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Questions tagged [nonlinear-dynamics]

This tag is for questions relating to nonlinear-dynamics, the branch of mathematical physics that studies systems governed by equations more complex than the linear, $~aX+b~$ form.

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Extension of Nonlinear Dynamics beyond ODE

Is there an extension of the ideas of Nonlinear Dynamics beyond Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), specifically a Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) "version" or more generalized, yet similar, ...
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Trial solution for modulational instability

I have a simple linear differential equation of the following form: $\frac{\partial a}{\partial z} + i\beta_2\frac{\partial^2 a}{\partial t^2} = i\gamma P(a+a^*)$ I seek the solution to $a(z,t)$, ...
Liz Salander's user avatar
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Pendulum Problem with State Space and Stability

Given this information, \begin{aligned} \dot\theta &= w \\ \dot{w} &= -\sin(\theta) \end{aligned} a) Use newton's law to show this describes the dynamics of a pendulum of length $L$, ...
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What does it mean for a curve to "enclose" points on a sphere?

I'm studying index theory from Strogatz "Nonlinear Dynamics" book. In it, he asks a question about whether a closed curve contains fixed points with indices summing to +1 on non-planar surfaces. For ...
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How to solve this nonlinear ODE either analytically(if solutions exist) or numerically?

Here is the general form of the equation, $$ a[1+b(y(x)-y_{0})] \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}} + c \frac{dy}{dx} + 1 =0 $$ where $a$, $b$, $c$, $y_{0}$ are constants. I need a full solution to this ODE, ...
GramCracker's user avatar
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Doubt on the derivation of a step of Master Stability Function in the paper by Pecora and Carroll.

I was reading Synchronization of coupled oscillators and I came by a nice technique of having an estimation of the parameters in the coupled oscillators for which there is Synchronization.The ...
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