Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the DC comic of the same title, see The Worst of Both Worlds (comic)

Introduction (blurb)[]

Humanity is a pitiful collection of enslaved, indentured, and abused peoples. No one dares to question the order, except at peril of their lives. One man survives by blinding himself to the misery around him. However, Luc Picard resists, just once. And in that one instant he unlocks a horror beyond the tyranny of the Alliance. Can a man so beaten down by a lifetime of oppression stop the destruction?

From The Pocket Books Spring 2007 Catalogue: In The Worst of Both Worlds, Almost a hundred years of domination by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, humans struggle to survive. A man known as Jean-Luc Picard agrees to take an elderly, doddering scientist, Noonien Soong, to a planet where he's heard there is a machine-human hybrid.



Luc Picard • Katherine Pulaski • Noonien Soong • Wesley • Bagro • Gwarz • K'muc • Kang • Khone • Locutus of Borg • Madred • Nu'Daq • Selar • Sovak • Tebok • Telle • Trepar • Vash
Referenced only
Unnamed mirror universe characters • Akorem • Jonathan Archer • Zefram Cochrane • Beverly Crusher • Jack Crusher • Richard Daystrom • Richard Galen • Victor Hugo • Kahless • Khan Noonien Singh • James T. Kirk • Odan • Jil Orra • Robert Picard • Ruk • Hoshi Sato • Arik Soong • Spock


Calder II • Carraya IV • Celtris III • Iconia • Nequencia • New T'Karath • Qo'noS • Rura Penthe
Referenced only
Camus II • Ceti Alpha V • Decius III • Earth • Exo III • Ktaria VII • P'Jem • Penthara IV • Vulcan's Forge • Yadalla Prime

Starships and vehicles[]

Akorem • IKS B'Moth • Groumall • Hebitia • Stargazer (runabout) • Mek'leth • Reklar • IKS Vor'nak • IKS Ya'Vang
Referenced only
IKS Rotarran

Races and cultures[]

Borg • Cardassian • Klingon • Tellarite • Terran • Vulcan
Referenced only
El-Aurian • Iconian • Old Ones • Taguan

States and organizations[]

Borg Collective • Klingon-Cardassian Alliance • Sakethan • Terran Rebellion
Referenced only
Terran Empire

Other references[]

agonizer • android • anesthezine • Becky Thatcher • bloodwine • Br'er Rabbit • Celtran bat • Cerenkov radiation • Ceti eel • disruptor • Earther • fish juice • gagh • Injun Joe • graviton • graviton inverter • Iconian computer virus • incense • inertial damper • Jean Valjean • katra • katric ark • kelbonite • lek • limestone • lirpa • metagenic weapon • Les Misérables • mummy • nerve pinch • Orb of Prophecy • phaser • photon torpedo • Sakethan burial mound • sarcophagus • sehlat • shield • solar sail • Stone of Gol • Sword of Kahless • tachyon eddy • Tal-shaya • targ • taspar egg • theta radiation • thermoconcrete • Time of Awakening • Tox Uthat • tractor beam • tri-ox compound • tricorder • Veltan sex idol • warp core • warp drive • wine


Related Stories[]

Star Trek: Mirror Universe publications and stories
Novels The Sorrows of Empire • Rise Like Lions
Novellas Glass Empires "Age of the Empress" • "The Sorrows of Empire" • "The Worst of Both Worlds"
Obsidian Alliances "The Mirror-Scaled Serpent" • "Cutting Ties" • "Saturn's Children"
Short stories Shards and Shadows "Nobunaga" • "Ill Winds" • "The Greater Good" • "The Black Flag" • "The Traitor" • "The Sacred Chalice" • "Bitter Fruit" • "Family Matters" • "Homecoming" • "A Terrible Beauty" • "Empathy" • "For Want of a Nail"
Stories featuring the mirror universe
Enterprise episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly" • prose: Age of the Empress • "Nobunaga"
Discovery episodes: "Into the Forest I Go" • "Despite Yourself" • "The Wolf Inside" • "Vaulting Ambition" • "What's Past Is Prologue" • "Terra Firma" • comics: Succession ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4")
The Original Series episode: "Mirror, Mirror" • comics: Hell's Mirror • The Mirror Universe Saga ("... Promises to Keep" • "Double Image" • "Deadly Reflection!" • "The Tantalus Trap!" • "Masquerade!" • "Behind Enemy Lines!" • "The Beginning of the End..." • "Homecoming...") • Fragile Glass • Mirror Images ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 4" • "Issue 5") • "The Mirror, Cracked • prose: Voyage to Adventure • Spectre • Dark Victory • Preserver • The Sorrows of Empire • "Ill Winds" • "The Greater Good" • games: The Adventure Game • Shattered Universe
Kelvin timeline comics: Mirrored ("Part 1" • "Part 2") • "Parallel Lives, Part 2" • Live Evil ("Part 1" • "Part 2" • "Part 3")
The Next Generation comics: "Mirror Images, Issue 3" • Mirror Universe Collection (TNG - Mirror Broken comics: "Origin of Data", "Prelude", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" • TNG - Through the Mirror comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" TNG - Ripe for Plunder comics: "Chapter One", "Chapter Two", "Chapter Three", "Chapter Four", "Chapter Five" • TNG - Terra Incognita comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5", "Issue 6") • ST: The Mirror War: "Issue 0", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Geordi", "Issue 5", "Issue 6", "Issue 7", "Issue 8" • ST: Warriors of the Mirror War: "Data", "Geordi", "Sisko", "Troi" • prose: Dark Mirror • Three • The Worst of Both Worlds • "The Traitor" • "The Sacred Chalice" • "For Want of a Nail" • Rise Like Lions
Deep Space Nine episodes: "Crossover" • "Through the Looking Glass" • "Shattered Mirror" • "Resurrection" • "The Emperor's New Cloak" • comic: "Enemies & Allies" • prose: Dark Passions • Warpath • Saturn's Children • Fearful Symmetry • "A Terrible Beauty" • The Soul Key • "Freedom Angst" • Disavowed
Voyager prose: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent • "Bitter Fruit" • comic: "Mirrors & Smoke"
New Frontier comics: Turnaround ("Part I" • "Part II" • "Part III" • "Part IV" • "Part V") • prose: Cutting Ties • "Homecoming"
Klingon Empire prose: "Family Matters" Titan prose: "Empathy" Vanguard prose: "The Black Flag"
Miniseries and anthologies RPG sourcebook: Through a Glass, Darkly • comics: The Mirror Universe Saga • Turnaround • Mirror Images • prose: Mirror Universe Trilogy • Mirror Universe (Glass Empires • Obsidian Alliances • Shards and Shadows)


published order
Previous novel:
Death in Winter
TNG novels Next novel:
The Buried Age
Previous story:
The Sorrows of the Empire
Glass Empires
Next story:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Die is Cast
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
The Best and the Brightest
Year Four