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Questions tagged [estates-inheritance]

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Is it true there was a sage on his death bed and said I wish I used up all my money?

BH Is it true that there was a sage on his death bed who said I wish I used up all my money?
David 's user avatar
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Who inherits how much?

Imagine the following scenario: A man dies. He owns 100,000 ₪ cash, 3 kilograms of gold, a 100 square meter house with a garden, a car, and stocks worth 20,000 dollars. He leaves behind: A wife (...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Does halacha define/suggest appropriate fees for the executor of an estate?

Is there a halachic figure on how much is appropriate for the executor to keep for their trouble in dealing with the estate? (I know the Gemara talks about selecting an Apotropos, fiduciary, if none ...
Shalom's user avatar
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First-born in a case of two wives

In the beginning of parshas כי תצא (Devarim 21:15-17), the Torah commands that in a case of one man having two wives who both bear him sons - that the first-born, even if it is from the wife he loves ...
malkizedek's user avatar
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Redemption Law (גאולת קרקעות) in Book Of Ruth

I am struggling to understand the redemption law (גאולת קרקעות) in Ruth Scroll, and what was needed to be accomplished? Who the field belonged to originally, before Naomi left, and at the time of the ...
Boris's user avatar
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Child from a different father born after marriage

If a child of a Jewish woman has been fathered by a person before marriage, and she marries a Jewish husband before birth and accepts the child knowingly, and the natural father does not claim ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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Why was Cheshbon given by the Gadites?

In Bamidbar 32:37 it says that Cheshbon was rebuilt by Reuven - seemingly, it was given to them after they reached the agreement with Moshe on the settlement of the land. In Yehoshua 13:17 it says ...
Harel13's user avatar
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What or how much did a woman own within the household during Ancient Israel?

In Shemoth/Exodus 21:10 it states: If he marries another wife, her [the first wife's] food, her clothing, and her conjugal rights, shall he not diminish. אִם-אַחֶרֶת, יִקַּח-לוֹ--שְׁאֵרָהּ כְּסוּתָהּ ...
יהודה's user avatar
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Is it fine to exploit the loophole in the laws of inheritance?

After my last question on mi yodeya, I learnt thanks to the answer and comments that a trick was possible in inheritance law according to the halacha to make daughters get the same inheritance parts ...
Flora Grappelli's user avatar
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Laws of inheritance according to the Torah still applicable?

I was wondering if the inheritance Torah laws were still applicable in Western countries like US or France. First question For example, in France, by law a parent can not disinherit one of his ...
Flora Grappelli's user avatar
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Father as an heir

In Parashat Pinchas we learn about the rules of inheritence. A son inherits first. This is implicit from the first statement of the Parsha. It says that if the deceased person didn't have a son, then ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Estate of a convert whose only possible heir is just that: only a possible heir

The last mishna in chapter 11 of Y'vamos says that if a woman didn't wait long between two marriages and therefore we don't know whether her son, say Samuel, is from the first husband, Aaron, or the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is "Half the tribe" an administrative unit?

The Torah says that the land was handed to two AND A HALF tribes (Num 32:33): וַיִּתֵּן לָהֶם מֹשֶׁה לִבְנֵי־גָד וְלִבְנֵי רְאוּבֵן וְלַחֲצִי שֵׁבֶט מְנַשֶּׁה בֶן־יוֹסֵף אֶת־מַמְלֶכֶת סִיחֹן׃ So ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is God a kosher witness?

Moshe's death is attested to by God Deutoronimy 34,5 (see Sotah 13b), There were no other witnesses. At what point did Gershom and Eliezer inherit his posessions and Assuming he and Tzippora were ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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May I name my child after someone who lent me money, if I did not repay the loan yet?

If I borrowed money from someone, and he died before I paid him back, (in a situation where I now owe the debt to the children of the deceased lender), may I name my child after him, or, since not ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar

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