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Results of recursion grouped in list [closed]

I made a recursion where I should plot resulting points. When I do Print[point1], it just gives me result: ...
me995's user avatar
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Constructing sequence of function with elements depending on the previous one / recursion

Starting from a function $\theta0[x\_ , y\_ , z\_ ]$, the terms $\varphi[x\_ , y\_ , z\_ ]$ constitutes a sequence of functions that is constructed as follows: Order 1 (one function and its ...
DanielAmmering's user avatar
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Priority of nested function in Mathematica

I am facing a small problem with the nested function in Mathematica. Please take a look at the attached Code below. ...
Nguyen Ha's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Recursive "InverseFactorial" Function

I am attempting to write a general function that can take any number and back calculate to see if it is the factorial of a smaller number. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to take the ...
Lame-Ov2.0's user avatar
4 votes
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Fast way to compute a truncated series using Fold

I'm looking at an efficient and fast way to compute the results of a finite summation $$\sum_{i=0}^Mf_ig_i\,. $$ I noticed that simply applying ...
Anne O'Nyme's user avatar
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Epsilon algorithm to accelerate sum's convergence in a functional approach

I am trying to learn to use Mathematica in an efficient way. Thus, I decided to spend some time on functional programming. I would like to implement the so-called epsilon algorithm, that is used to ...
A. Florio's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I write this with Nest or Fold?

matrix42's user avatar
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How to use currying to write a tail recursive function for summing factorials given a certain bound

I am very confused about how can i use currying to write a tail recursive function for summing factorials within a certain bound or summing the bounds i.e. given [1,5] i should be getting 1!+2!+3!+4!+...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Mimic a procedural, recursive clustering algorithm for site percolation using functional programming

Sorry in advance for my logorrhea: I just want to make sure all of the information is here. Context and Question I am investigating site percolation on a square lattice. I have a working, depth-...
march's user avatar
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How to improve this function that selects parameters from arbitrary distribution using Recursion?

Below, I have defined a function using Which to select model parameters based upon various conditions. My questions are: Is there any danger in writing this function using Recursion? Is there a more ...
tarhawk's user avatar
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Summing Over a Variable Number of Indices

I am trying to figure out the best way to include a variable number of indexes of summation in a program. For example: Suppose I want to define a function $g[n,s]$ that returns the sum $$\sum_{a_1+.....
WillO's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the most elegant way to specifiy a start case for recursion?

When writing recursive code that computes the least value at which a condition is true and various other scenarios it is often necessary to specify a base case. What I have done to supply this is ...
Techrocket9's user avatar
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Defining a formal Primitive Recursion

I'm searching for a way to define the function this wikipedia article call Primitive Recursion. It should have two functions as argument and it should return a function. I need this as helping in ...
afiori's user avatar
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8 votes
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Update a function avoiding infinite recursion

I am quite new to Mathematica and not completely familiar with functional programming. I am currently working with a function (call it foo) and wish to change its behaviour, for example, by adding 1 ...
Stefano's user avatar
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How to nest my own "times" function to get powers

I have a "times" function. I'd like to create a power function using it. It should look like this for an 6th power: ...
Mitchell Kaplan's user avatar