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When is $\int_0^1 \int_0^1 \frac{f(x) - f(y)}{x-y} \, \text{d} x \, \text{d} y = 2 \int_0^1 f(t) \log\left(\frac{t}{1-t}\right) \, \mathrm{d} t$?

Double integrals of this type sometimes appear when using differentiation under the integral sign with respect to two variables. Therefore, I am interested in reducing them to (simpler) single ...
ComplexYetTrivial's user avatar
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A difficult integral for the Chern number

The integral $$ I(m)=\frac{1}{4\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}\mathrm{d}x\int_{-\pi}^\pi\mathrm{d}y \frac{m\cos(x)\cos(y)-\cos x-\cos y}{\left( \sin^2x+\sin^2y +(m-\cos x-\cos y)^2\right)^{3/2}} $$ gives the ...
xzd209's user avatar
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How weird can the boundary be so that the fundamental theorems of vector calculus hold?

Let $\Omega$ be a connected open set in $\Bbb R^n$. Suppose that I want theorems in multivariables calculus like divergence theorem or its relative like Green's identities or even Stoke's theorem to ...
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Nasty Integral - Closed form solution?

Any suggestions on how to integrate this beast?: $$\int_0^{\omega_t}\int_{\omega_t}^f\sin^2\left(\frac{\omega_{12}}{2}\right)\sin^2\left(\frac{\omega_{23}}{2}\right)d\omega_{23}d\omega_{12}$$ where: ...
okj's user avatar
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Surface integral for a scalar function defined on a discrete surface

Imagine a polyhedral, discrete surface embedded in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Its faces are all triangles. For each vertex, one can compute the discrete mean and Gaussian curvatures and evaluate the sum of ...
teodron's user avatar
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Understanding intuition behind integral involving mixed product

The topological charge i.e. skyrmion number (also called wrapping number) is defined as the number of times the spin vectors in a 2D configuration (i.e. lying on a 2D plane, as shown in the image ...
Stallmp's user avatar
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When is a surface integral equal to double integral over projection? A verification of Stokes' Theorem. Intuition and relation to Green's Theorem.

I'm helping a calculus student. It's been awhile since I've done some vector calculus. I know Stokes' Theorem in terms of differential forms and manifolds with boundary, but I've forgotten much of ...
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Rudin's PMA 10.38 theorem

Suppose $E$ is a convex open set in $\Bbb R^{n}$, $f \in C^{1}$, $p$ is an integer, $1\leq p \leq n$ and $(D_{j}f)(x)=0$ ($p<j \leq n ,x\in E$). Then there exists an $F \in C^{1}$ such that $...
JohnNash's user avatar
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Find the area of the part of the paraboloid $z = x^2 + y^2$ that lies under the plane $z=4-x$

So the first thing I did was to try and parametrize the parabloid as: $$r(\theta,z)=\sqrt{z}\cos(\theta)i+\sqrt{z}\sin(\theta)j+zk$$ Then I found $||r_\theta\times r_z||=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{4z+1}$. ...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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How to prove following integral equality?

Let's have the equality $$ \int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left[ [\nabla_{\mathbf r'} \times \mathbf A (\mathbf r' )] \times \frac{\mathbf r' - \mathbf r}{|\mathbf r' - \mathbf r |^{3}}\right]d^{3}\...
6 votes
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Algorithm to calculate multiple integral.

One of the major difficulties of student in advanced calculus (including myself when student) is to obtain the extremes of repeated integrals to calculate the volume integral in $R^n$ i.e. transform ...
Elias Costa's user avatar
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Are there programs which compute integrals in $\mathbb{R}^n$?

I look for a software which computes integrals like, for example, this one: $$\int_{B_R}\frac{|x|^3 dx}{(\varepsilon^2+|x|^2)^{n-1}},$$ where $\varepsilon>0$ and $R>0$ are not specific numbers ...
Neverscaredofmath's user avatar
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Does $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-(x+y)^{1000}}\ dx\,dy $ converge?

I want to check if the following integral diverges or converges. $ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-(x+y)^{1000}}\ dx\,dy $ I'm not sure if it diverges or converges. I attempted to ...
FNB's user avatar
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Show that surface integral of absolute vorticity is constant over time

In a rotating frame the (unforced, incompressible) Euler equation is $$ \frac{∂\vec{u}}{∂t}+\vec{u}\cdot\nabla\vec{u}=-\nabla\left(\frac{p}{\rho_0}\right)-2\vec{\Omega}\times\vec{u}+\nabla\left(\frac{...
Azamat Bagatov's user avatar
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Evans Partial Differential Equations, chapter 7 exercise 1 (uniqueness of a regular solution to the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions)

I would like to know how to solve the first exercise of chapter 7 of Evans' Partial Differential Equations, second edition. The problem goes like this: Let $U\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ be an open and ...
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