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Solving ODE system with less equations

In sensitivity analysis, there is a set of equations called sensitivity equations. They're obtained by differentiating your initial IVP with respect to the parameters. For example: If your IVP is: $\...
nileebolt's user avatar
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How to formally justify fudge factor in this difference equation solution?

In Exercise $11$ from Section $3.3$ of Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems by Polking, Boggess, and Arnold, we first develop the difference equation $P[n + 1] = (1 + \frac{I}{m})P[n],\ ...
user10478's user avatar
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How to untangle the ODE $\frac{dx}{dt} = c + \frac{px}{l_0 + pt}$? [closed]

In working on this problem, I came up with the following differential equation: $$ \frac{dx}{dt} = c + \frac{px}{l_0 + pt} $$ where $x$ is the dependent variable, $t$ the independent, and all others ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How to solve an ODE where the rate is directly proportional to two amounts?

Two chemicals in solution react together to form a compound: one unit of compound is formed from $a$ units of chemical $A$ and $b$ units of chemical $B$, with $a + b = 1$. Assume the concentration ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Query regarding approach to solve a given differential equation.

There's a equation $$N(t) = N(t)\frac{P(t,z)}{B}-C\frac{d(P(t,z))}{dz}$$ $$N(t) = A\frac{dP(t,z)}{dt}$$ Constants: B, C=3.9878*10⁻⁷, $A=0.11941$, Variables: N(t) is a function of t and is defined at a ...
Qwerty's user avatar
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Calculating Rate of Change and using differentials to project 3 years from now

Currently, BC is helping $R=5,000$ refugees. The number of refugees that BC must help is rising at a rate of $\frac{dR}{dt}=1,000$ refugees per year. Currently, the number of staff members is $N=100$ ...
user20194358's user avatar
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Simulating Particle motion on a surface

I am working on a personal project to model the motion of a particle on a surface. Using calculus, I parametrized a surface and then found the normal vector to that surface. Using that normal vector, ...
tabatuby's user avatar
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Is state space representation useful for nonlinear control systems?

I understand that the state space representation is mathematically equivalent to the transfer function representation for linear systems, and that it allows us to solve the corresponding DE by finding ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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Understanding and Applying the Half Life Formula

Struggling with this question here: "One percent of a substance disintegrates in $100$ years. What is its half life?" I'm not understanding how to apply the formula $T=\dfrac {\ln 2}k$ to ...
yallah's user avatar
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Simplest application of Picard-Lindelöf in the sciences

I am teaching single-variable real analysis and I want to give the students a concrete example of application of the Picard--Lindelöf theorem for a first-order ODE $$ \frac{dx}{dt}=f(t,x),$$ where $t$ ...
Gabriele Benedetti's user avatar
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Sequence of Logic in Diffusion Problem DQ

Problem: If a tank is filled with 100 gallons of water and mistakenly added 300 pounds of salt. To fix the mistake the brine is drained at 3 gallons per minute and replaced with water at the same rate....
Harry Alvarado's user avatar
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Does there exists two differentiable functions $f, g$ on $I$ such that $W(f, g) (x) >0$ on $A$ and $W(f, g) <0$ on $I\setminus A$?

Let $I=(0, 1) $ and $A=\mathcal{C}\cap (0, 1) $ where $\mathcal{C}$ denote Cantor set. $\color{red}{Question}$ : Does there exists two differentiable functions $f, g$ on $I$ such that $W(f, g) (x) >...
Ussesjskskns's user avatar
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Does there exist two functions $f, g\in C^1(I)$ for which $W(f, g) (x) >0$ for some $x$ and $W(f, g) (x) <0$ for some $x$?

$f, g\in C^1(I) $ where $I$ is an open interval and $f, g$ both are real valued. Let $W(f,g)(x) =\begin{vmatrix}f(x) &g(x) \\f'(x)&g'(x)\end{vmatrix}$ denote the Wronskian of $f, g$ at $x\in I$...
Ussesjskskns's user avatar
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Using an expression and an equation to get an ODE to describe something.

I have an expression and an equation, that I need to use to show that ODE describes something. Let me put it into context I have an expression for the Rate at Anti-Freeze flows $\mathcal{IN}$ and $\...
Capt_N3M0's user avatar
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Using integration to find the population $x$ after a time $t$ years. Having a problem with getting a negative log input.

