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Poisson Equation for a perturbed sphere - both exterior and interior solutions

I am trying to solve a Heat transfer problem in a slightly ellipsoidal geometry using the Poission Equation, and Cauchy matching conditions on the boundary between the interior (which is a finite ...
Prakash_S's user avatar
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Singular perturbation theory involving exponentials

Suppose we're given the following second order ODE \begin{align} -\epsilon x''(t)=e^{x(t)}-1 \end{align} with boundary conditions \begin{align} x(0)=0,\quad x(1)=1. \end{align} Suppose $\epsilon>0$ ...
Fozz's user avatar
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Small parameter expansion of solution to ODE

I'm working with an ODE of the form \begin{equation} \begin{split} C'(z) &= (z^2 + \epsilon^2)C'' \\ C(a) &= b \\ C(1) &= 1 \\ \end{split} \end{equation} where $0 < a,b < 1$, and $\...
Mike D's user avatar
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Non linear spring mass IVP

I’ve read a solution to a question in the Applied Mathematics book , but it seems incorrect to me . So here is the question : Non-dimensionalize and find the leading order solution to the IVP: $ m y’’ ...
Dyoann's user avatar
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How to find inner solution in the method of matched asymptotic expansions

Consider the equation of the form $\epsilon y^{\prime \prime}+a y^{\prime}=0$ on $x\in[0,1]$ with $a\in\mathbb{R}$, $0<\epsilon\ll1$,$y(0) =\alpha$, and $y(1)=\beta$. Show that if $a >0$ then ...
Thinkpad's user avatar
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Solution Poisson Equation by Homotopy Perturbation Method

I need to solve the following Boundary Value problem $$\frac{\partial^2w }{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2w }{\partial y^2}=c$$ Boundary conditions are $$w(x,h)=0$$ $$w\left(\frac{\pm h}{\sqrt3},...
Ubaid Ur Rehman's user avatar
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eigenfunctions of Dirichlet laplacian in perturbed domain of the disk

Let $\varepsilon$ a small positive real and $\Omega_\varepsilon$ an open set of $\mathbb{R}^2$ such that $$\Omega_\varepsilon=\{(x,y) \mid x = R(\theta,\varepsilon) \cos(\theta)\quad y=R(\theta,\...
Bernstein's user avatar
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Composite approximation of BVP

$$\epsilon \ddot y + (1+x)\dot y = 0 \;\;\;\;\;\; y(0) = a \;\;\; y(1) = b$$ How do I find the "leading order composite approximation" of this BVP? I'm not totally sure I'm approaching this right, ...
Leo 254's user avatar
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Boundary Values and Initial conditions for Linear Stability analysis (Fluid Dynamics)

Lets say we have a system of partial differential equation $\Delta(x,y,t,u^{(n)})=0$ (Navier-Stokes Equations) with a given stationary solution $u_s(x,y)$ for a inviscid flow. Note that $u$ is a 2D-...
MrYouMath's user avatar
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How to know which boundary condition to use

With asymptotic methods for ODEs where you have like an inner, outer region and you are given two boundary condition, how do you know which condition to use when constructing the inner/outer solution? ...
snowman's user avatar
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Dominant Balance with epsilon small

Consider the boundary value problem $$ε \frac{d^2y}{ dx^2} + (1 + x) \frac{dy }{dx} + y = 0$$ subject to $y(0) = 0$, $y(1) = 1$, for $0 \le x \le 1$, $ε ≪ 1$. By considering the rescaling $x = x_0 + ...
snowman's user avatar
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Find leading order matched asymptotic expansion for $\epsilon y'' + y y' - y = 0; y(0) = -1, y(1) = 0$

My attempt: The outer problem for leading order term: $$y_0 y_0' - y_0 = 0$$ This has solution: $y_0(x) = 0$ or $y_0(x) = x + c$. I notice that $y(x) < 0$ on this interval, so I assume the ...
Paichu's user avatar
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Finding a composite solution to an ODE (boundary layer problem)

Given $\epsilon \frac{d^2u}{dt^2}-a(t)\frac{du}{dt}+b(t)u=0$, where $a(t)>0$, $u(0)=1$, $u(1)=1$, and assuming that the boundary layer is at $t=1$, and the boundary layer variable is $T=\frac{1-t}{...
sequence's user avatar
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Singular Perturbation Approx. for $\epsilon y'' + \frac{2 \epsilon}{t} y'-y=0$

Use singular perturbation techniques to find the leading order uniform approximation to the solution to the boundary value problem $$\epsilon y'' + \frac{2 \epsilon}{t} y'-y=0$$ $0<t<1$ and $y(...
MC989's user avatar
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Locating boundary layers for pertubation problem

Consider the BVP: $\epsilon \dfrac{d^2y}{dx^2}-(x^2-2)y=-1 \\ \text{where} -1<x<1 \;\text{and} \; y(-1)=y(1)=0, \; 0<\epsilon<<1$ I am trying to show the existence of a boundary ...
Mel's user avatar
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