Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Majalis was an inhabited class N planet in the Majalan system, at the edge of Federation space. It was orbited by at least one moon. This was the homeworld of the Majalans, a technologically advanced humanoid species. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")

Astronomical data[]

Majalis planetary data

Planetary data for Majalis

Majalis was located at coordinates 2614.8337 in the Alpha Quadrant. Its position was indicated on 23rd century Federation star charts. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach", "Subspace Rhapsody")

The planet had a rotation period of 31.9 hours and a revolution period of 226.7 solar days. Its mass was estimated at 4.8694e24×1024 kilograms and its age at 4.522 billion years. Its atmosphere was composed of 81.1% carbon dioxide, 12.9% molecular nitrogen, 5.9% molecular oxygen, and 0.9% argon, with trace amounts of methane and water vapor.

The surface of Majalis was virtually uninhabitable to humanoids, characterized by lava flows and lakes of acid. The mean surface temperature was 18.1 degrees Celsius. The planet exhibited a stratified habitable zone, with 13% water-based indigenous carbon-based plant and animal life present only in the atmosphere. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")


Sacred Chamber

The Sacred Chamber on Majalis

In ancient times, the founders of Majalan society developed the technology to build a civilization on levitating platforms high above the hostile surface of Majalis. However, the functioning of this machinery required the neural network of a child, who would be irreversibly condemned to a slow, painful death once connected. The equipment was housed in a protected cavern known as the Sacred Chamber.

Unable to find an alternative means of sustaining their society, the Majalans chose to venerate the sacrifice of the child as the "ascension" of the "First Servant". Those who could not abide the practice departed Majalis to establish their own colony on Prospect VII, the nearest inhabitable planet.

First contact between the Federation and the Majalans occurred in 2249, which led to an invitation of Federation membership that Majalis declined.

In 2259, dissidents from Prospect VII, working with sympathizers on Majalis, sent combat cruisers to abduct the First Servant and prevent his impending sacrifice. They were thwarted by the USS Enterprise, which proceeded to escort the First Servant to Majalis. Minister Alora initially attempted to obfuscate the nature of the attempted abduction to Captain Christopher Pike, but ultimately chose to reveal the First Servant's true purpose to him. Though Pike was horrified, he could do nothing as Starfleet had no jurisdiction on Majalis. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")

Scenes in the hovering Majalan city were filmed at the Parkwood Estate in Oshawa, Ontario. [1]
