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Questions tagged [nonlinear-dynamics]

This tag is for questions relating to nonlinear-dynamics, the branch of mathematical physics that studies systems governed by equations more complex than the linear, $~aX+b~$ form.

11 votes
1 answer

What is the most general Carathéodory-type global existence theorem?

I am looking for a general theorem that guarantees the existence of a global solution for an ODE system in $\mathbb{R}^n$ $$ \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{aligned} x'(t) &= f(t, x(t)), \qquad t \...
A. Pesare's user avatar
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2 answers

What is meant when mathematicians or engineers say we cannot solve nonlinear systems?

I was watching a video on "system identification" in control theory, in which the creator says that we don't have solutions to nonlinear systems. And I have heard this many times in many ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Stability analysis of the dynamical system $\ddot{x}+b\dot{x}+K x-\|\dot{x}\| \frac{x-x_i}{\|x-x_i\|^2}=0$ .

Consider the dynamical system described as: $$\ddot{z}+b\dot{z}+ K z-\|\dot{z}\| \frac{z-z_i}{\|z-z_i\|^3}=0$$ where $z=[x \ \ y]^T$, $K$ is a positive definite matrix and $b \in \mathbb{R}$, I made ...
abc1455's user avatar
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Extension of Burgers' equation

I recently encountered a viscous Burgers' equation type PDE, but with the addition of a derivative-squared nonlinear term (in dimensionless form): $u_t - u_{xx} + uu_x - u_x^2 = 0\,,$ where the ...
JonasB's user avatar
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Generalisation of Index of a curve to higher dimensions

Im studying Non Linear Dynamics and Chaos from Strogatz's textbook. In the sixth chapter, while talking about non linear flows in 2 dimensions he introduces the index of a curve in a vector field and ...
Aritra Das's user avatar
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Are there general solutions to quadratic, 2D, continuous, time-invariant dynamical systems?

I am a bit new to dynamical systems and don't know my way around terminology, so have had a hard time answering this for myself. I know the basics of theory for 2D linear, time-invariant systems, i.e.,...
dang's user avatar
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An ODE confusion

I was thinking about a ODE problem recently when I was reading about dynamical system. In school we used to solve the ODE problem $\frac{dx}{dt}=\sqrt{1-x^2}, x=0, t=0$ as $x=\sin(t),$ which will have ...
Ri-Li's user avatar
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How does this expression follow algebraically from the last one?

I was reading this paper: Global stability for an HIV/AIDS epidemic model with different latent stages and treatment Everything is understood apart from on page 7 of the pdf (page 1486 in the document)...
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6 votes
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Nature of ODE $\dot x=x^2-\frac{t^2}{1+t^2}$

Discuss the equation $\dot{x}=x^2-\frac{t^2}{1+t^2}$. Make a numerical analysis. Show that there is a unique solution which asymptotically approaches the line $x=1$. Show that all solutions below ...
Ri-Li's user avatar
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Estimate on derivative of ODE solution with respect to parameters

Consider the ODE $$ u'(t) = f(t,u,p), \qquad u(0) = v $$ where $p$ is a control parameter, and let $u(t;v,p)$ denote the solution to the problem above for fixed $v$ and $p$. It is apparently "...
Daniele Avitabile's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Inequality of a linearized function

The following inequality is used in one of the steps for the proof of the centre manifold theorem. Consider the function $$f(x)=Ax+\tilde{f}(x)$$ where $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$, $f:\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow ...
user7896's user avatar
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Does Asymptotic Stability Imply the Existence of a Lyapunov Function for a Nonlinear System?

For a linear time-invariant system $\dot x = Ax,$ the inverse Lyapunov theorem asserts that if the origin is asymptotically stable, then a Lyapunov function in the form $V(x) = x^\top P x$ for some ...
Paul Wintz's user avatar
5 votes
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How to prove this theorem for the number of components of a filled julia sets?

If one finite critical point of $f(z)$ escapes to infinity by iterating, then the filled-in Julia set of $f(z)$ consists of infinitely many components. How to prove this ? I must admit I heard this in ...
mick's user avatar
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$f(n) = \frac{n^2 + n + 4}{2}, g(f(n)) = f(g(n))$ such that $g(n)$ is an integer.

Let $n$ be a strict positive integer. Lets define an integer sequence $f(n)$ : $$f(n) = \frac{n^2 + n + 4}{2}$$ so $$f(1) = 3$$ $$f := {3,5,8,12,17,23,30,38,47,...}$$ $$f(17) = 155$$ etc Notice $$3+...
mick's user avatar
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Why is this approximate solution correct?

Consider the following differential equation $$ y''=-y + \alpha y |y|^2, $$ where $y=y(x)$ is complex in general and $\alpha$ is a real constant such that the second term is small compared to $y$ ($||^...
user655870's user avatar

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