
Veteran indie games studio making awesome space shooters for PC and console in UE4.


ROCKFISH Games is a 100% independent game studio specializing in high-quality Unreal Engine 4 action RPG video games for PC and consoles. Industry veterans Michael Schade and Christian Lohr founded ROCKFISH Games to create a new breed of adrenalin-filled adventures for space shooter fans through their acclaimed EVERSPACE IP. After spending over 20 years as joint entrepreneurs in the 3D graphics and mobile gaming space, Schade and Lohr built ROCKFISH Games from the ground up alongside their former team of veteran talents to the current studio of 25 cherry-picked game developers and community experts from across the industry. Using Kickstarter as a platform to build a new community in 2015, ROCKFISH Games reached a runaway success with EVERSPACE, which has sold over two million copies on PC and consoles. Building on this success and propelled by yet another wildly successful Kickstarter campaign in 2019, ROCKFISH Games is dedicated to craft a compelling next-gen single-player open-world space shooter experience that is driven by quality storytelling while being highly accessible at the beginning and yet deep in its gameplay mechanics to appeal to casual as well as hardcore space action aficionados from around the globe with EVERSPACE 2.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Stadt Hamburg
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)


Beschäftigte von ROCKFISH Games GmbH


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    Every month, the core Hamburg team and developers located a short drive or train ride away gather at the studio to discuss work that’s been done and plans for the immediate future. We take these days to share knowledge, review changes in plans for the future, and playtest the latest builds. By keeping projects transparent, we’re able to keep people informed and give chances for feedback at key stages of feature development. With the Incursions update out and Unreal Engine 5 migration done, the team is turning their full focus on what’s to come for EVERSPACE 2. Last week, the Hamburg team gathered to check out work-in-progress content for our upcoming unannounced expansion and the future. What did we talk about this month? We wish we could say! For now, all we can reveal is that there’s plenty in the works for space fans around the globe—we’ll share more when the time is right. In one of these shots, you can see Michael’s preferred background for office video calls. In it, he's kicking off an interview with GameStar, deep diving into the EVERSPACE 2 migration to Unreal Engine 5 along our Technical Director Sven. ROCKFISH Games remains a flexible, remote-friendly studio. Decisions and findings from our monthly meetups are recorded and shared with offsite team members and locals who could not make it. Though we prefer hiring locally, we have a number of team members scattered across the globe in places like Japan, Canada, the United States, and the UK. These international Rockfishers will be joining us in Hamburg for our yearly team gathering for a day of presentations from team leads and studio leaders on the year to come. The best part of our monthly gatherings is the meal that comes after. Michael, Christian, and the team leads break out the studio barbecue to feed the team. These dinners are filled with conversations about what was seen on the day, ideas for the future, and games currently enjoyed. As a team, we’re excited for the future! We’ve got a full summer ahead working on expansion content for EVERSPACE 2. Though we’re not sharing dates on what’s to come, we’re looking forward to seeing fans at Gamescom later this year. #gamedev #indiedev #gamedevelopment #UE5 #unrealengine #GermanGames #remote #remoteteam #teamwork

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    We’ve set a course for the future by bringing EVERSPACE 2 to Unreal Engine 5 in our Incursions Update, now released on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. In addition to new game content, bug fixes, and features, Incursions also adds togglable support for Lumen. The comparison video in the article, captured with a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, shows EVERSPACE 2 locations with Lumen enabled and disabled to show what dynamic global illumination can do in our space game. Read more about the migration to Unreal Engine 5 and Lumen in EVERSPACE 2 on the Unreal Developer blog. #Lumen #UE5 #UnrealEngine #UnrealEngine5 #GameDev #DeveloperBlog

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    Our second massive post-launch free update for EVERSPACE 2 is now live on PC and PlayStation, with an update to come on Xbox soon! The Incursions Update brings a long list of features and fixes to EVERSPACE 2 including a new massive combat challenge, photo mode improvements, and controller remapping on console along with content additions like new legendaries, modules, catalysts, and special reliquary-class loot boxes. The team has put an incredible amount of work into this update, not only adding new content, but also undertaking our single largest engine improvement the studio has ever done with a migration to Unreal Engine 5.3. For all you fellow developers curious about the experience, we’ll have more to share on the project soon. A full list of additions can be found in our Incursions Launch Blog: We’ve also released the EVERSPACE 2 Supporter Pack DLC on steam which bundles together fun cosmetic content for players looking for a way to glam up their ships and support our development efforts at the same time. Find out more in the Supporter Pack introduction blog: We can’t wait to see what the space combat community thinks of Incursions! Now, it’s onward towards expansion content. There’s lots to do and we’re excited to get to it. #ue5 #unreal5 #unrealengine5 #update #gameupdate #gamedev #indiedev

