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Questions tagged [family-members]

Questions pertaining to family members

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Is the husband also responsible for maaser due to his wife's income?

The svara here is that if all of the money belongs to the husband, then technically his wife's income is really his own. Does it matter whether the couple uses a joint account and more generally ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Was Eleazar ben Dama related to Dama ben Netina?

Kiddushin 31a records the story of a non-Jew named Dama ben Netina. The story of Eleazar ben Dama is recorded in a few places (Tosefta Chullin 2:22,23; Avodah Zarah 27b; Yerushalmi Avoda Zarah 2, 40d)....
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Advice needed on becoming more observant as an adult [closed]

From a normative orthodox perspective, if a Jew is married to a convert who converted along with their infant in a Conservative synagogue (so not Jewish to them) which of these bad options are the &...
moishe ber's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah to honor a bechor who’s an adopted brother

The Halacha states that there is a mitzvah to honor first born brothers. My question is, does this apply if the oldest brother is adopted? What if the oldest brother who is adopted is a first born ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Do you have to honor parents’ demand for Chumra

According to Halacha, do you have to honor your parents’ demand for you to observe Chumrahs? In the rule of Kibbud Av Veim, do parents have the right to tell their children to observe stringencies ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How would a Gabbai call up his firstborn son, who is a Rabbi, for an Aliyah

Torah Service, Gabbai duties, Hebrew names and titles, honors due relatives
Hillel Schonhaut's user avatar
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Some Rabbis today are able to trace their lineage back to Sinai, without omitting a single generation. Has any published a lineage that I can share?

The atheist claim is that there is no evidence for a [personal] god, of which the Jewish retort is the mass revelation at Mount Sinai. When I assert this fact, I am asked Where are their accounts ...
Anon's user avatar
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Minhag hamakom, minhag avot, tefillah in synagogue, minhag at home

We suppose that a Jew lives in a city where there are synagogues that follow his minhag avot, but in that city there are also synagogues that do not follow his minhag avot. Halakhically, can he do the ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Who were Binyamin's sons named after?

In parashat Miketz who were the sons of Binyamin named after?
Yaffa S's user avatar
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Mixed Marriage Question [closed]

So here’s my problem. I’m Baal Teshuva (MO) and my partner is not Jewish. I know, I know! It’s complicated. She has no interest in converting, but totally supports me. As for me, I’m just trying to ...
Dovid Buchenholz's user avatar
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Choosing a minhag based on ancestry

To roughly which year does a Jew, who does not descend from any mixed marriage, need to analyze his patrilineal ancestry to find out the minhag of your family? Also taking into account that many ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Broken family, what resources does Judaism offer in books, teaching, old and contemporary about incorporating loving parent archetypes?

Both mother and father were entirely demonstrative of negative aspects only. Would like to utilize Judaic teachings, perhaps in a contemporary orthodox-oriented book that's very well written and ...
JSarai's user avatar
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Child from a different father born after marriage

If a child of a Jewish woman has been fathered by a person before marriage, and she marries a Jewish husband before birth and accepts the child knowingly, and the natural father does not claim ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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Saying kaddish for a distant relative when a closer one is alive but will not say kaddish

What do the sources say about saying kaddish in a situation where a non-blood relative passed away. Closer relatives are alive but are unlikely to say kaddish.
fml2's user avatar
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Does one have to respect his grandfather? [duplicate]

Does one have to respect his grandfather as an extension of kivud av va'em or for any other reason?
yogazefish's user avatar

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