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Questions tagged [riemann-surfaces]

Riemann surfaces(Riemannian surfaces) is one dimensional complex manifold. For questions about classical examples in complex analysis, complex geometry, surface topology.

3 votes
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Lengths of generators of surface group

Let $\Sigma$ be a closed genus $g\geq 2$ Riemann surface, which we equip with its unique constant curvature $-1$ hyperbolic metric. Let $\pi_1(\Sigma)$ be its fundamental group with respect to some ...
Josh Lam's user avatar
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Branched covering maps between Riemann surfaces

What is an example of a branched covering map between Riemann surfaces of infinite degree? i.e. something like a branched version of the exponential map $exp: \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}^*$. Thanks!
cata's user avatar
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When do two measured foliations on a surface define a Riemann surface structure?

Let $S$ be smooth surface of finite type, i.e. it has genus g and n punctures (assume $S$ to have negative Euler characteristic). We know by Hubbard-Masur theorem that given a measured foliation $(F,\...
W.Smith's user avatar
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Simple smooth functions on Bolza surface

Consider the Bolza surface, a compact Riemann surface of genus 2. It is an octagon in the Poincaire disk model with opposite sides identified. I would like to write down some analytic expressions for ...
nervxxx's user avatar
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Reference request: uniformization theorem proof by Borel

This answer refers to a proof of the uniformization theorem via the PDE describing metrics of constant curvature (Liouville?) by Borel. I haven’t been able to find this reference, is anyone aware ...
Alex Bogatskiy's user avatar
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Are Bergman metrics on compact Riemann surfaces continuous on Teichmüller space?

Let $R$ be a compact Riemann surface of genus $\geq 1$, and let $\omega_1,\ldots,\omega_g$ be holomorphic one forms that form the dual basis of canonical homology basis. Let $(\pi)_{ij}$ be the ...
François Fillastre's user avatar
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Making a map in sheaf cohomology involving a theta characteristic explicit

Motivation: For a given rank 2 vector bundle we want to know how many theta-characteristic valued twisted endomorphisms it has. Setting: Let $C$ be a smooth algebraic curve over a field of ...
clemens_nollau's user avatar
9 votes
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Symplectic form on the space of geodesic currents on a surface?

There are well-known symplectic forms on the Teichmuller space $\mathcal{T}(\Sigma)$ of a closed surface $\Sigma$ (Wolpert gave a formula in Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates) and the space of measured ...
Ian Agol's user avatar
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Holomorphic fibre bundles over noncompact Riemann surfaces

Some days ago I came across the paper "Holomorphic fiber bundles over Riemann surfaces", by H. Rohrl. At the beginning of Section 1, the following theorem is quoted: Theorem. Every fiber ...
Don's user avatar
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On nontrapping manifolds

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a compact connected smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary. Let $U \subset M$ be a smooth submanifold of codimension zero with smooth boundary and assume that $U$ is ...
Ali's user avatar
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Teichmüller theory for open surfaces?

I have a rather straightforward and perhaps somewhat naive question: Is there a Teichmüller theory for open surfaces? My motivation basically is that I would like to find out more about the "...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Reference for Teichmuller spaces of punctured surfaces

What is a good reference for Teichmuller spaces of punctured surfaces $S_{g,n}$ where $n>0$? I am looking for a reference where there is the correct statement and or proof of say the Bers embedding,...
Chitrabhanu's user avatar
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Serre duality for non-compact Riemann surfaces

Suppose $X$ is a Riemann surface. If $X$ is compact, then Serre duality tells us that we have an isomorphism in sheaf cohomology $$ H^1(X,E) \cong H^0(X,\Omega\otimes E^\ast)^\ast $$ Can we say ...
Aidan's user avatar
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Describing the hyperbolic structure of punctured torus in terms of the period lattice

Let $T$ be a torus, $T^* = T - \{p\}$ be the complement of a point $p$. Let's fix a pair of generators $x,y\in\pi_1(T^*)$. Their images in $\pi_1(T)$ also generate, and will also be denoted by $x,y$. ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Coupling small and large injectivity radii

I'd like to know whether a manifold of constant curvature, which has large injectivity radius at many points, can have points of arbitrary small injectivity radius. More precisely, for a point $x$ in ...
Nandor's user avatar
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