Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Prospect VII was the inhabited seventh planet in its star system. It was a class L world with a harsh climate. At a distance of two light years, Prospect VII was the closest habitable planet to Majalis, and hosted a struggling Majalan colony. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")

Astronomical data[]

Prospect VII was located at coordinates 2611.8329. It had a rotation period of 28.2 hours and a revolution period of 325.3 solar days. Its mass was estimated at 4.1294 x 1024 kilograms and its age at 3.194 billion years. Its atmosphere was composed of 73% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 2% carbon dioxide, 0.3% neon, and 0.04% helium, with trace amounts of methane, krypton, and hydrogen. Its surface was described as "barren", with 0.5% water cover and a mean temperature of 21.3 degrees Celsius (70.34F). (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")


Prospect VII was colonized by Majalans who opposed the practice of sacrificing the First Servant, a child, to sustain their advanced civilization. Due to the planet's inhospitable environment, the colony existed at barely above a subsistence level. After hundreds of years of separation, the colonists' language diverged from the dialect spoken on Majalis, though they maintained covert contacts with sympathizers on their ancestral home. Most Majalans viewed the colonists as traitors seeking to destroy their way of life.

When a new First Servant was due to be emplaced in 2259, the colonists colluded with Elder Gamal, the boy's father, and members of the Linnarean Guard to stop it. The colony sent combat cruisers to abduct the First Servant and render him unsuitable for ascension using a neural dampener. Their efforts were foiled by the USS Enterprise, which was not aware of the specifics of the situation.

Minister Alora of Majalis claimed to the Enterprise crew that Prospect VII was inhabited by "descendants of a long-abandoned alien colony," with whom they had been "at peace" for centuries, and suggested that the colonists had sought to kidnap the First Servant for ransom. Cadet Nyota Uhura subsequently deduced the colony's true origins by analyzing their language. The ascension of the First Servant, however, could not be prevented; having failed to save his son, Gamal requested the Enterprise transport him to Prospect VII. (SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach")
