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Questions tagged [gm.general-mathematics]

Questions about mathematics which don't fall into the other arXiv categories. If you have a general question about mathematics but it is not research level, it's off-topic but it might be welcomed on Mathematics Stack Exchange.

2 votes
1 answer

What are some (popular) references on variants of the classical gambler's ruin problem that exists in literature?

It is fascinating that the gambler's ruin problem which is so ubiquitous in modern probability theory (cf. the Levin-Peres text on Markov chain and Mixing Times) actually dates back to a letter from ...
Aditya Guha Roy's user avatar
-4 votes
0 answers

Pure mathematics that became "useful" [duplicate]

I guess many of us were involved in discussions whether discoveries in pure maths may benefit society at some point in the future. I read Useless math that became useful, but I would like to be more ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Specific distance between sets of points

Let us have closed curve without self-intersections, initial point $O$ and curve parameter $t$, $0 \leq t \leq t_{\max}$ so $t(O) = 0 = t_{\max}$. There are two sets of points on the curve, which are ...
Denis Ivanov's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

From a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) to a sudoku grid [closed]

one of the existing methods of solvin a sudoku grid is via constraints satisfaction (CSP), but can we do the inverse ie convert a CSP problem into a sudoku grid and then solve it ?
youssef Lmourabite's user avatar
48 votes
9 answers

Examples of theorems where numerical bounds on $\pi$ played a role

This is a whimsical question, motivated purely by curiosity rather than for any application. We are all familiar with countless mathematical results which use Archimedes' constant $\pi$ either in ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
  • 112k
2 votes
1 answer

Subspaces of $C_0$ on which $p$-norm are equivalent?

I have a question concerning the generalization of the following fact. Let $E = C^0([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ endowed with the $\|.\|_\infty$ norm. One can show that if $F$ is a subspace of $E$ for which ...
Anthony's user avatar
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0 answers

Search publications for LaTeX code

Is there a way to search the literature for specific instances of formulas (and variants), perhaps using $\rm\LaTeX$ code?
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Are there any undergraduate-friendly research areas in algebra? [closed]

I don't know if this question is more appropriate for the academia stack exchange, but I'm posting it here because it's more closely related to math itself. I'm not actually an undergraduate, I'm a ...
6 votes
1 answer

Results with a flavor “every automorphism of automorphisms is inner”

It seems that there are a number of results which take more or less the following form: let $X$ be some (specific) kind of structure, let $Y$ be the group of automorphisms of $X$ or perhaps ring of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Where can I access American Mathematical Monthly problems given an index?

I don't know if this is the appropriate website to ask, so I understand if this post gets closed. I want to explore (and maybe solve) some of the currently-unsolved problems submitted by readers on ...
ofw2jopfpo2's user avatar
52 votes
1 answer

What mathematical problems can be attacked using DeepMind's recent mathematical breakthroughs?

I am a research mathematician at a university in the United States. My training is in pure mathematics (geometry). However, for the past couple of months, I have been supervising some computer science ...
Ryan Hendricks's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

4 triangular faces 6 vertices not tetrahedron [closed]

I have made a solid and would like to know its' name, volume and related formulas. It is made using a flat potato chip bag. The end opposite the factory seal is sealed perpendicular to the factory ...
Tom Lechner's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Showing that the congruence speed of any integer exponentiation $a^b$ is constant and $\geq 1$ iff $a>1$ is a multiple of $10$

Years ago, I defined the "congruence speed" (radix-$10$) of the integer tetration $^{b}a$ as $V(a,b)$, which is the number of the new(!) rightmost digits that freeze when we move from $b \in ...
Marco Ripà's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Zentralblatt MATH volume numbering

Recently, I learned how to read some of codes that appear on specific pages in zbMATH Open, formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH. For example, in the above review, the circled code "Zbl 1218....
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Examples of ZBMath reviews that motivated you to read the paper

This is community wiki question. I will be writing my first review for ZBMath. I would like to take some suggestion through examples. In general, abstract is too small and introduction is too lengthy ...

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