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Find the value of $(1+\alpha)(1+\beta)(1+r)(1+s)$

If $\alpha,\beta,r,s$ are the roots of $x^{4}-x^{3}+x^{2}+x+3=0$, find the value of $(1+\alpha)(1+\beta)(1+r)(1+s)$. This question appeared on one of the sample papers which I came across. My first ...
Rishith Raj Raizada's user avatar
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Characterization of irreducible polynomials over finite fields - alternative proof?

By accident I have found the following characterization of irreducible polynomials over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Lemma. Let $g \in \mathbb{F}_p[T]$ be a monic polynomial of degree $m \geq 1$. Then, $g$ is ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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If a monic polynomial is irreducible in $\mathbb Z_{p^k}[X]$, then it is irreducible in $\mathbb Z_p[X]$

Let $p$ be a prime and $k$ is a positive integer. There is a natural projection of rings $Z_{p^k}[X] \longrightarrow Z_{p}[X]$. Suppose a monic polynomial $f(X) \in Z_{p^k}[X]$. $f(X)$ is called basic ...
Functor's user avatar
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Is $x^6 + bx^3 + b^2$ irreducible?

Let $b\in \mathbb{Q}^*$ be rational number. We factorise $x^9-b^3\in \mathbb{Q}[x]$ and obtain $$x^9-b^3=(x^3-b)(x^6+bx^3+b^2).$$ Is the polynomial $x^6+bx^3+b^2$ irreducible? If $b=1$ we get a ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Generalization of Eisenstein's Criterion [duplicate]

Let $f(X)=a_{2n+1}X^{2n+1}+\ldots+a_0\in \mathbb{Z}[X]$ with $$\begin{align*} a_{2n+1}&\not \equiv 0 \pmod p\\ a_{2n},\ldots,a_{n+1} &\equiv 0 \pmod p\\ a_n,\ldots,a_0&\equiv 0 \pmod{p^2} ...
Kadmos's user avatar
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Reduce Polynomial Over Real Numbers

I was given the question $x^8 + 16$ and told to reduce it as much as able over the real numbers. Here is what I tried $x^8 + 16$ $(x^4+4)^2-8x^4$ $(x^4+4-2^{3/2}x^2)(x^4+4+2^{3/2}x^2)$ I can not ...
Dan Lupu's user avatar
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$p$ a prime satisfying $p \equiv 3 \mod 4 $. Then, the quotient field $ F_p [x] / (x^2 + 1)$ contains $\bar{x}$ that is a square root of -1

I know that $x^2 + 1$ is irreducible in $F_p[x]$ if and only if $-1$ is not a square in $F_p$. Otherwise, $x^2 + 1$ could be factored out. $-1$ not being a quadratic residue in $F_p$ is equivalent to ...
itstwelvehere's user avatar
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On Unique factorization of polynomials

I'm studying Lang's Linear Algebra and stumbled upon a lemma prior to the unique factorization of polynomials that says the following "Let p be irreducible in K[t]. Let f, g be non-zero ...
Alejandro Aguilar's user avatar
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Generalization or criteria for a proposition for checking irreducibility of polynomials with summand of only two degrees

Is the follow proposition Prop Let $f \in k\left[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\right]$ be a polynomial with the form $l+h$, where $l$ is an irreducible non constant homogeneous polynomial and $h$ is a ...
onRiv's user avatar
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Question about the solution of the polynomial $(x−1)(x−2)⋯(x−n)−1$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}\left [ x \right ]$ for all $n≥1$

The solution of the polynomial $(x−1)(x−2)⋯(x−n)−1$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}\left [ x \right ]$ for all $n≥1$ is in here. I think it's no problem that do the same thing on $\mathbb{Q\left [ x \...
Zhiwei's user avatar
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Reducibility of constrained polynomial

Let $f \in \mathbb{Z}[x, y]$ be a polynomial. Suppose that the list of terms of $f$ do not involve the $y$ variable except for a single $y^2$ term with some arbitrary coefficient. When is $f$ ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is there a special name for linear irreducible polynomials (over the complex numbers)?

According to the fundamental theorem of algebra every polynomial over the complex numbers can be factorized into the following form: $$ c (x - r_1) (x - r_2) (x - r_3) \dots $$ where $r_i$ are the ...
zvavybir's user avatar
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Does $\sqrt a + \sqrt b$ have a four way conjugate?

Let $a, b$ be rational numbers that are not perfect squares. Consider the set $S = \{\sqrt a + \sqrt b, \sqrt a - \sqrt b, - \sqrt a + \sqrt b, -\sqrt a - \sqrt b\}$. If $p$ is a polynomial with ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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$x^6 + 69x^5 − 511x + 363$ is irreducible over $\mathbb Z$?

As mentioned, I am trying to show that $x^6 + 69x^5 − 511x + 363$ is irreducible over $\mathbb Z$. To see that it has no roots and no cubic factors, I send the polynomial to $\mathbb F_7$ and $\mathbb ...
SummerAtlas's user avatar
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Is $13x^5 + (3 − i)x^3 + (8 − i)(x^2 − x) + 1 − 2i$ irreducible in $(\mathbb{Q}[i])[x]$?

Is $$13x^5 + (3 − i)x^3 + (8 − i)(x^2 − x) + 1 − 2i$$ irreducible in $(\mathbb{Q}[i])[x]$? I've tried using Eisenstein’s irreducibility criterion to prove that it is, but I don't think it applies ...
Dawid's user avatar
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