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Logistic map: bifurcation and domain of attraction

Let $f(x) = \mu x(1-x)$ be the logistic map, the question is divided into 3 parts: Part (1): what can you say about the domain of attraction of the 2-cycle in $3<\mu<1+\sqrt 6$? My attempt: let $...
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nonlinear odes: stabilizing terms in a subcritical pitchfork bifurcation

I am reading through Strogatz's book on nonlinear odes and dynamical systems. One thing that is a little confusing is his description of stabilizing higher order terms to control the dynamics of a ...
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Dynamic system, bifurcation and equilibrium points

I'm a bit stuck in solving the following exercise: consider the dynamical system $$\dot{x} = 2 + 3\mu x - x^3$$ I have to find the equilibrium points and the stability type, and the the bifurcations ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Deriving a Hopf Bifurcation – Perturbation Method vs. Jacobian Matrix

When deriving a Hopf bifurcation of a dynamical system, the usual process is: Find a fixed point $(x_0, y_0)$ Perturb the system about the fixed point $(x_0+\tilde{x}, y_0+\tilde{y})$ Linearize, ...
Steven Basmith's user avatar
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Calculating Bifurcation points of trig equations

I am going through Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Strogatz and I am getting stuck on a few questions: To calculate the stability of a fixed point: Work on where it intersects the x axis ( fixed ...
SS1's user avatar
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long term behavior of solution to a first order nonlinear differential equation

Consider the following system of first order nonlinear autonomous ODEs (derivatives are taken with respect to $t$): $$ \begin{cases} \dot{x} = -2xy^2+1 \\ \dot{y} = -2x^2y+1 \\ x(0) = x_0,\;y(0)=y_0 \...
William's user avatar
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2D bifurcation problem

I come across this problem which is about bifurcation. I am trying to take all the cases. I am expecting Hopf bifurcation to occur here but the last case I could not find the fixed point. Could you ...
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Analysis of Time-Varying Differential Equation

I'm trying to analyze the a differential equation of the form: $$ \dot{x} = -K_1\sin(\omega t + x) - K_2\sin(x) $$ where $K_1 > 0$, $K_2 > 0$, and $\omega >0$ are positive real constants and $...
LetterSized's user avatar
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Show $h$ and $g$ are commutative in the canonical form of ODE.

I come a cross this problem in my nonlinear analysis course. I know how to find the normal forms of any order. However, the commutative isometry! And in the third point the professor put two ...
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I want to understand the characteristics of a particular non-linear hierarchical dynamical system

I would like to study the characteristics of the non-linear dynamical system detailed below; in particular, I would like to find its set of fixed points; and to compute (i) the maximum values of ...
Sam's user avatar
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Limit cycle continuation folding over itself

I was doing some computations in MATCONT. First I continued equlibrium point. Hopf bifurcation occured for $a = 6$ and branching point/pitchfork for $a = -2$. Continuing forward and backward this ...
struct's user avatar
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How to know when a transcritical bifurcation occurs (Example 3.2.1 Strogaz Nonlinear Dynamics and chaos)

Picture of Question + solution Hi, In this question After we expand $\dot{x}$ around $x^*$ = 0 , we get $\dot{x}$ = (1-ab)x + ($\frac{1}{2}$a$b^2$)$x^2$ + O($x^3$). How do we jump from this to knowing ...
Chenrong Lü's user avatar
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Dynamical System that exhibits a fold bifurcation of Limit Tori?

Fold Bifurcations of a fixed points (i.e. saddle node bifurcations) and Fold bifurcations of limit cycles (i.e. when a stable limit and unstable limit cycle annihilate) are observed in plenty of ...
Cheyne's user avatar
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How to calculate fixed points and plot bifurcation diagram for non-linear ODE system

I am trying to understand how to analyse a system of coupled, non-linear ODEs taken from this paper. I want to perform a fixed point analysis and plot a bifurcation diagram to show how fixed points ...
terraregina's user avatar
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Forced Duffing equation $\ddot x +x+\varepsilon(bx^3+k \dot x+ax−F\cos(t))=0$ bifurcation analysis

For the forced Duffing oscillator in the limit where the forcing, detuning, damping, and nonlinearity are all weak: $$\ddot x +x+\varepsilon(bx^3+k \dot x+ax−F\cos(t))=0$$ where $0<\varepsilon<&...
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