I recently got myself a Macbook Pro and promptly installed Steam on it (mainly, so that I could play the Binding of Isaac).

While I have quite a few games that are compatible with OS X in my Steam library, the majority are not, and still they are pointlessly displayed when I view my library from my Mac.

Is there any way for me to only see the Mac-friendly games I have in my library? I have quite a few, and doing this manually would be quite tedious, not to mention I would then have to rely on my memory to remember which games are actually available for my Mac.

1 Answer 1



When looking at your library, select Mac Games from the drop down next to the search function.

Needs moar freehand circles, I know.

  • 2
    Too bad they don't have this feature on Windows. Of course, part of the problem is that Civilization 4 has separate PC and Mac entries, or else I wouldn't need a filter for Windows-only.
    – user2974
    Commented Nov 6, 2011 at 18:15

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