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Proof of $\frac{\Phi_n'(x)}{\Phi_n(x)} = \frac{1}{x^n-1}\sum_{k=1}^{n}c_k(n)x^{k-1}$

Let $c_k(n)$ denote Ramanujan's sum, and $\Phi_n(x)$ be the $n$th cyclotomic polynomial. Prove that $$\frac{\Phi_n'(x)}{\Phi_n(x)} = \frac{1}{x^n-1}\sum_{k=1}^{n}c_k(n)x^{k-1}$$ My attempt was to ...
Mako's user avatar
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How to show that $\sum_{j = 1}^{A \left({n}\right)} \left\{{\frac{n - {j}^{2}}{2\, j}}\right\}$ satisfies Weyl's criterion.

We can write this sum in terms of even ($j = 2k$) and odd ($j = 2k-1$) summation index as $$\sum_{j = 1}^{A \left({n}\right)} \left\{{\frac{n - {j}^{2}}{2\, j}}\right\} = \sum_{k = 1}^{\lfloor{A \left(...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Looking for a solution of $\sum_{i = 1}^{k} \sum_{{d}_{1}\, {d}_{2} = i (2k - i), {d}_{1} \le N, {d}_{2} \le N} [GCD(2 k, {d}_{1}, {d}_{2}) = 1]$

The double sum is $$\sum_{i = 1}^{k} \sum_{\substack{{d}_{1}\, {d}_{2} = i \left({2k - i}\right), \\ {d}_{1} \le N, {d}_{2} \le N}} \left[{\left({2\, k, {d}_{1}, {d}_{2}}\right) = 1}\right]$$ where [.....
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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How to define a function that satifies this condition?

I would like to define a function $f(n)$. It must be such that it should produce the sum of all elements till the nth term of the series mentioned below: $$2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,...
Teflon's user avatar
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The number $1^1 + 3^3 + 5^5 + .. + (2^n - 1)^{2^n-1}$ is a multiple of $2^n$ but not a multiple of $2^{n+1}$

Prove that for all $n>1$ the number $1^1 + 3^3 + 5^5 + .. + (2^n - 1)^{2^n-1}$ is a multiple of $2^n$ but not a multiple of $2^{n+1}$. Proof: Let $$S_n=1^1 + 3^3 + 5^5 + .. + (2^n - 1)^{2^n-1}$$ We ...
Student's user avatar
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Asymptotic for $\sum_{d\mid N}\frac{d^{2}}{\sigma\left(d\right)}$ [closed]

Let $N\in\mathbb{N}$. I'm looking for an asymptotic formula for $\sum_{d\mid N}\frac{d^{2}}{\sigma\left(d\right)}$ as $N\rightarrow\infty$. I tried to use known asymptotic formulas for similar ...
user23571119's user avatar
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Is it possible to construct a sequence using the first $n$ prime numbers such that each segment has a unique sum?

For example, consider the sequence $2,7,3,5$. The sums of the segments of this sequence are as follows, and they are all unique: $$2, 2+7, 2+7+3, 2+7+3+5, 7, 7+3, 7+3+5, 3, 3+5, 5$$ Can we generate ...
dodicta's user avatar
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Can we show that $\frac{\sum_{j=1}^n j^2\cdot j!}{99}$ generates only finite many primes?

Define $$f(n):=\frac{\sum_{j=1}^n j^2\cdot j!}{99}$$ Is $f(n)$ prime for only finite many positive integers $n\ge 10$ ? Approach : If we find a prime number $q>11$ with $q\mid f(q-1)$ , then for ...
Peter's user avatar
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Comparing integral with a sum

Show that \begin{equation}\sum_{m=1}^k\frac{1}{m}>\log k.\end{equation} My intuition here is that the LHS looks a lot like $\int_1^k\frac{1}{x}\textrm{d}x$, and this evaluates to $\log k$. To ...
turkey131's user avatar
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Differences between sums of reciprocals of primes and products thereof.

I am not a number theorist, but I know that number theorists are notorious for estimating sums including primes. So, I have the following question, which I may not have seen addressed, but I am sure ...
User's user avatar
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Sum of floored fractions $\lfloor \frac{1^3}{2009} \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{2^3}{2009} \rfloor + \cdots + \lfloor \frac{2008^3}{2009} \rfloor$

I want to compute the remainder of $A$ divided by 1000, where $A$ is $$A = \lfloor \frac{1^3}{2009} \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{2^3}{2009} \rfloor + \cdots + \lfloor \frac{2008^3}{2009} \rfloor.$$ I tried ...
mathhello's user avatar
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Summation of $\frac{\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{T\left(n\right)}{n^{3}}}{\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\phi\left(n\right)}{n^{3}}}$ [closed]

