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Questions tagged [conflict-aversion]

For questions regarding to the avoiding of an imminent conflict, or the general avoiding of a conflict that occurs on a regular basis. Questions regarding ongoing conflicts, or conflicts that are already started, please use the "conflicts" tag.

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How can I communicate with my husband that I am tired of picking up after his messes in the house? [closed]

Every day I come home from working my 8 hour shift (very physically demanding job)and by default I end up having to tidy up the house by cleaning the baby's bottles, picking up glassware scattered ...
user40822's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make friendship work with mental illness?

I have Borderline Personality Disorder that I am seeking help for, and have a lot of issues that may make me a terrible friend, such as lashing out/and or being inconsistent. (Not excusing this ...
Anonymous's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I tell my sister that her daughters should not use their smart phones in church?

I am part of a family in which I and my siblings were all raised Christian and our parents took us to church every week. Our parents expected us to behave in church and to try our best to listen ...
user57467's user avatar
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How to de-escalate social situations while standing my ground?

Context: I was at the gym today, and doing some squats. I sometimes grunt a bit loudly when I do 'em, and some people laugh when I do that (I don't really care about this). When I went to fill up my ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I explain to my partner that often his unsolicited advice is unnecessary?

My partner and I have been together for 15 years and, in general, have excellent communication. However, I can't seem to get past a couple of issues with him. In this case, it's his continued ...
janeyb's user avatar
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How to amicably discuss how rent will be increasing to newly inherited tenants?

I already have a property where I inherited tenants, and increased rent. Although, it was only by $50 after six months. I also gave them a list of improvements to be done. I'm looking at acquiring a ...
adamaero's user avatar
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How can I let a classmate know I can't help them on an assignment anymore?

I'm enrolled in a university course. For some time, I've been helping another student with a major project for our class, which counts for a quarter of our grade. It is an individual project where ...
gparyani's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How can we convince grandmother to use the dishwasher?

Grandmother needs to start using the dishwasher, she evidently can no longer wash dishes by hand. I visited my grandmother today, she served me some fried salmon and a bowl of ice cream. Afterwards, I ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
1 vote
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How to avoid someone in a group

Me and B, my best friend, 2 boys, were the core of a group of friends. C, a girl, became a core member by coming to almost every gathering we had. I started having feelings for her but long story ...
Headax's user avatar
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1 answer

How to avoid division without being divisive yourself?

I’m in a situation where I believe cohesiveness would be both sensible and desirable, in a “house divided against itself cannot stand” sense. The other parties, however, don’t see this. This is partly ...
Xophmeister's user avatar
3 votes
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How to tell coworker to learn and do it themselves?

I started using Docusign about 4 months ago. I have a coworker who needed to learn how to use Docusign as well and we attempted to connect so that I can show her how to use it. First attempt was not ...
MaliX's user avatar
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How to help a friend determine if they are happy or just settling in a long term relationship?

Through my years until recently I have had friends or just known people who have been in relationships that they generally considered long term and committed, but were open (at least to me) about the ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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1 answer

How to say no to my brother while avoiding him thinking I no longer support him?

Background: My brother has a manipulative wife, which has essentially turned him against our mother. I want to keep the story short and won't go into too much detail. Essentially, his wife has ...
user27182818's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to let people face the consequences of their own actions, and at the same time avoid a negative reaction?

My parents are both great at this: I do something stupid and they can make me realize whatever follows is simply a consequence of my own stupidity. Their approach made me take responsibility for the ...
Tinkeringbell's user avatar
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How do I get my friend to stop singing along when I'm trying to listen to the music? [closed]

I have a friend who has an absolute tin ear... could not carry a tune to save her life. But she is a genius with lyrics. Because of this, she loves to sing along to things. It is almost as if she is ...
John Wu's user avatar
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