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Questions tagged [algebraic-combinatorics]

For problems involving algebraic methods in combinatorics (especially group theory and representation theory) as well as combinatorial methods in abstract algebra.

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What is the definition of affine independence then?

The following is the definition of affine dependence (This definition is from James Oxley book, second edition "matroid theory") Definition of affine dependence: A multiset $\{ \underline{...
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Let $A\subset B$ be flats of a matroid $M$ such that $r(A)=r(B)<\infty$. Then $A = B$.

I want to prove the following lemma: Let $r$ denotes the rank. Lemma. Let $A\subset B$ be any flats of a matroid $M$ such that $r(A)=r(B)<\infty$. Then $A = B$. My thoughts are: I know that $cl(A) =...
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Taylor Expansion of the Polynomial in Flajolet’s Fundamental Lemma

I am currently looking at the proof of Flajolet’s Fundamental Lemma. Before I phrase the question, I need to review the definition of $(0,k)$-path and define its weight. Define $(0,k)$-path as the ...
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Proving that $ \beta(M) = \beta (M - e) + \beta (M /e).$

Here is the statement I am trying to prove: If $e \in E$ is neither a loop nor an isthmus, then $$ \beta(M) = \beta (M - e) + \beta (M /e).$$ Here are all the properties I know about the Crapo's beta ...
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Why always the Crapo beta invariant value greater than or equal zero?

Here are the definitions of the Crapo beta invariant I know: My definition of the Crapo's beta invariant of a matroid from the book "Combinatorial Geometries" from page 123 and 124 is as ...
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Philip Hall's theorem

Here is the theorem I want to prove: For $x,y \in P$ and $i \geq 0,$ let $c_i(x,y)$ be the number of chains $x=x_0 < x_1 < \dots < x_i = y$ of length $i$ from $x$ to $y.$ Let $$\phi (x,y) = ...
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an $\mathbb F$- representation of the matroid $M_1 \oplus M_2.$

Suppose that $A_1$ and $A_1$ are $\mathbb F$- representations of the matroids $M_1$ and $M_2$ respectively, show that $$\begin{matrix} A_1& 0\\ 0 & A_2 \end{matrix}$$ is an $\mathbb F$- ...
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Trace of power of matrix (arising from number of closed walks)

Let $G_n$ be the graph obtained from the $n-$cube graph $C_n$ by adding one extra edge between each vertex and its antipode (vertex whose label has all $0$'s and $1$'s switched) Note: The $C_n$ graph ...
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Finding an $\mathbb R$-representation for $M^*.$

Here is something I want to learn ( Problem #2.2.7 in Matroid Theory, first edition( page 88 ) , by James Oxley: Finding an $\mathbb R$-representation for the dual matroid $M^*$ when $M$ is the vector ...
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Show that no row of $A$ contains exactly one non-zero entry.

Here is the question I am trying to tackle: Let $A$ be a non-zero matrix over a field $\mathbb F$ and suppose that $M[A]$ has no coloops. Show that no row of $A$ contains exactly one non-zero entry. ...
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prove that $M\big[ \frac{A_1}{A_2}\big] = M[A_1].$

Here is the question I am trying to tackle: For $i = 1,2,$ let $A_i$ be an $m_i \times n$ matrix over a field $\mathbb F.$ If every row of $A_2$ is a linear combination of rows of $A_1,$ prove that $M\...
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Determining all self-dual uniform matroids.

I want to determine all self-dual uniform matroids; I know that the dual of a uniform matroid $U_{r,n}$ is $U_{n - r,n}$ by Example $2.1.4$ in James Oxley, second edition, "Matroid Theory". ...
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The relation between contraction and deletion in a matroid.

Here is the relation I have seen a lot in the books, but I am not sure why it is always true: If $T \subseteq E(M)$ then $$M \setminus T = (M^* / T)^* \quad\quad (*)$$ I know that contraction is ...
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Why every component of a loopless matroid is flat?

Why every component of a loopless matroid is flat? I know that the rank of a loop in a matroid is zero and I read that: A loop is an element of a matroid that is not contained in any independent set (...
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The relation between the closure and the contraction of a matroid M.

Here is the relation I am trying to justify: $cl_{ M/T}(X) = cl_M(X \cup T) - T$ for all $X \subseteq E - T.$ Why this relation true? Any proof will be greatly appreciated! **Here are all what I know ...
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