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132 votes
9 answers

Prove that $C e^x$ is the only set of functions for which $f(x) = f'(x)$

I was wondering on the following and I probably know the answer already: NO. Is there another number with similar properties as $e$? So that the derivative of $ e^x$ is the same as the function itself....
Timo Willemsen's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Are the any non-trivial functions where $f(x)=f'(x)$ not of the form $Ae^x$

This may seem like a silly question, but I just wanted to check. I know there are proofs that if $f(x)=f'(x)$ then $f(x)=Ae^x$. But can we 'invent' another function that obeys $f(x)=f'(x)$ which is ...
bnosnehpets's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why is the formal solution to a linear differential equation of exponential form?

So $x(t) = e^{ct}$ solves $dx/dt = cx$. This is clear enough from differentiation rules... But I fail to grasp, in some sense which I can't quite put my finger on, why it is so. Why can the solution ...
Diploria's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Implicit function equation $f(x) + \log(f(x)) = x$

Is there a function $f \colon \mathbb{R}_{>0} \to \mathbb{R}_{>0}$ such that $$ f(x) + \log(f(x)) = x $$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$? I have tried rewriting it as a differential equation ...
Strichcoder's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Physical intuition for the solution to $y' = y$.

Assume that $e^x$ has not been defined, so please do not refer to $e$ in an answer. Given the D.E $y' =ry$, we substitute a power series and arrive at the solution: $$y = \sum_{k =0}^\infty \frac{(rx)^...
jaslibra's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

What is the derivative of a function of the form $u(x)^{v(x)}$?

So I have a given lets say $(x+1)^{2x}$ in addition to $\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dx}a^u=a^u\log(a)u'$. I still have to multiply this by the derivative of the inside function $x+1$ correct?
Alkahest's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

"Natural" proof of $P\left(\frac{d}{dx}\right)\bigl(e^{xy}Q(x)\bigr)=Q\left(\frac{d}{dy}\right)\bigl(e^{xy}P(y)\bigr)$.

In the context of linear differential equations, I've stumbled upon the following identity for an arbitrary pair of polynomials $P$ and $Q$ with real or complex coefficients: $$ P\left(\frac{d}{dx}\...
Alexey's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How unique is $e$?

Is the property of a function being its own derivative unique to $e^x$, or are there other functions with this property? My working for $e$ is that for any $y=a^x$, $ln(y)=x\ln a$, so $\frac{dy}{dx}=\...
acernine's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Solution to differential equations $y(0)=1$ and $y^{(n)}=y+1$

When I was solving some differential equations, I asked myself the following: Is there a function has the following: $$y'=y+1$$ $$y''=y+1$$ $$y'''=y+1$$ $$......$$ $$......$$ If the initial value is $...
E.H.E's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to compute time ordered Exponential?

So say you have a matrix dependent on a variable t: $A(t)$ How do you compute $e^{A(t)}$ ? It seems Sylvester's formula, my standard method of computing matrix exponentials can't be applied here ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What are other solutions to this differential equation, "similar" to $\sin x$ and $e^x$?

I've been studying electronics, where they make great use of the relationship between the sine and exponential functions ($e^{i \omega t} = \cos{\omega t} + i \sin \omega t)$. This relationship is ...
Rob N's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Solution of the IVP: $\,y'=\mathrm{e}^{-y^2}-1,\, y(0)=0$

Consider the initial value problem $$ \frac{dy}{dx} = \mathrm{e}^{-y^2} - 1,\quad y(0)=0. $$ The Method of Separation of Variables provides that: $$ \int \frac{dy}{e^{-y^2} - 1} = x+c. $$ I would ...
user120386's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Solve the differential equation that define exp(x)

In the wikipedia page for the exponential function in the "formal definition" section I found this statement: Solving the ordinary differential equation $y'(x)=y(x)$ with the [initial ...
lazare's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Need explanation for simple differential equation

I can't figure out this really simple linear equation: $$x'=x$$ I know that the result should be an exponential function with $t$ in the exponent, but I can't really say why. I tried integrating ...
newuser's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Exponential growth of a cow farm with constraints in Minecraft

This question is distinct from Exponential growth of cow populations in Minecraft in that an important constraint present in Minecraft is missing from that post. Here are the following constraints: ...
Simplex1's user avatar
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