D'dereq • D'deridex • D'desedex • D'entin • Deranas ~ Trennis • D'ereq • Decius • Devoras • Dividices • D'merak • D'seret • D'soria • D'taret • D'teres • D'tervik • D'Trell • D'varian • D'vairin • D'vinn • Fideles Miles • Fire Eagle • Fire Kite • Fire Martin • Fire Owl • Fire Petrel • Firecrow • Firehawk • Fortiter • Furens • Ganelax • Gannius • G'Anohok • Garelon • Goraxus • Haakona • Hadargeros • Harax • Hiyll'aeh • Impavidus • Inclutus • Irix • Ishae • Javlek • Joran • J'pax • Ka'ja • Kazar • Khazara • Khnial • Kormoran • Lacrius • Lhorakis • Livex • Lubato • Ludelvius • Macro • Makar • Maricus • Maruccius • Mentenius • Menvutus • Mereidex • Metuendus • Munia • Narrocian • N'ventnar • Octius • Onus • Opalius • Pacestius • Paeso • Pecassia • Pellecia • Pesanius • Petrask • Plaurullius • Pola • Provocatio • Querulbo • Rea • Rom'drex • Rovaran • Rucorius • Sakti • Saneraspis • Sapotius • Scrillius • Sedunius • Seganico • Serrola • Setro • Sha'arik • Sia • Sistius • Solius • Solus • Soryak • S'tema • (Steel Bird) • Storm Petrel • Storm Roc • Storm Wing • Strages • Strato • Sulvian • Sutian • Suttius • Tabodus • Tarlon • T'deret • T'dir • (Tears of Algeron) • Tekel • Telbostius • Terix • Thunder Owl • Thunderbird • T'met • Tovarek • Tridonius • Triumpho • Trocus • Trolarak • Truntis • T'salvan • T'seren • Tuttialius • Vadenius • V'ashan • Vattilius • Vellius • Velosh • Vencus • Vicilius • (Vigilance) • Vilus • Vindex • Visidix • Visis • Vopputus • Votantius • V'rela • Vrelnec • Vrenek • Zokoras

unnamed D'deridex class starships: Sela's warbird • Xenius's warbird

Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Romulan Republic Temanna Emblem of the Romulan Republic.
Reman Intrakhu • Sithesh • Xatos Emblem of the Remans.
Parenthesis indicates human translation or non-Romulan language renaming.

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