I'm a little bit confused by a question I came across. It says: If there were no emigration the population $x$ of a county would increase at a rate of $2.5 \%$ per annum. By emigration a county loses ...
hoff's user avatar
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Question in population dynamics using exponential growth rate equation

Given population doubles in 20 minutes, what is intrinsic growth rate r? Attempt: Given population doubles, using exponential growth rate we have $\frac{dN}{dt}=2N$ so $N(t)=N_0e^{2t}$ therefore r=2, ...
user5896534's user avatar
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Determining correlations of derivatives of a function given only measurements of that function

Cross-posted from statistics stackexchange: Say we have a permanent-magnet DC motor that roughly obeys the system equation $\ddot{x}(t) = \alpha \dot{x}(t) + \beta u(t) + \gamma$, where $x(t)$ is the ...
user3716267's user avatar
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How to solve simple differential equation (biology)

First of all, I am a biologist and I am not really knowledgeable in mathematics. Thus, I apologize if what I am asking is naive or not fully explained. I am trying to solve analytically a differential ...
locoric_polska's user avatar
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Thomas Calculus wrong question on Differential Equation?

The problem: An antibiotic is administered intravenously into the bloodstream at a constant rate $r$. As the drug flows through the patient's system and acts on the infection that is present, it is ...
Abhishek A Udupa's user avatar
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Ray tracing in nonuniform media; did I write this second order differential equation as two first order differential equations correctly?

Both answers to the Physics SE question Ray tracing in a inhomogeneous media* arrive at some form of the equation below and one links to Florian Bociort's dissertation Imaging properties of gradient-...
uhoh's user avatar
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Could there be exact solutions to the Lane-Emden equation for real n≥0 other than 0, 1, or 5?

This Astronomy SE answer says With a constant $k$ and the polytrop index $n$. This is a result of the solutions of the Lane-Emden equation $$\frac{1}{\xi^2} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}\xi} \left(\xi^...
uhoh's user avatar
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Modelling interest with differential equations (IVP)

Problem : you set a bank account, with initial value k, the bank will pay you continuous interest of 12% per year. a) write an initial value problem for your account balance y(t) after t years Sol: $$...
Leavei's user avatar
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1st order linear differential equation application in electric circuits

I have the following 1st order linear differential equation: $$L\frac{dI}{dt}+RI=E_0\sin(wt).$$ where $L$, $R$ and $E_0$ are constants. The goal here is to discuss the case when $t$ increases ...
Ayibatari Ibaba's user avatar
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Mathematical expression for physical forces in pendulum ODE

A 16 lb weight is suspended from a spring having a spring constant of 5 lb/ft. Assume that an external force given by 24 sin (10t) and a damping force with damping constant 4, are acting on the spring....
sabeelmsk's user avatar
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Hyperbolastic rate equation of type II already has its initial condition in it?

I'm modelling some real-world gene expression data with various growth models including linear, exponential, and Verhulst growth but not all of the genes are showing these forms of time-dependence. ...
Galen's user avatar
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Finding the formula for T from Newton's Law of Cooling

I think I got a wrong answer because I skipped a particular step which seemed optional. I'm still not too sure what happened though and would appreciate your help... Background: Newton’s law of ...
Nigel S's user avatar
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Analytic method for ODE problem

I am studying on a drag force ODE. My question is: Is there any analytic method to solve $$\frac{dv}{dt}+\alpha v^n=g\\ n \in(1,2]$$ It is somehow look like Bernoulli Differential Equations $y' + p\...
Khosrotash's user avatar
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Do repeated roots (and Real Jordan form) for ODE's come up in real world applications of ODE's

An equation like $y^{\prime \prime} + 2 y^{\prime} + y = 0$ has repeated roots: The characteristic polynomial is $r^2 + 2r + 1$ which has repeated roots $(-1,-1)$. Two basic solutions of the ODE are ...
Smithey's user avatar
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Help with understanding a differential equation model related to food supply per capita

The growth rate of a population can depend on many factors. For example, it can depend on the amount of food per capita $A$. If $A_0$ is the mimimum amount of food required, one can think of the ...
NotAMathematician's user avatar
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Name and application of a nonlinear ODE

Is there a name for an ODE taking form: \begin{equation} \left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right)^2 + a y = 0, \end{equation} and if there is, what is the constant `a' called either generally or in certain ...
rhdxor's user avatar
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The differential equation of the change of the amount of the nutrition inside of the incubator. [closed]

The problem statement is as below. We will handle the incubator with the microbes inside of it. The microbe increases consuming a nutrition. The amount of the nutrition is never increased. $10^3*P(t):=...
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Finding out the transer function where the equation of the input function and the output function are given

$G(s):=$The transfer function which I want to find out. $f(t):=$The input function of some system. $x(t):=$The output function of some system. The below equation being given. $4\frac{dx(t)}{dt}+3x(t)=...
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Conceptual complex dynamics - Is it reasonable to perform bifurcation diagrams on PDE's?

