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Questions tagged [model-theory]

Model theory is the study of (classes of) mathematical structures (e.g. groups, fields, graphs, universes of set theory) using tools from mathematical logic. Objects of study in model theory are models for formal languages which are structures that give meaning to the sentences of these formal languages. Not to be confused with mathematical modeling.

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Invariance under $\operatorname{Aut}(N / \{M\})$

Let $M\preceq N$ where $N$ is $|M|^+$ saturated. Let $p(x)$ be a partial type over $\le|M|$ parameters. What do we know (if anything at all) about when $p(N)$ is invariant under the action of $\...
Escherica's user avatar
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(When) are recursive "definitions" definitions?

This is a "soft" question, but I'm greatly interested in canvassing opinions on it. I don't know whether there is anything like a consensus on the answer. Under what conditions (if any) are ...
ac2357's user avatar
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Is the class of linearly-orderable rings first order axiomatizable?

A linearly ordered ring is a commutative ring $R$ with unity equipped with a linear order $\leq$ that is compatible with addition, and such that the set of nonnegative elements are closed under ...
user107952's user avatar
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Does Löwenheim-Skolem require Foundation in any way?

As title states, I'm curious whether Löwenheim-Skolem (in either of its upward or downward versions) necessitates some implicit use of Foundation. The usual presentation makes quite clear the reliance ...
Sho's user avatar
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Proving a simple consequence of the Compactness Theorem

I am self-learning logic, and trying to prove the following exercise using the Compactness Theorem: Suppose $T$ is a theory for language $L$, and $\sigma$ is a sentence of $L$ such that $T \models \...
user918212's user avatar
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Is quantifying over natural numbers non first order?

I was reading here that Note that ‘x is an infinitesimal’ is not first order, because it requires you to quantify over the naturals. Whats's non first order about quantifying over natural numbers?
user1868607's user avatar
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Is there a theory in which all types can be omitted?

Is there a natural example of a first order complete (consistent) theory $T$ in which every 1-type can be omitted? or is there always some isolated type? In that case, why? Of course there are plenty ...
Susana Santoyo's user avatar
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Proving that the set of sentences that are true using the symbols $+,<,=$ is the same over all ordered fields

I am interested in whether the set of formulas that one can prove true for a concrete ordered field using the symbols $+,<$ and $=$, depends on the field. In particular, I am interested in the set ...
user1868607's user avatar
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in definition of assigment, what's means 'except possibly a'?

in frist-order logic, part of assignments practice represent like this "if 𝜙is ∀𝛼𝜓, where 𝛼 is a variable, then ⊨vℳ 𝜙 iff for every assignment 𝑣' that agrees with 𝑣 on the values of every ...
유준상's user avatar
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Two families of isomorphic structures have isomorphic ultraproduct.

I am trying to prove the following result: Let $(\underline{M}_i)_{i\in I}$, $(\underline{N}_i)_{i\in I}$ be two families of structures such that, for all $i\in I$, $\underline{M}_i \cong \underline{...
WiggedFern936's user avatar
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Condition for dense isolated types [closed]

I need some help with proving the following: Theorem. Let $T$ be a complete theory in a countable language and let $M \models T$. If $|\mathcal{S}_n^\mathcal{M}| < 2^{\aleph_0}$ then the isolated ...
Todor Dukov's user avatar
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Definability of acyclic graphs

I think you should be able to encode the axioms of a directed, acyclic graph by introducing a strict partial order. Say E(a, b) represents there is an edge from a to b. We introduce a strict partial ...
Amar Shah's user avatar
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What are other examples of $\aleph_1$-categorical theories?

In model theory, $\aleph_1$-categorical (first order) theories (in a countable language) are very important, and I am studying them at the moment. However, it seems that the only examples I can find ...
Susana Santoyo's user avatar
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Can equivalence relations have extra non-trivial properties?

The theory of equivalence relations can be axiomatized by 3 equality-free universal sentences, namely: 1.$xRx$ 2.$xRy \rightarrow yRx$ 3.$(xRy \land yRz) \rightarrow xRz$. Now, certainly, we can add ...
user107952's user avatar
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Why are extensions of countable models of ZFC better behaved than extensions of arbitrary models of ZFC?

This answer hints that certain kinds of extensions are only guaranteed to exist for countable models of ZFC. Why? One intuitive reason i can think of is that the metatheory might not have enough new ...
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