Define $T(x)$ as $T(x) = \operatorname{gcd}(1,x)+\operatorname{gcd}(2,x)+ \dots+\operatorname{gcd}(x,x)$. How do I find the value of $$\frac{\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{T\left(n\right)}{n^{3}}}{\sum_{n=1}...
FreshestCheese's user avatar
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$m_i, n_j$ integers and $\{m_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\neq\{n_j\}_{j=1}^{k'}.$ Does $\sum\frac{1}{m_i}=\sum\frac{1}{n_j}\implies\sum m_i\neq\sum n_j?$

Suppose $\{m_i\}_{i=1}^{k}$ and $\{n_j\}_{j=1}^{k'}$ are each finite subsets of $\mathbb{N},$ $\{m_i\}_{i=1}^{k}\neq\{n_j\}_{j=1}^{k'},$ and $\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{i=k}\frac{1}{m_i} = \sum_{j=1}^{...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
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Summation notation over divisors confusion

What does the following summation notation represent? $\sum\limits_{d_1 \mid a, \; d_2\mid b}f(d_1d_2)=\sum\limits_{d_1\mid a }\sum\limits_{d_2 \mid b}f(d_1)f(d_1)=\sum\limits_{d_1\mid a}f(d_1)\sum\...
Jason Xu's user avatar
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Determine all positive integers $n$ such that: $n+d(n)+d(d(n))+\dotsb=2023$.

For a positive integer number $n>1$, we say that $d(n)$ is its superdivisor if $d(n)$ is the largest divisor of $n$ such that $d(n)<n$. Additionally, we define $d(0)=d(1)=0$. Determine all ...
Kokos's user avatar
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Can the sequence $\{\lfloor \alpha n \rfloor\}$ be divided into two parts with equal sums, for all $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$?

Define the sequence $a_n = \lfloor \alpha n \rfloor$ for a real number $\alpha$. Is there any pair of natural numbers $k, l$ satisfying the following condition?: $$\sum_{n=1}^k a_n = \sum_{n=k+1}^l ...
dodicta's user avatar
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Is $1 \times 1 + 2 \times 2 + 3 \times 4 + 4 \times 8 = 49$ a coincidence? (Is $\sum_{i=0}^k(i+1)2^i$ ever a square again?)

When watching a gaming video, I noticed an intriguing fact: $$ 1 \times 1 + 2 \times 2 + 3 \times 4 + 4 \times 8 = 49, $$ which is a square number. I asked myself, is this a coincidence or not? ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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Digit Sum for Base 2 Alternate Definition

I was looking at the digit sum definition, but I also saw a simpler version that can be used for binary numbers. I'm trying to figure out and understand how the generic formula for any base can be ...
denvaar's user avatar
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Prove that $0.1111$ is not a sum of 1111 funny numbers and that every $x\in (0,1)$ is the sum of 1112 different funny numbers.

An irrational number in $(0,1)$ is funny if its first four decimal digits are the same. For example, $0.1111 + e/10^5$ is funny. Prove that $0.1111$ is not a sum of 1111 funny numbers and that every $...
user3472's user avatar
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is a closed form solution possible?

I have a facination with prime numbers and unsolved problems, and i ended up creating a formula that returns the index of any prime number. The main problem is I don't know if the summations if its ...
Ivy's user avatar
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Is there a name for this constant and its value where $\alpha = \sum_{p}\frac{\log \left({p}\right)}{p \left({p-1}\right)}$

The constant $$\alpha = \sum_{p} \frac{\log \left({p}\right)}{p \left({p-1}\right)}$$ comes from the calculation $$\sum_{p=2}^{x} \frac{\log \left({p}\right)}{p-1} = \sum_{p=2}^{x} \frac{\log \left({p}...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Is $1105$ the only Poulet-number of the form $2^a+3^b$?

Conjecture : $1105$ is the only Poulet-number that can be written in the form $2^a+3^b$ with positive integers $a,b$ A Poulet-number is a composite number $N$ satisfying the congruence $2^{N-1}\equiv ...
Peter's user avatar
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Dirichlet series of $\ln(n) \tau(n)$

I was experimenting with a technique I developed for double/multiple summation problems, and thought of this problem: Find $$S(p)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{\ln(n) \tau(n)}{n^p}$$ where $\tau(n)=\sum_{...
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Evaluate the sum or asymptotic expansion of $\sum_{p\ge 3} \frac{\log \left({p}\right)}{{p}^{2} - 1}$