I am working on a PDE model, the subject has been modeled with ODE's before. The articles usually have a bifurcation diagram, and to be able to validate my model, I want to compare my work with the ...
confused's user avatar
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Criterion to see if you can neglect air drag in projectile motion

In physics education you often consider "real world problems" with projectile motion. Most times in introductory courses you neglect air drag. But how can students (knowing nothing about ...
Julia's user avatar
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Derive the equations of motion and determine whether angular momentum is conserved..

Suppose that the gravitational force is not given by the inverse-square law, and instead is $$ F_{grav}=\left(\frac{A}{r^{2}}+\frac{B}{r^{4}}\right)\hat{r}, $$ where A and B are real constants. Derive ...
rani's user avatar
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Differential equation undamped system

Question image How can I solve this question? An object weighting 8 pounds is suspended from a spring stretching it 0.5 feet. The weight, which is at rest in the equilibrium position, is struck an ...
Semih Ataman's user avatar
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Differential Equation Application of Physics-Sliding Block

Where I can I start to solve this question? A block is released with an initial velocity v0 = 20 m/s from the bottom of an inclined plane making an angle of 30◦ with the horizontal. If the constant ...
Semih Ataman's user avatar
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Basic ODE story - tank with pumps

Full tank has $500$ liter of water containing $0.2\%$ of salt. One pipe pumps clear water in ($100$ liters per minute) and the other gets the mixture from the tank ($100$ liters per minute too). ...
blahblah's user avatar
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Calculating if Romeo and Juliet will stay together always or not. [closed]

I have two equations which describe the Love of Romeo for Juliet (R) and Love of Juliet for Romeo (J) as a function of time, $t$. $R=-c_1e^{3t}-c_2e^{2t}$ $J=2c_1e^{3t}+c_2e^{2t}$ They will stay ...
Srijan's user avatar
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perfect lens: expression for interface

Suppose I want to find a function $(x,z) \mapsto y((x^2+z^2)^{1/2})$ which must represent the interface between two translucent media with different refractive index and which must yield a perfect ...
5th decile's user avatar
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Applications of the Laplace Transform

I am curious to know what kind of applications the Laplace transform has. Yes, I know people will reference Wikipedia, and other online sites which discuss the Laplace transform at length. However, ...
Nicolas Bourbaki's user avatar
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Approximation for Lambert W containing exponential, to help simplify ODE

I have a linear ODE derived from electrical engineering of the form: $$\omega\cos(\omega t) - W\left(\frac{e^{\omega\cos(\omega t)}}{C}\right) = \frac{Ai'(t)}{i(t)}$$ Where A, C are constants, and W ...
MattyZ's user avatar
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Which logistic equation is better for solving this question?

So I was given a question about spread of disease: A virus is spreading through a city of 50,000 people who take no precautions. The virus was brought to the town by 100 people and it was found ...
Tan Qiyan's user avatar
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Applications of coupled systems of $\;2\times 2\;$ linear differential equations

I am providing maths help to some students studying just before University level in mathematics. I am writing some practice questions for them on solving coupled first order linear equations and I ...
PhysicsMathsLove's user avatar
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Solutions of the Falkner Skan Equation for Negative Beta

I was wondering what the solution to the Falkner Skan equation, $$f^{\prime\prime\prime}+ff^{\prime\prime}+\beta(1-f^{\prime 2})=0$$ looks like for negative values of $\beta$ and whether solutions for ...
user516948's user avatar
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Interpreting solutions to spring-mass ODEs.

I have the following spring-mass ODE solutions: $$1:\;\;\;x(t)=-3\sin(2t)+4\cos(2t)+12t\sin(t)$$ $$2:\;\;\;x(t)=6e^{-t}\cos(3t)-3e^{-t}\sin(2t)+40\sin(7t)$$ How is is possible to figure if each one is ...
JustHeavy's user avatar
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What are some practical applications of successive differentiation?

Before starting to learn something, I always wonder whats its application. So would you please give some practical examples of application of Successive differentiation and concepts related to it such ...
Aether's user avatar
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Provide a full phase plane analysis for the model

Provide a full phase plane analysis for the model: $\left\{\begin{array}{l} \epsilon\dfrac{dx}{dt}=-(x^3-Tx+b)\;,\;T>0\\\dfrac{db}{dt}=x-x_0\end{array} \right.$ So I'm trying to find critical ...
MacAbra's user avatar
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Solution to ODE from Newton's Second Law

I have attempted to explore Newton's second law (F = ma) further into its many differential forms. I am not very familiar with differential equations and was searching for the steps and methods to ...
PartialDifferentials's user avatar
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Applications of differential equations that boil down to tridiagonal matrix when solved using implicit methods

I am looking for actual applications where differential equations are solved using implicit methods that boil down to solving a tridiagonal every time step. I found that there are heat equations and ...
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