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Recursive function Catalan triangle

I'm trying to learn how to build a recursive function. However, I'm not sure to understand how to set a "limit". Here is what I'm trying to make. I want a function that gives me the i,j ...
TheInvisibleParticle's user avatar
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Memoization and recursions

My question is bolded within the text below. Memoization speeds up a recursion that needs to recall a prior rule other than the last one calculated. For instance, on my machine, the following take 0....
theorist's user avatar
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Memoization Involving More than one Variable [duplicate]

Good morning. I would like to know if there is a way to implement memoization if there is more than one variable involved in the memoization; or more accurately, for my problem, have the memoization ...
Eleven-Eleven's user avatar
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Why does this memoized function cause the kernel to quit? [closed]

The following memoized recursive function causes the kernel to beep and quit. ...
qwr's user avatar
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Recursive solution to the extended Josephus problem [duplicate]

The Josephus Problem is described here, with extension of killing every $k$th problem. In the simple case where every other person is killed, we can also use the binary trick. ...
CasperYC's user avatar
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a recursive function using memoization

I have looked at a lot of these cases, e.g. Can one identify the design patterns of Mathematica? and the included ones. My trimmed example, here establishing the 'initial conditions' (where the ...
nate's user avatar
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6 votes
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Clever caching of a recursively defined function

I've got a function of the form f[n,s] where n is a natural number and s is a finite ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Memoization and finding already calculated DownValue

The problem of plotting an expensive function discussed in this question caught my attention. As an exercies I tried to solve it using memoization as follows ...
ercegovac's user avatar
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Forward iterations of coupled recursion equations

I need to do forward iterations of a system of 16 coupled recursion equations that track the frequency of genotypes over time in a biological model. I find that the iterations run slowly (it takes ~ ...
biologyUser's user avatar
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Memoization of a function defined by a recurrence relation [duplicate]

I have a function which is defined by the following recurrence relation $$h_{n}(x)=h_{n-1}(x)+\frac{\mathrm{e}^{-x^2}}{2^n n!}H_{n}(x)H_{n-1}(x)$$ with the initial condition $h_{0}(x)=0$ and where the ...
Yasar's user avatar
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Which data tabulation concept is best suited for discrete dynamic programming problems (e.g. for optimum series of account withdrawals)?

A bank account has starting balance, which shall be completely withdrawn in n steps, such that the sum of benefits of withdrawals is maximum. Remaining balance yield interest between steps such that ...
nmrphys's user avatar
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7 votes
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How does one clear the memory of a recursive function

I want to implement the recursive function v[n_] := v[n] = v[n-1] + f[n-1] + Random[NormalDistribution[0,s]] to get ...
Charles Hagwood's user avatar
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Assigning function values in a memoized recursive module

I have a complicated recursive module which I have memoized. I realised that certain isomorphs of inputs to this function will give the same output. Therefore I decided to memoize all such input-...
Simon's user avatar
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Kernel crashed after $RecursionLimit = Infinity

$RecursionLimit = Infinity; T[n_, k_]:= T[n, k] = If[n == 0 || k == 1, 1, T[n, k-1] + If[n<k, 0, T[n-k, k]]]; Table[T[n!, n], {n, 1, 9}] Without ...
Vaclav Kotesovec's user avatar
37 votes
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How to clear parts of a memoized function?

I have a function of two variables, e.g.: f[a_, b_] := f[a, b] = something f[a - 1, b - 1] etc With the above code I used the concept of memoization to speed up ...
user5878's user avatar
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