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Questions tagged [perturbation-theory]

Perturbation theory describes a range of tools and techniques to find approximate solutions to problems containing small parameters.

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Why is this approximate solution correct?

Consider the following differential equation $$ y''=-y + \alpha y |y|^2, $$ where $y=y(x)$ is complex in general and $\alpha$ is a real constant such that the second term is small compared to $y$ ($||^...
user655870's user avatar
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Question related to isolated eigenvalue of a Hermitian operators

This picture is from the paper of F. J. Narcowich "Narcowich, F.J., 1980. Analytic properties of the boundary of the numerical range. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 29(1), pp.67-77."...
Bikhu's user avatar
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Invertibility of the product of matrices when the norm is less than 1

I am reading through a book about numerical linear algebra. It is challenging but I understand the concepts after some research. However, there is one thing that I can't figure out and it's about the ...
Jouenshin's user avatar
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Expansion of $y=\sqrt{1+x+\frac{\varepsilon}{\varepsilon+x}}$

I'm reading "Introduction to Perturbation Methods", Second Edition, by Mark H. Holmes. In ch 2.2.5 "Matching Revisit" it explains the approach to match the outer and boundary layer ...
athos's user avatar
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Leading order matching of $\epsilon x^py'' + y' + y = 0$

Question: The function $y(x)$ satisfies $$\epsilon x^py'' + y' + y = 0,$$ in $x\in [0,1]$, where $p<1$, subject to the boundary conditions $y(0) = 0$ and $y(1)=1$. Find the rescaling for the ...
Sanket Biswas's user avatar
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Nondimensionalizing Fourth Order Differential Equation for an Elastic Beam Under Tension

I am going through the textbook A First Look At Perturbation Theory 2nd ed. by James G. Simmonds and James E. Mann Jr. Exercise 1.14 states: "An elastic beam of section modulus $EI$, resting on ...
Alor'ad's user avatar
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Derivative of Spectral Radius of Matrix $\exp(A(t))$

I am faced with the practical problem of solving a system $$\rho(\exp(A(t))) = 1$$ numerically, where $\rho$ signifies the spectral radius of the matrix $A(t) = B+ \frac{C}{t},$ $t \in (0, \infty)$. ...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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Can we say anything about how $\delta x$ and $\delta y$ are related to each other?

I have an equation of the form $$\frac{x^2}{y} = F(r), $$ where F is a function of $r$. This equation has a solution $r(x,y)$. Suppose we perturb this solution to $r(x + \delta x, y + \delta y)$ for ...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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Asymptotic expansion of $I(\alpha;\epsilon) = \int_0^{\infty}\frac{dx}{(\epsilon^2+x^2)^{\alpha/2}(1+x)}$

Question: Evaluate the first two terms of as $\epsilon \to 0$ of $$I(\alpha;\epsilon) = \int_0^{\infty}\frac{dx}{(\epsilon^2+x^2)^{\alpha/2}(1+x)},$$ for $\alpha = \frac{1}{2}, 1, 2$, if $$C(\alpha) = ...
Sanket Biswas's user avatar
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Asymptotic expansion of $\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{\sin^2\theta}{(1-m^2\sin^2\theta)^{1/2}}d\theta$

Question: Evaluate the first two terms of $$I(m) = \int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{\sin^2\theta}{(1-m^2\sin^2\theta)^{1/2}}d\theta$$ as $m\to 1^-$. My approach: Setting $m = 1-\epsilon$ and $k = \sin\theta$, we ...
Sanket Biswas's user avatar
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Asymptotic approximation of an integral using splitting range

Question: Evaluate the first two terms as $\epsilon\to 0$ of $$\mathcal{N}(z)=\int_z^1\frac{dx}{\sqrt{x^3+\epsilon}}$$ where $0\le z <1$. My approach: First, let us calculate $\mathcal{N}(z=0)$. It ...
Sanket Biswas's user avatar
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Bound on number of positive roots of deformed polynomial

In the comments for the following linked question Descartes rule of sign with positive real exponents, the following was stated: " The positive roots depend continuously on the exponents. This ...
Abady Kabbaj's user avatar
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Duffing equation with non-linearity factor greater than unity

I have been trying to solve the following non-linear equation taking help from the book regarding perturbative technique by H. Nayfeh (chapter -4) $$\ddot{x}+\frac{x}{(1-x^2)^2}=0$$ where $x<1$ ...
R. Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Applying WKB Method for a Fourth Order Schrodinger Like Equation

I was trying to apply the WKB method to analyze the approximate eigenvalue condition for the Schrodinger like equation \begin{equation} \varepsilon^{4} y^{(4)} = (E-V(x))y, \quad y(\pm \infty) = 0, V(...
theo's user avatar
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Given a perturbation to a symmetric matrix with multiple zero eigenvalues, seeking perturbation to eigenvalues

Let $A$ be a real, symmetric $n \times n$ matrix with eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \dots, \lambda_n$ where at least two of the eigenvalues are zero. Let $V$ be a real, symmetric $n \times n$ ...
Dawson Beatty's user avatar

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