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Integral calculated directly and with Gauss Green formula

I checked on Wolfram Alpha that the directly calculated integral was correct, when I go to use the Gauss Green formula, I get $0$ as a result, when instead, I ...
Pizza's user avatar
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Line integral where $C$ is the boundary of the square -Green's Theorem

I am trying to solve the following problem but I face difficulties with the results. Any suggestion? The line integral $\int_C y^2 dx - x dy$, where $C$ is the boundary of the square $[-1,1]\times[-1,...
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos's user avatar
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Application of Green's Theorem on a polar closed curve C.

Question: Let $C$ be closed curve as the boundary of region $R$. $C$ is defined as the polar coordinate inequalities $1\le r\le2, 0\le t\le \pi$. Define the field $F(x,y)=P(x,y)i+Q(x,y)j$ where $P=x^2+...
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Help for evaluating the line integrals with Green's Theorem

Earlier, when I scrolled the Instagram posts I found a mathematical problem uploaded by The Vegan Math Guy like the following because this problem looks interesting to me to be solved. The ...
Arthur Kangdani's user avatar
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inferring sign of a double integral over a general region D from double integrals of all boxes that lie inside D and containing D

Suppose a double integral $$ I_{D}:=\iint\limits_D f(x,y) dx dy $$ over a specific type of region $D=\{(x,y) : x_{\min}\leq x \leq x_{\max}, h_1(x) \leq y \leq h_2(x)\}$. Note that $h_1, h_2$ are ...
GSecer's user avatar
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Calculating a line integral using Green's theorem in a region with a singularity

Problem: Calculate the line integral $$ \int_{A}\frac{y\,dx-(x+1)\,dy}{x^2+y^2+2x+1} $$ where $A$ is the line $|x|+|y|=4$, travelling clockwise and making one rotation. Answer: $-2\pi$ Solution: The ...
Tsiolkovsky's user avatar
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Does the starting/end point matter in line intergral of vector fields over a closed curve

Suppose I have a vector field $F = (F_1, F_2):\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$ and $C$ a positively oriented smooth simple closed curve. Then I know the definition of $$ \int_C F_1 dx + F_2 dy = \int_{...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Integral applying Green's Theorem

I have a vector field $\vec{F} = (-2y, x)$ and the curve $\{(x, y) : x^2+y^2 \leq 1; y > |x|\}$. Now I want to calculate the work done by the vector field along the curve that goes positively. So, ...
ludicrous's user avatar
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Line integral on shifted circle directly and using Green's theorem

I am trying to compute the line integral $\int_C \omega$, where $\omega=-y\sqrt{x^2+y^2}dx+x\sqrt{x^2+y^2}dy$ and $C$ is the circle $x^2+y^2=2x$ directly and using Green's Theorem. I have managed to ...
lorenzo's user avatar
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Green's theorem and translated angular form on the path $\gamma:[0,3\pi/2]\to\Bbb R^2,\gamma(t)=(t,\pi\cos t)$-strange result

I would like to compute the following integral $$\int_\gamma-\frac{y}{(x-\pi)^2+y^2}dx+\frac{x-\pi}{(x-\pi)^2+y^2}dy,$$ where $\gamma:\left[0,\frac{3\pi}2\right]\to\Bbb R^2,\gamma(t)=(t,\pi\cos t).$ ...
PinkyWay's user avatar
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Computing areas using Green's theorem

I want to compute the area of the surface $B$ with boundary parametrised by $$ \gamma(t)=\left(\begin{array}{c} \sin t \\ 4 \cos ^{2} t+\cos t \end{array}\right), \quad t \in[0,2 \pi] $$ ...
Richard's user avatar
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Using Green's theorem.

I'm asked to find the following integral by using Green's theorem: $$ I=\iint_D \frac{2ay-y^2-x^2}{y}dxdy $$ where $D$ is the region enclosed by the curve $x^2+y^2=2ay$ and $y\geq a$. The only thing ...
jissabo2001's user avatar
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Calculate $\int_{\rm C}(e^{x^2}- y{x}^{2}){\rm d}x+ \cos({y}^{2}){\rm d}y$

I am trying to calculate the curve integral $$\int_{\rm C}(e^{x^2}- y{x}^{2}){\rm d}x+ \cos({y}^{2}){\rm d}y$$ where ${\rm C}$ is the unit circle passed through one lap counter clockwise. I am using ...
Nickewas's user avatar
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compute line integral using Greens theorem

The question is: $$\int_\gamma \frac{(x^2+y^2-2)\ dx+(4y-x^2-y^2-2)\ dy}{x^2+y^2-2x-2y+2}$$ $$\gamma:y=2\sin\frac{\pi x}{2} \quad \text{from}\ (2,0)\ \text{to}\ (0,0)$$ Here how i have tried to solve ...
simon's user avatar
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Why aren't the integrand $(-y\,dx+x\,dy)$ path independent?

Use Green's theorem to prove: if the vertices of the polygon in counterclockwise order are $(x_i,y_i)$, $i=1(1)n$ then the area of the polygon is $$A=\frac 12 \sum_{i=1}^n(x_iy_{i+1}-x_{i+1}y_i).$$ $...
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