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דרך Segol or kometz under ד

In Parshas Balak (probably other places too), the Torah usually says "derech" and at least once, it says "darech" with a kometz. Why? Also,sometimes Bilaam and Balak have a beis ...
Sara Doe's user avatar
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Why didn't the Jews complain when they had to wait for Miriam 7 days in the Midbar when she had Tzeras? They complained about everything else?

This is not my question; someone asked me this. This whole parsha, B’nai Yisrael are constantly complaining. Pesach Sheni (lumea Negura), Kohanim about missing the nessiim dedication, the misoneeinim, ...
Ed Rosenberg's user avatar
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Contradiction in Parashat Behukotai Blessings

In Parashat Behukotai it is written: "והשיג לכם דיש את בציר ובציר ישיג את זרע ואכלתם לחמכם לשובע..." (Your threshing shall overtake the vintage, and your vintage shall overtake the sowing; ...
Avi's user avatar
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Why when referring to the Ark does the torah mention the "cover" כפורת of the ark and not the ark itself?

In the opening of Parashat Acharei-Mot, God cautions Aaron against entering the Holy of Holies and approaching the covering of the Ark, citing the divine cloud that will manifest above it. What is the ...
larry909's user avatar
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Who created our parshios?

The division of the text of the Torah into psukim is delineated by trop (sof pasuk note), so I always thought that division is a tradition from Sinai. On the other hand, the division into chapters ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Simanim at the end of the Parshah

Does anyone have any coherent history of and/or source for the siman for the amount of pesukim in each parshah? (I’m sure it’s been asked here before, but I was unable to find anything while searching ...
Yø-c Ro's user avatar
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Why did Hashem want to save the garbage?

The following question was posed to me by my 10-year-old sister. First I laughed, then it made me think. As far as I've researched, no meforshim discuss this topic. Hashem commanded Noach to build the ...
ElonMusk's user avatar
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Why did שדים have to go into Noach's ark? [duplicate]

Do they take up physical space? Aren't they in the spiritual realm?
larry909's user avatar
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The relationship of Adam and Chavah and what does it mean?

In Parshat B'reishis ch. 3 p. 20 Adam names Chavah. Here Rashi points out that Adam names her earlier and the reason for bringing up the name in this location. What I'm wondering though is about the ...
Dude's user avatar
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why do we lein both rishon and sheini of ki savo on monday/thursday/shabbos mincha?

i would assume it is to be able to link the parshios of bikurim and vidui maaser due to their similarities, but would like to see a source inside for it. thanks!
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