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77 votes
2 answers

Integration of forms and integration on a measure space

In Terence Tao's PCM article: DIFFERENTIAL FORMS AND INTEGRATION, it is pointed out that there are three concepts of integration which appear in the subject (single-variable calculus): the indefinite ...
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71 votes
2 answers

Why absolute values of Jacobians in change of variables for multiple integrals but not single integrals?

If $g:[a,b]\to\mathbf R$ is a change of 1D coordinates, then the formula is: $$ \int_{g(a)}^{g(b)}\,f(x)\,dx = \int_a^b\,f(g(t))\frac{dx}{dt}\,dt. \qquad\text{(1)}$$ If $T=\{x=f(u,v); y=g(u,v)\}$ ...
ShungChing's user avatar
67 votes
2 answers

Evaluating $\int_{0}^{1}\cdots\int_{0}^{1}\bigl\{\frac{1}{x_{1}\cdots x_{n}}\bigr\}^{2}\:\mathrm{d}x_{1}\cdots\mathrm{d}x_{n}$

Here is my source of inspiration for this question. I suggest to evaluate the following new one. $$ I_{n}:= \int_0^1 \! \cdots \! \int_0^1 \left\{\frac{1}{x_1x_2 \cdots x_n}\right\}^{2} \:\mathrm{d}...
Olivier Oloa's user avatar
53 votes
6 answers

The Meaning of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

I am currently taking an advanced Calculus class in college, and we are studying generalizations of the FTC. We just started on the version for Line Integrals, and one can see the explicit symmetry ...
Coffee_Table's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

Explain $\iint \mathrm dx\,\mathrm dy = \iint r \,\mathrm \,d\alpha\,\mathrm dr$

It is changing the coordinate from one coordinate to another. There is an angle and radius on the right side. What is it? And why? I got: $2\,\mathrm dy\,\mathrm dx = r(\cos^2\alpha-\sin^2\alpha)\,\...
hhh's user avatar
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46 votes
5 answers

Interpreting Line Integrals with respect to $x$ or $y$

A line integral (with respect to arc length) can be interpreted geometrically as the area under $f(x,y)$ along $C$ as in the picture. You sum up the areas of all the infinitesimally small 'rectangles' ...
Jim_CS's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

How to change variables in a surface integral without parametrizing

This is a doubt that I carry since my PDE classes. Some background (skippable): In the multivariable calculus course at my university we made all sorts of standard calculations involving surface ...
dafinguzman's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Proof of the Gauss-Green Theorem

I can't seem to find any references that gives a proof of the Gauss-Green theorem: Let $U\subset\mathbb{R}^{n}$ be an open, bounded set with $\partial U$ being $C^1$. Suppose $u\in C^{1}(\bar{U})$, ...
Patch's user avatar
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24 votes
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When integrating how do I choose wisely between Green's, Stokes' and Divergence?

I've been taught Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem and the Divergence Theorem, but I don't understand them very well. In particular I don't understand in what circumstances I would choose to use any ...
Katherine Rix's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Tricky surface integral of vector field

The following problem comes from a vector calculus exam. Let $$ S = \left\{ (x,y,z) \in \mathbb{R}: z = e^{1 - (x^2 + y^2)^2}, z > 1 \right\} $$ be an embedded surface with the orientation ...
Sam Skywalker's user avatar
24 votes
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When is $\int_0^1 \int_0^1 \frac{f(x) - f(y)}{x-y} \, \text{d} x \, \text{d} y = 2 \int_0^1 f(t) \log\left(\frac{t}{1-t}\right) \, \mathrm{d} t$?

Double integrals of this type sometimes appear when using differentiation under the integral sign with respect to two variables. Therefore, I am interested in reducing them to (simpler) single ...
ComplexYetTrivial's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

distance from the centre of a $n$-cube as $n \rightarrow \infty$

I've figured out the pattern for calculating the average distance from the centre of an n-cube; but I don't have a formula for the answer. Is there an easy way to figure this out? Average distance of ...
Ben Crossley's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Evaluating $\int_0^1\int_0^1\cdots\int_0^1\frac{n\max\{x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n\}}{x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n}dx_1dx_2\cdots dx_n$

I was trying to compute the following integral: $$I=\int_0^1\int_0^1\cdots \int_0^1 \frac{n \max\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\}}{x_1+x_2+\ldots+x_n}dx_1dx_2\ldots dx_n.$$ My attempt was: Let $X_1,X_2, \ldots, ...
TRUSKI's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Volume integral of the curl of a vector field

I am having hard time recalling some of the theorems of vector calculus. I want to calculate the volume integral of the curl of a vector field, which would give a vector as the answer. Is there any ...
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22 votes
4 answers

Help with Seemingly Hopeless Double Integral

I hate to be that guy to just post an integration problem and ask how to solve it so I'll give a little relevant info Okay, so I'm working on a physics project and my professor proposed that the ...
Leonidas Lanier's user avatar

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