Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Class N was a type of planet in the Federation standard system of planetary classification. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

The inhabited planet Majalis was a class N planet. Its surface was virtually uninhabitable to humanoids, characterized by lava flows and lakes of acid. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")

Special accommodations were made for passengers from class N worlds aboard commercial transports in 2328. (TNG-R: "Inheritance")

There were restrictions on which explosives which could be used on class N planets. Balter compound 298 and tri-nikolas powder were explosives approved for use in this environment for engineering and construction applications. However, clancium oxide was an explosive that was not recommended. (TNG-R: "Night Terrors")


Background information[]

The commercial transport database seen in "Inheritance" suggests that travelers that required a special class N environment also often required low-gravity or even null-gravity accommodations. It was also the only planetary class mentioned to require special accommodations in the relatively extensive sample of Federation travel movements, perhaps suggesting that among planet classes with special environments it was among those more likely to produce intelligent species.

Information taken primarily from Star Trek: Star Charts indicates this is a "reducing" planet having an age that ranges from three to ten billion years, and a diameter between ten thousand and fifteen thousand kilometers. Star Charts mentions reducing planets are located within the "ecosphere" of a star system, with class N planets categorized by a high surface temperature due to greenhouse effect (which causes all water on the planet to exist only as vapor) and an extremely dense atmosphere, comprised of carbon dioxide and sulfides. A textbook example of a class N planet is Venus.

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