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Questions tagged [mathematics-education]

For questions in Mathematics Education as a scientific discipline. For more hands-on questions on teaching Mathematics, please use the tag teaching. There is also a Stack Exchange community

35 votes
4 answers

Psychological test for Euclidean geometry [closed]

There is the so-called FCI test. It contains a list of questions such that anyone who can speak will have an opinion. Based on the answers one can determine if the answerer knows elementary mechanics. ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Book on analysis and algebra at the undergraduate level [closed]

I am writing this post because I would like to know what are your references concerning math book showing the interplay between analysis and algebra at an undergraduate-advanced undergraduate level. ...
3 votes
3 answers

Solving interval problems without outer measure

Is it possible to solve the following two problems on intervals using elementary methods, without using the outer measure ? Problem 1 If $(I_n)$ is a disjoint sequence of subintervals of interval $I$ ...
Ross Ure Anderson's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Amount of mathematical knowledge required for starting Ph.D. in pure mathematics [closed]

How much mathematics should one know before starting a Ph.D. program in pure mathematics? For example what topics one must understand well to pursue a Ph.D. in US University in Number Theory (...
SARTHAK GUPTA's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Problems Correction of "Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning "' [closed]

Where I can find the problems correction of this book " Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning "
zdo0x0's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
0 answers

Solve the recurrence relation with 2 variables

We have the following recurrence relation: \begin{equation} f(n,m) = f(n-1,m) g_{\alpha, \gamma}(n,m) + f(n,m-1) g_{\beta, \gamma}(n,m) \\ g_{\alpha, \gamma}(n,m)= \sum^{n}_{i = 0} \sum^{m}_{j = 0} \...
Lili Si's user avatar
  • 105
1 vote
0 answers

Introducing generating functions to engineer audience?

What is a good way of summarizing when "generating function" approach is useful to an audience of practitioners? I'm giving a talk on training neural networks (see Velikanov, Kuznedelev, and ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Popular mistakes in probability

$\DeclareMathOperator\Var{Var}\DeclareMathOperator\Bern{Bern}\DeclareMathOperator\Pois{Pois}$Question: What not-trivial mistakes do students often make when solving problems in probability theory, ...
19 votes
9 answers

How does a Masters student of math learn physics by self?

I am a Masters student of math interested in physics. When I was an undergraduate, I took the introductory course of physics, but it is just slightly harder than high school physics course. To be ...
LZB's user avatar
  • 193
0 votes
1 answer

Alternative proofs of Euclid-Euler theorem

What are some alternative methods of proof for the necessity direction of the above theorem, ie $n$ an even perfect number $\Rightarrow n$ is of form $2^{a-1} (2^a - 1)$ where $2^a - 1$ is a Mersenne ...
Ross Ure Anderson's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Reference for shortest educational path to (Riemannian) hyperbolic plane

I am teaching an undergraduate class for math majors on axiomatic geometry, culminating in the proof that hyperbolic geometry is equiconsistent* with Euclidean geometry. I would like to make an end-of-...
David Steinberg's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

How do you generate math figures for academic papers?

Good day! I am looking for any tool that would allow me to generate a figure similar to the figures embedded in the paper by King et al. (2020) titled "Trigonometry: a brief conversation." ...
Aidre Cabrera's user avatar
48 votes
8 answers

Ideas for introducing Galois theory to advanced high school students

Briefly, I was wondering if someone can suggest an angle for introducing the gist of Galois groups of polynomials to (advanced) high school students who are already familiar with polynomials (...
3 votes
0 answers

Geometric construction exercises

Many of you know dynamic geometry exercises in Euclidea; if not, here is one example. It lets you do a geometric construction and sends a message once you achieve the result. I am looking for a way to ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
30 votes
15 answers

Lunch seminars for PhD students

The problem that I would like to ask about is metamathematical, but I hope the question is appropriate. I would like to know if there exist mathematical departments that run a regular seminar for all ...

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