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Questions tagged [amalek]

Ancient adversary of Israel and enemy of God from the offspring of Edom. They are prophesied to meet eternal ruin and Israel is commanded to erase their memory from beneath the heavens.

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Are Amalekites considered Edomites Halachically?

According to the opinion that we may accept converts from Amalek, must they wait until the third generation to marry a Jew, as would an Edomite, being that Amalek also comes from Esav?
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Why did Yoav quote the pasuk of Amalek by Edom?

The Gemara (Bava Basra 21b) says that Yoav misread the passuk Deuteronomy 25:19 "Eradicate the memory of Amalek" as "Eradicate the males of Amalek" and thus only killed the males ...
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Do you have any source about the connection between אגג and גוג or גוג ומגוג?

I was listening to a shiur that made a very interesting connection between Agag, Homon and the whole Purim story. The rov didn't go as deep as I hoped he would in relation to Agag, and I was wondering ...
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Esav and Yosef the lahava

The gemara says in Bava Basra 123b that Yosef is the lahava and "sitno shel Esav" and the one who befells Esav as the posuk says "bais Yosef lahava". The same person says in ...
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The nature of the specific Pharoah when we left Egypt, and his relation to Amalek?

Who was the specific Pharoah of Egypt when the Jews left Egypt? And also, given "Remember what Amalek did to you along the way when you came out from Egypt, how he met you along the way and ...
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Is/Was Amalek Justified in Causing Suffering?

The Talmud in Sanhedrin (99b) states: בעיא לאיגיורי באתה אצל אברהם יצחק ויעקב ולא קבלוה הלכה והיתה פילגש לאליפז בן עשו אמרה מוטב תהא שפחה לאומה זו ולא תהא גבירה לאומה אחרת נפק מינה עמלק דצערינהו ...
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Is the original nation of Amalek extinct?

Is it inaccurate to say that the nation of amalek is extinct?
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Why didn't Mordechai kill Haman?

Some background: It is a mitzvah to destroy Amalek (Rambam mitzvah #188, Chinuch mitzvah 604). The Chinuch seems to understand that this is both a mitzvah upon the Jewish people and upon every ...
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King Agag held captive for one night - Source?

Where specifically does it say that King Shaul held King Agag alive as captive for a single night before Shmuel killed him? (Looking for something that specifies it was only one night)
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The three wars against Amalek

i recall reading that there was\will be three wars with Amalek. The first was with Shaul, the Second with Mordechai and the third will be by moshiach. Has anyone heard this? Or know where it is ...
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Why are the enemies of the Jewish people called "Amalek"?

Throughout history many enemies have stood up to attack and destroy the Jewish people, (most recently the Crusades, Holocaust etc) and they are colloquially referred to as "Amalek". ...
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Should Hamas be treated like Amalek?

Do we say that Hamas's behaviour recently is as bad as Amalek, and therefore we have a mitzvah to completely eradicate them? If so, does that stretch to the whole of Gaza's population or even further? ...
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Question about klala in parshas Ki Tavo

I have a question about one of the klalot in parshah Ki Tavo, which makes this chilling prediction: The Lord will bring upon you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, as the eagle swoops ...
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Why did none of the later kings of Israel destroy Amalek?

There is a commandment to obliterate Amalek. Shaul Hamelech was commanded to obliterate Amalek and failed. Dovid continued in the process, but obviously didn't destroy them completely. None of the ...
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Did God destroy Amalek in King David's time, like Rashi seems to say?

I've always understood that the war with Amalek is an ongoing concern (and that the mitzvah to blot out Amalek's memory is ongoing), but I saw some puzzling Rashi today that seems to contradict that. ...
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Who is Amalek in 2023

What is the Avodah of remembering Amalek today? furthermore, what represents Amalek in present day, is it the internal battle between good vs bad? Please cite any sources quoted (links are preferred)
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Wipe out Amalek Round 2

Shaul was commanded to wipe out Amalek and Dovid would've built the beis hamikdosh after conquering the surrounding nations but Hashem wanted Shlomo to do it. Destroying Amalek is a preparation for ...
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The victory over Amalek after the Yam Suf, was this "above nature"?

Surely it goes without saying that the miracles of the plagues and the splitting of the sea were "above nature" (Being manifest through יהוה). Question: was the victory which the Jews had ...
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In every generation they rise against us - WHO?

We read in the Hagaddah: וְהִיא שֶׁעָמְדָה לַאֲבוֹתֵינוּ וְלָנוּ. שֶׁלֹּא אֶחָד בִּלְבָד עָמַד עָלֵינוּ לְכַלּוֹתֵנוּ, אֶלָּא שֶׁבְּכָל דּוֹר וָדוֹר עוֹמְדִים עָלֵינוּ לְכַלוֹתֵנוּ, וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ ...
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Saul vs Amalek: why so few troops from Judah?

I Samuel 15:4: Saul mustered the troops and enrolled them at Telaim: 200,000 men on foot, and 10,000 men of Judah There are 12 tribes, so on average they supplied 18k troops. Judah supplied just ...
11 votes
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Source for how Agag had a child after being captured

Many years ago when I learned the story of King Shaul and Agag I recall learning that the Amalekites were master sorcerers and that the way King Agag was able to perpetuate his line was by cohabiting ...
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A non-jew killing Amalek

If a non-Jew kills an amaleiki is he chayev Misa or do we say that the amaleikeim are supposed to be wiped out ,and he would be patur ?
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Malbim on the irrationality/illegitimacy of Amalek

Malbim on Shmuel 1:15:2 writes about the irrationality, or perhaps the illegitimacy of Amalek's war with Bnei Yisrael: "כה אמר ה' צבאות, הנה התורה בארה בטעם מצות מיחוי זכר עמלק כמה טעמים כמ&...
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Why didn't Moses fight Amalek himself?

"וַיָּבֹא עֲמָלֵק וַיִּלָּחֶם עִם־יִשְׂרָאֵל בִּרְפִידִם׃, וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה אֶל־יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בְּחַר־לָנוּ אֲנָשִׁים וְצֵא הִלָּחֵם בַּעֲמָלֵק מָחָר אָנֹכִי נִצָּב עַל־רֹאשׁ הַגִּבְעָה וּמַטֵּה ...
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Bracha on Mechiat Amalek

Is there a bracha to be made over killing Amalekites? If so, what is the nusach of this bracha?
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Amaleik, Refidim and Disunity

The Torah says that the Amaleik came and battled Israel at Refidim. I read in a book called, "Up, Up, and Oy Vey by Simcha Weinstein, page 65, that according to the sages, the Jews were actually ...
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Yehoshua and the Destruction of Amalek

I was just reviewing the Rashi on the parsha and I was struck by a couple very unusual juxtapositions. 17:14 reads "... Write this as a remembrance in the Book and place it in the ears of Yehoshua, ...
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The Amalekite youth's capital punishment

In Samuel 2 chapter 1, the Amalekite lad tells David the news that King Saul is dead and that Saul had asked him to take his life. David sentences the youth to death. The pesukim suggest that the ...
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Agag's mother being bereaved

Inspired by this answer. If the only one of Amalek left alive was Agag, then how was his mother to be bereaved among women (I Shmuel 33)? The Malbim seems to say that she will be so from that point ...
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What is the horn of Amalek?

Tehillim 75:11 states: וכל־קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק All the horns of the wicked I will cut; but the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up. Rashi explains that the horns of the wicked ...

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