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Brick's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
31 votes

Is there a name for the center of a line?

20 votes

Sequence that is neither increasing, nor decreasing, yet converges to 1

7 votes

A cop-out argument by Feynman in his fabled Lectures on Physics

6 votes

Do you "sample" a random number generator? If not, what's the correct word?

4 votes

Counterintuitive examples in probability

4 votes

Picking zero out of zero elements

4 votes

Is $22/7$ an often used approximation for $\pi$?

3 votes

Multiple derivative notation

3 votes

Why doesn't the rotation of a inertia tensor by a rotation matrix cancel itself out?

2 votes

Treating Differentials like Fractions

2 votes

derivative of the hessian?

2 votes

Why can't we remove the sqrt from rms?

2 votes

Christoffel symbol or Christoffel symbols?

2 votes

A lock has has buttons, $0$ and $1$. To open the lock, an 8 bit sequence must be entered.

2 votes

What rectangle does this statement convey?

2 votes

Efficient methods for drawing random numbers and Monte Carlo for Tsallis q-Gaussians

2 votes

Integrating function containing Dirac-delta

2 votes

Matrix tensor indices

2 votes

Geometric meaning of the vector triple product $(\vec a \times \vec b)\times \vec c$

1 vote

I'm struggling to understand and implement this part on finite difference derivatives

1 vote

Formula for finding the number of lists that can be created by selecting elements of other lists

1 vote

Derivatives of a trace with respect to perturbation

1 vote

The meaning of Orthogonal, Complete and Orthonormal Functions?

1 vote

Derivative of $ \frac{\partial A^{T} X^{-1}A}{\partial X}$

1 vote

Intuition About dx in Integral Notation

1 vote

Likelihood for a model

1 vote

Can sum of two vectors be a unit vector?

0 votes

Confusion regarding definition of quaternions

0 votes

Linear Algebra notation

0 votes

find curl and div of $\vec{A} = \frac{\vec{r}}{|\vec{r}-\vec{a}|^4}$