In my research I cam across this sum $$S = \sum_{p\ge 3} \frac{\log \left({p}\right)}{{p}^{2} - 1}$$ where $p$ is a prime number. Numerical evaluation of the first $10^8$ primes yields $S = 0....
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Weird computation on the (variant) divisor problem

I have a weird computations here about the (variation of the) divisor problems that involves the squarefull numbers. It is the problem to determine $\displaystyle \sum_{a^2b^3\le x} 1,$ which is ...
W. Wongcharoenbhorn's user avatar
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Is this valid? $\sum_{n=1}^{x} \frac{\Lambda \left({n}\right)}{n} \sim \log \left({x}\right) - \gamma + O \left({\frac{1}{x}}\right)$

From Theorem 4.9 of Apostol Introduction to Analytic Theory, p 88 $$\tilde{\psi} \left({x}\right) = \tilde{\psi}_{1} \left({x}\right) = \sum_{n=1}^{x} \frac{\Lambda \left({n}\right)}{n} \sim \log \...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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The sum of the reciprocals of the Carmichael-numbers.

Let $C_n$ be the $n$-th Carmichael-number and $$r:=\sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{C_j}$$ If we stop at the last Carmichael-number below $10^{16}$ ,we get $$0.0047065376661376\cdots $$ as an ...
Peter's user avatar
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Evaluation of sum and asymptotic expansion of $\sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor{m/2}\rfloor} \left\{{\sqrt{k^2+n}}\right\}$

Find the sum if possible and the asymptotic expansion to high order of $$W \left({m, n}\right) = \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor{m/2}\rfloor} \left\{{\sqrt{k^2+n}}\right\}$$ where $\left\{{...}\right\}$ is the ...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Evaluation sum and its asymptote $\sum_{s=1}^{N} \sum_{t=1}^{N} \left[{\sqrt{4t-s^2} \in \mathbb{Z}}\right]$

I am working on the evaluation of $$S \left({N}\right) = \sum_{s=1}^{N} \sum_{t=1}^{N} \left[{\sqrt{4t-s^2} \in \mathbb{Z}}\right]$$ and its asymptotic expansion where $N \ge 1$. Here $\sqrt{4t-s^2} \...
Lorenz H Menke's user avatar
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Need help with this sum involving linear congruences

A few months ago while dealing with squarefree integers in arithmetic progressions, this problem arose about finding bounded solutions to linear congruences. The problem: I have constants $a$ and $q$ ...
Luca Armstrong's user avatar
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How many numbers less than N have a prime sum of digits?

I'm working on solving Project Euler's Problem 845. It's asking us to find the $10^{16}$-th positive integer number that has a prime sum of digits. Adopting a 'naive' solution, I compute the sum of ...
Radu Valasutean's user avatar
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How to choose which stronger claim to prove when proving $\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{i^2} \le 2$?

I am studying an inductive proof of the inequality $\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{i^2} \le 2$. In the proof, it was decided to prove the stronger claim $\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{i^2} \le 2-\frac{1}{n}$, as this ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Simplifying floor function summation $\sum^m_{k=0} \left(\left\lfloor{\frac{n}{m}k}\right\rfloor-\left\lceil{\frac{n}{m}(k-1)}\right\rceil\right)$

Is there a way this summation can be simplified/cast in a more revelatory form (non-summation representation, single-term only, etc.)? $$\sum^m_{k=0} \left(\left\lfloor{\frac{n}{m}k}\right\rfloor-\...
Lambda's user avatar
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Mysterious sum equal to $\frac{7(p^2-1)}{24}$ where $p \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$

Consider a prime number $p \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$ and $n_p$ denotes the remainder of $n$ upon division by $p$. Let $A_p=\{ a \in [[0,p]] \mid {(a+1)^2}_p<{a^2}_p\}$. I Conjecture $$\sum_{a \in A_p } a=\...
Pascal's user avatar
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At most one representation as a sum of two fibonacci-numbers?

I wanted to start a project to find primes of the form $F_m+F_n$ with integers $m,n$ satisfying $1<m<n$ , where $F_n$ denotes the $n$ th fibonacci-number. I wondered whether duplicate numbers ...
Peter's user avatar
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The most elementary proof of divisibility of sum of powers

I am wondering how one can prove that for an arbitrary odd natural number $n$ and an arbitrary natural number $a$ the power-sum $S_{(a,n)}=1^n+2^n+\ldots +a^n $ is divisible by $S_{(a,1)}=1+2+\ldots + ...
Evgeny Kuznetsov's user avatar
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Construct a prime using $[2, 2, 2, ...., 3]$

Is there a generalized method to constructing primes through sums using the set $[2, 2, 2, ..., 3]$ given its elements are $n$- many 2s and a 3. This question obviously requires knowledge on ...
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Prove that $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_n=\infty$.

