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Thomas Riepe's user avatar
Thomas Riepe
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
37 votes

Books you would like to see translated into English

34 votes

Books you would like to read (if somebody would just write them…)

33 votes

Pacing for learning new material

29 votes

Atiyah-Singer index theorem

29 votes

Etale cohomology -- Why study it?

26 votes

Most interesting mathematics mistake?

22 votes

How have mathematicians been raised?

21 votes

What are interesting families of subsets of a given set?

16 votes

"Must read" papers in algebraic K-theory?

15 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

13 votes

Open questions in Riemannian geometry

12 votes

The importance of EGA and SGA for "students of today"

11 votes

Relating category theory to programming language theory

11 votes

What precisely Is "Categorification"?

11 votes

Links between Riemann surfaces and algebraic geometry

10 votes

What's the "Yoga of Motives"?

10 votes

Motivation for algebraic K-theory?

9 votes

Is there an analogue of curvature in algebraic geometry?

9 votes

What is the proper initiation to the theory of motives for a new student of algebraic geometry?

9 votes

Complex and Elementary Proofs in Number Theory

8 votes

A soft introduction to physics for mathematicians who don't know the first thing about physics

8 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

8 votes

Where does a math person go to learn quantum mechanics?

7 votes

Mathematics and autodidactism

6 votes

Reference for Deligne's construction of Galois representations attached to modular forms

6 votes

How do we study Iwasawa theory?

6 votes

ADE type Dynkin diagrams

6 votes

Good introductory references on algebraic stacks?

6 votes

Best algebraic geometry textbook? (other than Hartshorne)

6 votes

Proof of no rational point on Selmer's Curve $3x^3+4y^3+5z^3=0$