Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


In an alternate timeline, Wesley Crusher is married and living on Dorvan V as the Federation attempts to evacuate the planet and relocate the population (TNG episode: "Journey's End"). Wesley has made different choices in his life and decided not to join Starfleet, is estranged from his mother and lived a bitter life as a wandering musician. Resisting the arrival of the Enterprise (under the command of Edward Jellico), Wesley and the inhabitants refuse to leave. He reminisces over his life choices with his wife and remembers the times he met The Traveler. Lakanta, one of the planet's inhabitants, reveals himself to be The Traveler and tells Wesley that he can go back and make different choices to prepare himself for the life he is truly destined for.



These are all versions of characters from an alternate timeline
Wesley Crusher • Anthwara • Beverly Crusher • Edward Jellico • Geordi La Forge • Hectu • Jean-Luc Picard • Lakanta • Mika (Dorvan IV) • Otakay • Sinta • The Traveler
Referenced only
Data • Gul Lemec • Okona • Tasha Yar

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D
Referenced only


Dorvan V • Earth • Kappa (planet) • San Francisco
Referenced only
Farpoint Station • Lambda Paz • Kavis Alpha IV • Lya Station Alpha • Rakon • Risa • Tau Alpha C

Races and cultures[]

Denobulan • Human • Traveler
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Other references[]


Related Stories[]

  • "Journey's End" (TNG episode) - this story takes place concurrent to this episode, albeit in an alternate timeline.
published order
Previous story:
The Sky's the Limit
The Sky's the Limit
Next story:
'Twould Ring the Bells of Heaven
Previous story:
Stories by:
James Swallow
Next story:
Day of the Vipers
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Journey's End
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
The Sunwalkers