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Expanding a function containing a logistic term inside an integral

I am working my way through Mark Homes Introduction to Perturbation Methods by myself. I am having trouble solving problem 1.8(c). I believe that I'm supposed to split the integral by introducing a ...
Bulworth's user avatar
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Question on perturbative expansion

I am trying to expand the experssion below in powers of the perturbative parameter $\epsilon$: $$ \left[ \left( \frac{\omega}{k} - V(i \epsilon \partial_k) \right)^2 - f^2(k) \right] \Psi(k) $$ with ...
Entang1ed's user avatar
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Taylor expansion for a Bessel function with complex argument

If we have a Bessel function of the first kind and the $m$-th order as $J_{m}(x+i\epsilon x)$, where $m$ is integer, $x, \epsilon$ are real and $\epsilon$ is a small parameter ($0<\epsilon\ll 1$), ...
user135626's user avatar
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Prove perturbation theory breaks down

I want to find the $\mathcal{O}(1)$ and $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)$ terms in the pedestrian expansion $y = y_0 + \epsilon y_1 + \epsilon ^2 y_2 + \dots$, where $y$ satisfies the following second order ODE:...
user490808's user avatar
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How can I do the Taylor equivalent of $\sqrt{1+x^2}$ with perturbation/asymptotic expansion using $\epsilon$?

How can I do the Taylor equivalent of $\sqrt{1+x^2}$ with perturbation/asymptotic expansion using $\epsilon$? I found some answers, but not very useful. Expected solution would be similar to the ...
mavavilj's user avatar
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How to Taylor expand a scalar quantity about a unit sphere?

Consider a vector field $\mathbf{v} (r,\theta)$ expressed in the system of (axisymmetric) spherical coordinates with $r$ denoting the radial distance and $\theta$ the polar angle. We consider a ...
Siegfriedenberghofen's user avatar
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How to determine order of the remainder term of a series for specific problems?

Background: In the text book I have, in the 'expansion of integrands' part (perturbation theory) the author kept determining the order, but I can't understand how. For integration of $\sin \epsilon x^...
Kawrno's user avatar
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Perturb $\tanh(c(x-x_0))$ or similar functions around $x\rightarrow x+\delta x$

Given the perturbation $x\rightarrow x+\delta x$, how can the function $$ \tanh[c(x-x_0)], $$ $c$ and $x_0$ constant, be perturbed? I'd like to have a form like $$ f(x)\rightarrow f(x)+g(\delta x) $$ ...
kalle's user avatar
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Why does regular perturbation fail for this example?

Consider the first order ODE: $$ \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{-\varepsilon y(1-x)^3-y^2(1+x)-2x(1-x)^4+x(1-x)^3}{yx(1-x)} \tag{1}$$ where $ x \in [0,\,1)$ and $\varepsilon <<1$. We substitute in the ...
Giraffes4thewin's user avatar
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'Taylor Expansion' of Integral - Asymptotic expansion - Exponential function

I need to evaluate the following integral in the limit $\kappa \ll 1$ $$\int_0^\infty exp(-\kappa t) f(t)\, dt,$$ where $$f(x) = (1+x)(1-2x)\frac{u(x) \ln(u(x))}{u(x)^2 - 1},$$ $$u(x) = \frac{\sqrt{1+...
Fiss's user avatar
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Effect of perturbation on softmax

Let's say we have the following function $$S_i(\textbf{x},T)=\frac{\exp(f_i(\textbf{x})/T)}{\sum_{j=1}^N\exp(f_j(\textbf{x})/T)}$$ where $f_{i=1,\dots,N}(\textbf{x})$ represents the output of a neural ...
Phys's user avatar
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Show that a wave signal superposed by a perturbed wave signal can be expressed as combined signal.

Consider the signal where $\delta > 0$ and small, $$y(x,t)=A\sin{(kx - \omega (k) t)} + A\sin{((k + \delta)x - \omega (k + \delta) t)},$$ show that this can be rewritten as $$y(x,t)=2A \cos{\...
Joel Biffin's user avatar
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Undetermined coefficients in a perturbative expansion

In order to familiarize myself with perturbation methods, I've been trying to derive the Lorentz transformations, given by \begin{align*} x \rightarrow \frac{x + vt}{\sqrt{1 - v^2}} & = (x + vt)(...
JM1's user avatar
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Perturbation expansion within trig function

I'm trying to find an approximate solution to a nonlinear differential equation. It involves something to the effect of $\frac{d\Psi}{ds} = \sin{\Psi} + \dots$ , where $\Psi$ is a small variable. If ...
Hannah RS's user avatar
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first order Taylor expansion term of a function multiplied by a dot product of gradients.

I need to do the following Taylor expansion. Let's suppose we have a function $f(n,|\nabla n|^2)(\nabla (|\nabla n|^2),\nabla n)$, where by $(\nabla (|\nabla n|^2),\nabla n)$ I mean the dot product ...
chester1986's user avatar

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