Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the TNG short story. You may be looking for DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "Broken Oaths".

"Broken Oaths" is a TNG short story released in the digital supplement for Star Trek: Explorer, Issue 2. Featuring Doctors Beverly Crusher and Lewis Zimmerman, it was written by Chris Dows, edited by Jonathan Wilkins, and published on 12 April 2022. It first saw print in the Q and False and Other Stories omnibus in December 2022.


Doctor Crusher faces a challenging ethical dilemma.



Margaret Blackwell • Chang (Doctor) • Beverly Crusher • Leonard McCoy • Lewis Zimmerman
Referenced only
Aesculapius • Apollo • Richard Daystrom • Hugh • Jean-Luc Picard • Spock


Alpha Quadrant
Referenced only
Jupiter Station

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Borg Collective • Daystrom Institute • Starfleet • Starfleet Medical

Science and classification[]

assimilation • Borg drone • combadge • computer virus • Emergency Medical Hologram • Genesis device • laboratory • M-5 computer • medical tricorder • PADD

Ranks and titles[]

captain • Chief of Starfleet Medical • director • doctor • ethics • physician • scientist • vice-admiral

Other references[]

emotion • execution • god • Hippocratic Oath • holo-novel • hour • logic • medical • month • second • species • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • task force • universe


Related media[]




Short stories published in magazines
TV21 Weekly TOS stories "Gateway to the Future"
Stardate Magazine TOS stories "Force of Law" • "The Killax Vendetta" • "Planetfall" • "Coronation Presumptuous" • "Boarding Party" • "Roleplaying in the Final Frontier"
Amazing Stories TNG stories "Last Words" • "On the Scent of Trouble" • "Life Itself is Reason Enough" • "Bedside Matters"
VOY stories "When Push Comes to Shove" • "A Night at Sandrine's" • "The Space Vortex of Doom"
Star Trek Magazine STO stories "Unexpected Honor" • "Shakedown" • "The Gale, Part 1" • "The Gale, Part 2" • "Mirror Image, Part 1" • "Mirror Image, Part 2" • "Chief, Part 1" • "Chief, Part 2" • "Of Chaos and Kal-toh, Part 1" • "Of Chaos and Kal-toh, Part 2" • "Dove" • "Backchannel Negotiations" • "There's No Place Like..." • "Locks Without Keys, Part 1" • "Locks Without Keys, Part 2" • "Hope Remains" • "After the Storm" • "Recruitment Drive" • "Time of the Scotsman" • "An Honorable Frontier"
Star Trek: Explorer stories "All That Most Maddens and Torments" • "Q and False" • "A Night In" • "The Offer" • "Seven v Seven" • "Quality of Life" • "Retribution" • "Broken Oaths" • "The Way to Exile" • "Kill Captain Proton!" • "Cumulative Damage" • "Explorers of the Storm" • "Prey" • "Growing Pains" • "Pulaski 2.0" • "The Disavowed" • "By Special Request" • "Paghabi" • "The Expert" • "The Guardian" • "The Mission" • "Things Can Only Get Better" • "Frontier Medicine" • "Control" • "The Victim" • "Scramble" • "You Can't Buy Fate" • "Summer Days Can Last Forever" • "The Kellidian Kidnapping" • "Lost and Founder" • "A Year to the Day I Saw Myself Die" • "See and Seen" • "Work Worth Doing" • "The Trouble with Jones" • "Sundering" • "Academy Acquisition" • "Jack of Diamonds" • "A Dish Served Cold" • "Forewarned and Three-Armed" • "Working Miracles" • "Confirmation Bias" • "Dignified Transfer" • "Attempted Break-in" • "Cat and Mouse"
Star Trek: The Next Generation collected short stories, novellas and short novels
Strange New Worlds I: ("What Went Through Data's Mind 0.68 Seconds Before the Satellite Hit" • "The Naked Truth" • "The First" • "See Spot Run" • "Together Again, for the First Time" • "Civil Disobedience" • "Of Cabbages and Kings") • II: ("I Am Klingon" • "Reciprocity" • "Calculated Risk" • "Gods, Fate, and Fractals" • "I Am Become Death") • III: ("Whatever You Do, Don't Read This Story" • "A Private Victory" • "The Fourth Toast" • "One of Forty-seven" • "A Q to Swear By" • "The Change of Seasons" • "Out of the Box, Thinking") • IV: ("Flight 19" • "The Promise" • "Flash Point" • "Prodigal Son" • "Seeing Forever") • V: ("Bluff" • "The Peacemakers" • "Efflorescence" • "Kristin's Conundrum" • "The Monkey Puzzle Box" • "The Farewell Gift" • "Dementia in D Minor") • VI: ("The Soft Room" • "Protecting Data's Friends" • "The Human Factor" • "Tribble in Paradise") • VII: ("Life's Work" • "Adventures in Jazz and Time" • "Future Shock" • "Full Circle" • "Beginnings" • "Solemn Duty") • 8: ("Morning Bells Are Ringing" • "Passages of Deceit" • "Final Flight") • 9: ("Staying the Course" • "Home Soil" • "Terra Tonight" • "Solace in Bloom") • 10 ("Wired" • "A Dish Served Cold" • "The Very Model") • 2016 ("A Christmas Qarol" • "The Sunwalkers" • "The Seen and Unseen")
The Sky's the Limit "Meet with Triumph and Disaster" • "Acts of Compassion" • "Redshift" • "Among the Clouds" • "Thinking of You" • "Turncoats" • "Ordinary Days" • "'Twould Ring the Bells of Heaven" • "Friends With the Sparrows" • "Suicide Note" • "Four Lights" • "'Til Death" • "On the Spot" • "Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt You"
Misc. short stories "The Captain and the King" • "Last Words" • "Bedside Matters" • "On the Scent of Trouble" • "Life Itself is Reason Enough" • "What Dreams May Come" • "Twilight's Wrath" • "Eleven Hours Out" • "Darkness" • "The Sacred Chalice" • "For Want of a Nail" • "Q and False" • "Quality of Life" • "Broken Oaths" • "Prey" • "Growing Pains" • "Pulaski 2.0" • "The Disavowed" • "Paghabi" • "The Expert" • "Scramble" • "Attempted Break-in"
Misc. novellas & short novels "The Other Side" • "The Worst of Both Worlds" • "Brave New World"


published order
Previous story:
Quality of Life
Short stories (Star Trek: Explorer) Next story:
The Way to Exile
Previous story:
Quality of Life
TNG short stories Next story:
Previous story:
Side Effects
Stories by:
Chris Dows
Next story:
Cumulative Damage
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Tears for Eternity
Strange New Worlds IV
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
The Unkindest Cut
Unlimited, Issue 2
Publication history[]
12 April 2022
First released in Star Trek: Explorer magazine. (Titan Magazines)
20 December 2022
Collected in the Q and False and Other Stories omnibus. (Titan Magazines)