Let $a_n$ denote the exponent of $2$ in the numerator of $\sum_{i=1}^n \dfrac{2^i}{i}$ when written in the lowest form. For example, $a_1=1,a_2=2,a_3=2.$ Prove that $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} a_n=\...
user3379's user avatar
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When is $\sum_{1 \leq n \leq k}n^{-n+k}$ prime?

Consider the following finite sum $f: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ defined as $$f(k) = \sum_{1 \leq n \leq k}n^{-n+k}$$ $$ = 2 + 2^{k-2} + 3^{k-3}...+ (k-1)$$ It is easy to see that $f(2) = 2$ ...
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Show that the product of the $2^{2019}$ numbers of the form $\pm 1\pm \sqrt{2}\pm\cdots \pm \sqrt{2019}$ is the square of an integer.

Show that the product of the $2^{2019}$ numbers of the form $\pm 1\pm \sqrt{2}\pm\cdots \pm \sqrt{2019}$ is the square of an integer. I'm aware very similar problems were asked before (e.g. here and ...
user33096's user avatar
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Number theory approach to Project Euler's "Large Sum" problem?

I am refreshing some of my skills by solving problems on the Project Euler site. It is a repository of problems that usually require some mathematics knowledge and programming knowledge to solve ...
Galen's user avatar
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Probability that two integers are coprime

Maybe it is a silly question, but anyway. We know that the probability that two positive integers are coprime is $6/\pi^2$. However, for fixed positive integers $r$ and $s$, I'd want to compute the ...
CarloReed's user avatar
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For which integers $a\gt 0, b\ge 0$ is $\sum_{k=1}^n \frac1{ak+b}$ never an integer for $n > 1$?

For which integers $a\gt 0, b\ge 0$ is $\sum_{k=1}^n \frac1{ak+b}$ never an integer for $n > 1$? This is inspired by a number of cases where this is true ($(a, b) =(1, 0), (3, 1) $). It might be ...
marty cohen's user avatar
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An alternating sum

I ran into an alternating sum in my research and would like to know if the following identity is true: $$ \sum_{i = 0}^{\left\lfloor \left(n + 1\right)/2\right\rfloor} \frac{\left(n + 1 - 2i\right)^{n ...
Wonmat's user avatar
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Proving $\sum_{1}^{n} \left\lceil\log_{2}\frac{2n}{2i-1}\right\rceil=2n -1 $

Show that $$\sum_{i=1}^{n} \left\lceil\log_{2}\frac{2n}{2i-1}\right\rceil=2n -1 $$ where $ \lceil\cdot\rceil$ denotes the ceiling function. My method: one way would be observe each part of the ...
ProblemDestroyer's user avatar
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Max value of $p \ge 0$, $p \in \mathbb{Z}$ which makes $\frac{a_n}{3^p} \in \mathbb{N}$, when $\{a_n\}$ is an arithmetic sequence?

For $d \in \mathbb{N}$, $\{a_n\}$ is a arithmetic progression with $a_1 = 9$, and its common difference $d$. $b_n$ is a max value of $p$ $(p \ge 0$, $p \in \mathbb{Z})$ which makes $\frac{a_n}{3^p} \...
SinonOW's user avatar
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Changing index of a double summation [duplicate]

How does one prove the following result, where $x$ is a three-parameter function defined on $\mathbb Z^3$? $$ \sum_{\ell=1}^{P}\sum^{\ell-1}_{i=0} x(\ell,i,\ell-i) \quad = \quad \sum^{P}_{j=1}\sum^{P-...
Martin Geller's user avatar
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A sum related to the Mobius function

It is well-known that $$\frac{\phi(n)}{n}=\sum_{d\mid n}\frac{\mu (d)}{d} \quad n\in \mathbb Z^+$$ Where $\phi $ is Euler's totient function and $\mu$ is the Mobius function. But using the formula for ...
PNT's user avatar
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Prove or disprove that $\sum_{k=1}^p G(\lambda^k) = ps(p)$

Prove or disprove the following: if $\lambda$ is a pth root of unity not equal to one, $G(x) = (1+x)(1+x^2)\cdots (1+x^p),$ and $s(p)$ is the sum of the coefficients of $x^n$ for $n$ divisible by $p$ ...
user3472's user avatar
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On swapping the order of a summation

Consider the following sum $$S=\sum_{k=1}^nd(k)$$ where $d(k)$ is the number of divisors of $k$. We can rewrite the sum like this $$S=\sum_{k=1}^n\sum_{d\mid k}^k1$$ but now how can I change the order ...
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