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Plastic number rectangle

I'd like to find a nice recursive way of making this image based on the plastic constant Here's a start ...
martin's user avatar
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How to use Manipulate with ListLinePlot

I'd like to run Manipulate with 0<r<=4 that preserves the ListLinePlot of the recurrence table given with the colors shown. I'm looking to use the autorun feature in Manipulate to show how the ...
user42700's user avatar
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How to create a spiral using Golden Triangles

Working with students in a pre-calculus class, an application of the sine law. They are working on a question that has them create a Golden Triangle (A golden triangle is an isosceles triangle in ...
Tom De Vries's user avatar
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2 issues with ListDensityPlot

I am using Mathematica Version Number Platform: Microsoft Windows (64-bit) The FIRST issue is that the ListDensityPlot is not plotting values of x[Tfinal] ...
Lucas Santana Souza's user avatar
3 votes
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How to increase the accuracy of a plot

I have the following code below: ...
John's user avatar
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Simple Fractal square

I am working on a math question about infinite series, and one of the question images is below. Each new white square has an area that is 1/4 of the previous square. Always looking to learn elegant ...
Tom De Vries's user avatar
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Recursion - Concentric Circles

I'm trying to develop my Wolfram programming skills and set myself an exercise of creating concentric circles using a recursive delayed function: ...
awyr_agored's user avatar
47 votes
3 answers

Smooth Peter de Jong attractor

Today I was playing with Peter de Jong attractor. At the bottom of the page I've linked there are beautiful examples like: My attempts are not so great: It is around 10^5 points. For more than 5*10^...
Kuba's user avatar
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Creating a dynamic plot directly from the recurrence relation

I have the following recurrence relation that has no general solution: $$x(t+1) = \frac{x^2 + x(1-x)(1-sh)}{x^2 + 2x(1-x)(1-sh) + (1-x)^2(1-s)}$$ In Mathematica language it gives: ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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11 votes
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Order items by closest to the previous

I have a list of 2D points (a table, imagine the data of a parametric plot shuffled) I would like to join the points with a line that starts from one of them and always goes to the closest one. I ...
Fabio Dalla Libera's user avatar