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Questions tagged [recursion]

For questions about defining recursive functions, recursive algorithms and solving recursive equations.

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How to Set Precision for an RSOLVE Problem

The following code was working fine -- now it produces errors. I originally built this in ver 13.1 and I'm now running ver 14. I think I'm getting machine precision errors after k=11 that were not ...
user42700's user avatar
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RecursionLimit error appearing if solve the recursion formula

liang zhang's user avatar
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How to fix parameter locally for iterating recursion equations

The following is a simplified version of a more detailed problem. I have two coupled recursion equations of two variables, x and y. One equation also depends on a parameter, c: ...
andring's user avatar
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Return[] in Recursive Functions [duplicate]

Here is the pseudocode I am using to demonstrate the problem. ...
CuriousQ's user avatar
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RecurrenceTable vs For loop : they do not give the same results. Why?

I have a second-order recurrence equation that I want to plot. I've used two different methods. The first uses RecurrenceTable, the second uses a traditional ...
Pascal77's user avatar
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Most efficient way of defining the following sets for every step $n$

For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, how do we compute sets $A_n$ and $B_n$ below: Let $A_1=[0,2/3)$. Let $B_1=(2/3,1]$. If $A_n$ is a union of intervals, then for each interval cut out the middle $1/2^{n+1}$ ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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RSolve does not evaluate this recursion with two boundary conditions

I am using RSolve to solve for a function defined recursively, with two boundary conditions: First boundary condition describes the relationship between $f(1)$ and $f(0)$ Second boundary condition ...
Kuantew's user avatar
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Problem with RecurrenceTable of two variables

Let we have simple recursive function: ...
lesobrod's user avatar
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Strange errors of exceeding RecursionLimit in a function with two arguments, one set delayed and one fixed

INTRODUCTION Hi. I feel a bit embarrased asking this question as the answer may be staring me in the face and there are at least two other stackexchange articles related to it. MINIMAL WORKING EXAMPLE ...
Russell Jay Hendel's user avatar
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Recursion limit for NDSolve

I have a fairly complex equation containing many terms, I can use the NDSolve for solving the differential equation for lesser terms (6400ish). But can't do it for ...
Bravyi's user avatar
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Can Mathematica simplify an ordinary differential equation (ODE) by assuming a power series solution and obtain the recurrence relation?

I have an ordinary differential equation and want to solve it using power series as ψ[x_] = Sum[Subscript[a, n] x^n, {n, 0, ∞}] to obtain the recurrence relation ...
PhysFan's user avatar
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Root finding for holomorphic functions, II

This is a follow-up to my question Root finding for holomorphic functions. I am trying to compute $10^6$ zeros of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ in the critical strip near ...
stopple's user avatar
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Solving a System of Recursively Defined Equations in Mathematica

I am trying to solve a system of equations in Mathematica where the variables are recursively defined. The system represents a probability distribution, and I want to find the values of the variables ...
Resting Platypus's user avatar
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Finding the limit of a recursive sequence

I have come across a few different questions relating to my issue (namely this one, but the answers are not working for me. Here are my inputs; ...
ant's user avatar
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How is my code going over the recursion limit?

I don't know how my code is exceeding the recursion limit of 1024. ...
SurvivalWish's user avatar

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