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Questions tagged [historical-figures]

questions pertaining to Jewish historical figures

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What books could be found in Rabbi Judah's library?

How did Rabbi Judah the Prince's bookcase look like? As the most distinguished and rich Pharisee of his time, what books besides the Tanach, did he have in his library around 200 CE?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Introduction to the Shelah

Can someone recommend a sefer or article that discuss the creation of the work "Shenei Luchos HaBris" by Rabbi Yeshayahu Horowitz? The only thing I found, was written by the Chida, in his ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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How did anyone study the Talmud before Rashi?

Supposedly, the knowledge was transmitted from teacher to student in each generation and so Rashi learned it all from his teacher and wrote it all down. Was it common for people to be familiar with ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Reference book needed

Any suggestions for a reference book that is a "Who's Who" of persons named in the Tanach? Persons do appear in multiple places (such as in Shmuel and Divrei Hayamim, or in the lives of ...
steve nachman's user avatar
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Who’s Bar Tutni

The Gemara in Keritot 4b has Reish Lakish quoting someone named בר תאוטני. If my AlHatorah search was correct, it seems this is the only place in Shas he is mentioned. Does anyone have more info on ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Did Ramban ever cite kabbalah books?

Is there any evidence Ramban (Nachmanides) had access to books of kabbalah and did he ever cite them? I believe he is generally seen as Maimonides’ mystical counterpart. Is there any historical record ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Were Rivka, Rachel, and Leah monotheists prior to marrying their respective husbands?

I was wondering what the religious affiliation of Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah were prior to getting married. Did they all already acknowledge HaShem as G-d or at least subscribed to monotheism?
ddas91600's user avatar
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Lavan the son of whom?

Why is Lavan sometimes named as the son of Bethuel his father, and othertimes after his grandfather Nachor? וַיִּשְׁלַ֤ח יִצְחָק֙ אֶֽת־יַעֲקֹ֔ב וַיֵּ֖לֶךְ פַּדֶּ֣נָֽה אֲרָ֑ם אֶל־לָבָ֤ן בֶּן־...
Shababnik's user avatar
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Who was Adina? (Lavan's wife)

In Sefer Hayashar it says: ויזרע יצחק בארץ ההיא, וימצא בשנה ההיא מאה שערים ויברכו ה׳. ויגדל האיש ויהי לו ובשנת חמישים ושש שנים לחיי יעקב, באו אנשים מחרן ויגידו לרבקה על אודות לבן בן בתואל אחיה. כי ...
Shababnik's user avatar
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Why do we have many teachings from Hillel and Shammai, but very few of earlier zugot?

We venerate our previous generations, and have a principle of yeridat hadorot. Therefore I would imagine that the Torah of Samaya and Avtalyon, for example, would be pure gold for us, and threaded ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Who was Rambam responding to when he argued for free will against the idea that everything is pre-destined/pre-determined? Did any thinkers believe it

It is well known that Rambam advocated against the ideas that everything is pre-destined and pre-determined and that he believed in (absolute) free will for humanity. The fact that he felt that it was ...
setszu's user avatar
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When did R’ Hillel make the calendar?

I noticed that the Sefer HaChinukh (§4) attributes the calendar to Rabbi Hillel II, whom the mechaber says was the son of Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi. I have never before encountered the idea that Rabbi ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Which famous Rabbi had lifelong stomach pain?

I recently heard a shiur that quoted a famous rabbi (I think an Acharon) who talked about having stomach pain every day of his life, and studying torah was the only thing that gave him any joy. Does ...
human347359's user avatar
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Where is Nimrod written about outside Genesis, Chronicles, and Micah? In particular, is he described anywhere as mighty, strong, vigorous, etc?

I am ultimately interested in finding out why Greek scribes translated the Hebrew works as "mighty hunter" in Genesis and Chronicles for the Septuagint. The original Hebrew in those books do ...
Tym0027's user avatar
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What does it mean that Jacob had two concubines?

The Wikipedia article on the 12 tribes of Israel mention that Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel and two concubines Bilhah and Zilpah. What does the word concubine mean here? Is it like a mistress?
Neil Meyer's user avatar

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