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Is she a friend or my love? [closed]

Well I found no answers from 2 tries in insta comments about this topic.. I'll try to make it short.. I was I'm class 4 when I met her in my own school like my father was the owner..we both studied ...
Bhuvan Bev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why I am going down ?- Angry tear! [closed]

Alas! As a man I have been often ashamed of myself whenever I have to deal with a conflict. I am going down whenever a 'conflict' arises , by means of hard to talk and in worst cases Tears. For an ...
mediocre's user avatar
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How can I communicate with my husband that I am tired of picking up after his messes in the house? [closed]

Every day I come home from working my 8 hour shift (very physically demanding job)and by default I end up having to tidy up the house by cleaning the baby's bottles, picking up glassware scattered ...
user40822's user avatar
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Can miscommunication lead to accidental rape? [closed]

Me and my partner usually have consensual I won't give details but, sometimes we do certain things during the intercourse that requires a safe word we agreed if I was in pain I should say "fire&...
Yukia's user avatar
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How to make friendship work with mental illness?

I have Borderline Personality Disorder that I am seeking help for, and have a lot of issues that may make me a terrible friend, such as lashing out/and or being inconsistent. (Not excusing this ...
Anonymous's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to show my life with different types of friends on Facebook? [closed]

I have many kinds of friends on Facebook: bosses, collegues friends from childhood, high school, college my family members neighbourhood relatives friends from nowhere, just met one time and so on... ...
user10982's user avatar
3 votes
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What am I doing wrong if people repeat their original offers and requests despite me declining them?

Problem I've noticed a common pattern in my interactions. A person—whether a coworker, relative, or acquaintance—makes an offer or request. I politely and respectfully decline, explaining why it's ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Bully on public transport [closed]

While riding the bus to the station this morning, at the last stop before the station (approx. 300 m away), a woman with a rollator, holding a cup of coffee, tried to get on via the middle door. I ...
Thure Dührsen's user avatar
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My wife wants to have sex with my 1 year old present, I dont. She gets mad at me, what can I do?

I have a one year old son that sleeps in the bed with me and my wife. When he's asleep she tries to have sex with me but I will not do it. I feel it's weird and I'm too busy looking at him trying to ...
user avatar
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How to gently but firmly approach someone about leading me on

So, long story short, I (man) was led on by a woman, let's call her Alice for convenience, over the course of about two months (In a previous revision I included a summary of the relationship, but I ...
user40715's user avatar
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How should I confess my feelings to a teammate I'm falling for?

I need some advice on a situation I’m facing. I'm part of my school's track and field team. A year ago, I met a new member of our team. We've always been on friendly terms, but a couple of months ago, ...
PrincelyState9000's user avatar
4 votes
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How to approach my autistic friend regarding his negative behavior?

I have a close friend who is autistic. We have been friends for over 20 years. Over time he has made increasingly disparaging comments about me and I am unsure of how to address this. My friend was ...
Englishman Bob's user avatar
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How do I avoid discussions that provoke my aversion to slang words and my friends that use them? [closed]

I am a 16 yo teen. I have recently gotten admitted into a new school. My classmates in this school use too much slangs and discuss on topics related to lust too often. My initial socialization attempt ...
gluacamole's user avatar
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How do I stop my friends & relatives from postponing their requests for help until the last minute and then disrupting my plans with urgent requests?

The problem outlined in the title is really getting to me. Some of my relatives and friends are overburdened by their everyday duties and barely manage to plan ahead. They often suddenly face an ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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How to Deal with Harassment Pranksters in Public?

Harassment pranksters create content that solely involves harassing people. They make people visibly uncomfortable and, in some cases, creating potentially unsafe situations. My general strategy in ...
upe's user avatar
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When is confirmation or acknowledgement desirable in a mail dialogue?

In a mail dialogue, when is confirmation or acknowledgement desirable? Or to put it differently, when does the conversation end and both parties are clear on what is agreed to? For example (shortened):...
Ivana's user avatar
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9 votes
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How can I get women to reject me more openly?

I'm a rather socially active guy in my early thirties. I meet many interesting women at meetups, speaking clubs, speed dating events and such. When I want to get to know them better, I will usually ...
kuchitsu's user avatar
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How to let a roomate know that their speakerphone is loud and I can hear it?

I have a roommate who is on his phone a lot (he works from home over the phone). His phone is always on speakerphone at quite a loud volume. When his door will be closed and my door is closed and I'm ...
Klaus Haukenstein's user avatar
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How can I explain my crisis of confidence to my judo sensei without casting aspersions on his teaching?

I am a 27 year old male and have been taking judo lessons twice a week for the past six years, give or take a year when the dojo was closed for the pandemic. The class is run by three men, all between ...
QueryingForRealLife's user avatar
6 votes
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Strategies for talking less on dates or job interviews

I have a problem where I talk too much on dates and job interviews. This can lead to revealing too much information, not asking enough questions (especially on dates), and veering into overly intense ...
WhooNo's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can I politely indicate that I know Spanish (or any other language)?

I am a white American, but I have learned Spanish as a second language. Sometimes, I will end up in an enclosed area (perhaps a waiting room or an elevator), and the only people there are me and a ...
Someone's user avatar
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How to respond to people telling me I'm smart?

I am often told that I am smart. Someone will hear about something I did or made, or just my field of study and say "Wow you are so smart!" I don't think they are being sarcastic from their ...
EphraimRuttenberg's user avatar
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What are the etiquette rules for bringing someone with me to a high school reunion?

I got invited to a 10-year high school being hosted at a local restaurant. I'd like to go, but I haven't seen most of my classmates in years. I have some social awkwardness and didn't really form my ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Trying to teach my nephew to improve on a skill

My nephew (16y) is a little bit on the spectrum and sometimes has a hard time dealing with people but has a great capacity to learn. He loves to create 'games' on a platform called scratch. I (36y) am ...
Totumus Maximus's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Re-establish Professional Boundaries with a Coworker?

Several months ago, I decided to invite a coworker to a personal social event where they met my friends, something I had never done before. Subsequently, I began seeing them frequently outside of work....
Name's user avatar
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5 votes
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Politely reject advice because I don't respect the source's judgment

Sometimes, I am given unsolicited advice. I consider the advice itself (of course), but I also consider the source, as the expression goes. Usually, the advice must be written off entirely because the ...
notmySOaccount's user avatar
2 votes
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Mutual interests and common values vs skills

Claim The introduction of this book claims: What makes intimacy work? Some say it is the strength of your dream, the strength of your commitment to love itself. Others say it’s a matter of luck, the ...
Megidd's user avatar
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How do I tell my sister that her daughters should not use their smart phones in church?

I am part of a family in which I and my siblings were all raised Christian and our parents took us to church every week. Our parents expected us to behave in church and to try our best to listen ...
user57467's user avatar
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How to persuade my parents that I am learning by using computers but not playing games

I am currently learning C#, and I need to look for a lot of information through different webpages. However, my parents distrust me and they think I am playing computer games because almost each time ...
Han Han's user avatar
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Tipping etiquette for combined self-service buffet & table service

We were on holiday in Brazil recently (we're Irish), and we went for a dinner / show. The dinner was a self-service buffet, however when sitting down and during the show, waiters did come around to ...
komodosp's user avatar
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