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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Conquest.

Star Trek Conquest is a Star Trek video game released in 2007 for Wii and PS2. The galaxy is embroiled in a conflict pitting all races against each other in fleet combat in the pursuit of galactic supremacy.


Stardate: 41153.2. It is a time of conflict. The major races are at war. Diplomacy is dead, age-old alliances forgotten and galactic borders ignored as each race battles for supremacy. Powerful fleets prowl the galaxy, establishing outposts and vanquishing indigenous and enemy fleets alike in the pursuit of the ultimate prize—the capture of all homeworlds and galactic domination.



Corat DamarSkrain DukatTurrel
Martok, son of UrthogNu'DaqK'Temoc
Alidar JarokTomalakToreth

Starships and vehicles[]

Borg cube (dreadnought) • Borg sphere (scout) • Borg tactical cube (cruiser)
Breen warship (dreadnought) • Breen scoutBreen cruiser
Keldon-class (dreadnought) • Hideki-class (scout) • Cardassian cruiser
Jem'Hadar attack ship (scout) • Jem'Hadar battle cruiserJem'Hadar battleship (dreadnought)
Oberth-class (scout) • Sovereign-class (dreadnought) • Nebula-class (cruiser) • Galaxy-class (dreadnought/explorer) • Intrepid-class (cruiser) • Defiant-class (scout)
D'Kora class (dreadnought) • Ferengi shuttle pod (scout)
Klingon bird-of-prey (scout) • Negh'Var-class (dreadnought) • Vor'cha-class (cruiser)
Wanderer-class (cruiser) • Orion interceptor (scout)
D'Deridex-class warbird (dreadnought) • Raptor-class (cruiser) • Winged Defender-class (scout)
Xindi-Reptilian warship (dreadnought) • Xindi-Primate cruiser (cruiser) • Xindi-Insectoid ship (scout)


Outposts and stations[]

Argus ArrayBorg UnicomplexDeep Space 9
Station types[]
mining colonyresearch station
Breen advanced starbaseBreen starbase
Cardassian advanced starbaseCardassian starbaseNor-class
Dominion advanced starbaseDominion starbase
Federation advanced starbaseFederation starbase (24th century)subspace telescope
Klingon advanced starbaseKlingon starbase
Romulan advanced starbaseRomulan starbase

Planets and planetoids[]

AndoriaBajorBreen homeworldCardassia PrimeCeti Alpha VDetria IIDetria VIEarthFerenginarQo'noSRomulus

Stars and systems[]

40 EridaniAlpha OmicronAltairAndorian systemArchanisBajoran systemBolarusBreen systemCallinonCardassiaCarrayaCeti AlphaChaltokChintokaDetria (Detria ADetria B) • DozariaFerenginar systemIdranKelvasKhitomer systemQo'noS systemLappaMira AntliaNarendraNimbusOmarionPortasSha Ka Ree systemRegulan systemRomulan systemSol systemTalosTorrosUfandiUnefraVega

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

Andorian EmpireBorg CollectiveBreen ConfederacyCardassian UnionDominionFerengi AllianceKlingon EmpireNimbus EmpireOrion SyndicateRomulan Star EmpireUnited Federation of Planets

Technology and weapons[]

disruptorGenesis Devicehealing devicesubspace disruptorphaserphoton torpedostarshipspace stationwormhole generator

Ranks and titles[]

admiralbrigadiercolonelcommandercommodorefleet admiralgeneralglinngullegaterear admiralthotvice admiral



It seems likely that Conquest takes place in an alternate reality or other type of broken continuity of video game logic, as its storyline depicts characters and events (circa stardate 41153, in the late 24th century) that differ from those established in canon Star Trek. Although the stardate matches the date of "Encounter at Farpoint", in the year 2364, several descriptions of events long past that in the late 2370s decade are populated in onscreen cues.

Character depictions[]

All of the named characters depicted in the game are derived from characters that appeared in canon, with the exception of Thot Rong, who was devised for the game using an image of another Breen thot. Most of the characters had flag ranks or high command positions in canon and other licensed works.

Political depictions[]

The most significant contradiction between Conquest and canon would be the depiction of a galaxy-wide war with all major powers breaking ties with their member planets.

  • None of the races involved in the game (except possibly the Borg) had any awareness of the Dominion until 2370. (DS9 episode: "The Jem'Hadar")
  • The Romulans did not have any official contact or battles with the Federation until later in 2364, and the Federation wasn't aware of the battle capabilities of the Borg and Ferengi until later in that year. (TNG episode: "The Neutral Zone", TNG episode: "The Last Outpost")

Starship depictions[]



Star Trek video games
Star Trek AdversariesAlien DomainAlien Domain: IncursionArmada IIAway TeamBorgCaptain's ChairConquestDark RemnantEncountersFleet CommandThe Game ShowInfiniteKlingon AcademyLegacyLegendsStar Trek OnlinePhaser StrikePinballResurgenceShattered UniverseStarfleet Academy Starship Bridge SimulatorStarfleet Academy (Chekov's Lost Missions) • Starfleet Command (II: Empires at WarOrion Pirates) • Starfleet Command IIIStarship CreatorStarship Creator Warp IITactical AssaultTimelinesTrexels (II: The Next Resolution) • Trivia Challenge
The Original Series 25th Anniversary (NESGame Boy) • The Final FrontierFirst ContactJudgment RitesThe Kobayashi AlternativeNew WorldsThe Motion PictureThe Promethean ProphecyThe Rebel UniverseStrategic Operations Simulator
Kelvin timeline Bridge CrewD-A-CRivalsStar Trek
The Next Generation ArmadaBirth of the FederationBridge CommanderEchoes from the PastElite Force IIA Final UnityFuture's PastGenerationsBeyond the NexusHidden EvilInvasionKlingonKlingon Honor GuardTNG (game)StrandedThe Transinium Challenge
Deep Space Nine Crossroads of TimeDominion WarsThe FallenHarbinger Lower Decks The Badgey Directive
Voyager Delta QuestElite Force Prodigy Supernova

External link[]
