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Questions tagged [expected-value]

Questions about the expected value of a random variable.

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Bound on the expectation of the maximum of a sequence, given bounds on the expected value of each element.

I have a sequence of independent random variables $U_1, U_2, \dots,U_N$. Suppose $\mathbb{E}[U_i] \leq 1$ for all $i=1,\dots,N$, and let: $$M_N = \max_{i=1,\dots,N} U_i$$ It is easy to see that $\...
Uomond's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Optimal strategy for uniform distribution probability game

There are 2 players, Adam and Eve, playing a game. The rules are as follows: $n$ and $d$ are chosen randomly. Adam samples a value $v$, distributed uniformly on $[0,n]$, and can either cash out $v$ or ...
jimsimons's user avatar
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dividing the determinant of a matrix by the expected value of the determinant of the same matrix over a uniform distribution

Let $A, B$ be square $n \times n$ matrices as follows: $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} x_1&x_2&\cdots&x_n\\ x_{n+1}&x_{n+2}&\cdots&x_{2n}\\ \vdots&\vdots&\vdots&\vdots\...
M a m a D's user avatar
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3 answers

This expected value has a minimum!

Problem. Let $X$ be a positive, real random variable whose probability density function is bounded by $1$. Prove that $E[X]\geq \frac 12$. Hi everyone. This problem is essentially saying that the ...
aleph2's user avatar
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Probability - Find the expected number of item throws into N containers until one of the container reaches k items [closed]

There are $N$ empty containers, which are unlabeled and are exactly the same. Each time, with equal probability, a ball is throwed into a random container. Q: What is the expected number of throws $f(...
Froest's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the uses of Expected Value in this context?

I'm reading The Element of statistical learning: and having question regarding this example on pages 23 and 24: "Suppose we have 1000 training examples $...
alksdhalksjdb's user avatar
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Conditional expectation - alternative expression

Consider the following set-up. $F:[0,\omega]\rightarrow[0,1]$ where $X$ is a real-valued random variable. The conditional expectation of $X$ given $X<x$ is: $E(X|X<x)=\frac{1}{F(x)} \int_0^s tf(...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
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Doubts on "An Intensive Introduction to Cryptography" exercise about Shannon's entropy

I was going through the exercises in An Intensive Introduction to Cryptography (see full PDF here), and in particular, I had some doubts on Exercise 0.12 (found on page 42). Here is the relevant ...
chirpyboat73's user avatar
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Upper bound for distribution function for variable with zero expectation. [duplicate]

A problem from final Year 1 probability exam. Is it true for any random variable $Y$ s.t. $E[Y]=0$ and $E[Y^2]<\infty$ that: $P(Y>x)\leq\frac{E[Y^2]}{E[Y^2]+x}$ ? I thought we can rewrite it ...
innerproduct's user avatar
4 votes
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Expected Number of Letters Typed Until MOO is Typed When Letters Are Typed Randomly

I'm failing to see the mistake in my reasoning for this problem. Here is the problem: Problem A man can only type two letters: M and O. He types M with probability $.4$ and types O with probability $....
Goku241's user avatar
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Question on the expected number of same color balls left in a urn

I'm working on a problem where I am given an urn with $a$ white balls and $b$ black balls. One ball at a time is selected randomly until there is only balls of the same color. I am asked to find the ...
Kham Bodrogi's user avatar
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$L_2$ convergence of bivariate function

I have the following problem: Let $X,Y$ be random variables with distributions $P_X,P_Y$ and $f_0$ be a map from the support of X,Y to the reals. I define a new function $\chi_0(y) = E_X[f_0(X,y)]$. ...
xcesc's user avatar
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Expected number of closed shapes in an $n\times n$ grid with some lines missing

I came up with a math puzzle that I can't figure out how to solve. I feel like it has enough "math" to make it more appropriate to post here than to the Puzzling Stack Exchange. Here it is (...
Dylan Levine's user avatar
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Which distributions have nice closed form expressions for expected value of exponential?

which distributions have nice closed form expressions for $e^{-kx}$ and $xe^{-kx}$, where $k$ is some known constant? Ideally the support of the distribution should be positive, so for example the ...
Jacques La Fontaine's user avatar
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Expected number of edges to draw in a bipartite graph until you get a crossing

I was asked by a friend to calculate the number of edge crossings in a $m \times n$ complete bipartite graph: Now play a game where you randomly select an edge with equal probability each turn: what ...
lnx's user avatar
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