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    We are incredibly honored to be awarded Best German Game at this year’s Der Deutsche Computerspielpreis | Der DCP! We’ll be celebrating this success—EVERSPACE 2 has been a six year labor of love so far, and there’s more to come! The majority of our core team in Hamburg have been working together since our studio’s beginnings, and it’s our tight bond that helps us do the work of much larger teams. Congratulations to all the other winners and nominees at this year’s show. We’re all examples of how the German video game industry has continued to grow and improved year over year. #DCP2024 #gamedev #germangames #indiedev #derDCP #award #awards #awardshow #win #accolades

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    We’re excited to share that EVERSPACE 2 has been nominated in the Independent Creator category in The Webby Awards! This is a huge honor for our small studio, but we need the help of our community and space game fans around the world to win! If you love sci-fi and space games, cast a vote for us: #indiedev #indiegame #indiegamedev #nomination #nominee #award #Webbys

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    We’re proud to share EVERSPACE 2 has been nominated in four categories in the Der Deutsche Computerspielpreis | Der DCP German Computer Game Awards! Not only is EVERSPACE 2 nominated for Best German Game, but we’re up for Best Game Design, Best Audio Design, and Best Innovation and Technology as well! 2023 was an incredibly strong year for games and to be recognized by our German peers as one of the best titles to be released by our studio’s home country is deeply appreciated. We’re looking forward to seeing who the winners are this April. Congratulations to all the nominees! #derDCP #DCP2024 #gameindustry #germangames #germany #videogames #videogameawards #gameawards

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    The ROCKFISH Games team is headed to GDC next week! Fellow developers going to the show, You’ll find Marketing Manager Jérémy Bouvard, and Communications & PR Director Lee Guille at the German Pavilion, booth S849-13. We’ll be happy to talk shop, share about ROCKFISH Games and the EVERSPACE franchise, and let you get hands-on with EVERSPACE 2. Our CEO and Co-Founder Michael Schade and Creative Director Uwe Wuetherich will be at talks and meetings at the show as well. Schedules are already packed, but if you want to meet, send us a message and we’ll see what we can set up. #gdc2024 #gamedeveloperconference2024 #gamedev #indiedev #germangames

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    Today, ROCKFISH Games celebrates an amazing 10 years as a company. What a decade it’s been! In this time, our small team has released two breakout titles, spectacular expansion content, and a sizable number of community-focused updates bringing fixes, tweaks, and features to the EVERSPACE series. We’ve grown to a studio of just over thirty, with team members scattered around the world. We’ve created an amazing global community filled with enthusiastic space game fans who thrive on our transparent communication. And we’ve formed strong bonds with the biggest platforms and hardware makers—partnerships that form the foundations of our future. What makes ROCKFISH Games is our team. We could not have done this without the handful of creative developers who followed Christian and I from our previous venture, most of whom are still with us today, and the team members who have joined us over the years since we opened our studio’s doors. We’ve made it our goal to find and keep great people who want to make exciting space games, sometimes turning down risky opportunities to ensure our team is protected from the turbulence that buffets the gaming industry in cycles—we’ve dodged quite a few bullets here. Our journey through Early Access with EVERSPACE 2 these last few years has been an exciting one. Pivoting from our rogue-like roots to an open-world action RPG looter shooter was a risk we were willing to take, as this game is so much closer to what we’d originally envisioned for our EVERSPACE series. I’m glad to see that players around the world were so on board with this shift, and it certainly resonated with the media as well. Strong early reviews and consistent coverage kept us in the limelight as the game became bigger and better—our 1.0 launch went even better than our first game, and we’re still receiving strong support from fans of the genre. Apart from the commercial success that enables us to continue doing what we love, the biggest reward for everyone at ROCKFISH is to see so much positive feedback about our hard work from fans of the genre. We still have so many fresh ideas, so many amazing stories left to tell, and fantastic adventures lined up for space fans around the globe. To Christian, thank you for being my partner in this adventure. To the team, I’m looking forward to another 10 years with you all. We’re going to continue creating incredible things together. Michael

    A Decade of ROCKFISH Games

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    ROCKFISH Games feiert heute seinen 10. Geburtstag! Und das war ein überaus spannendes Jahrzehnt! In dieser Zeit hat unser kleines Team zwei bahnbrechende Titel, spektakuläre Erweiterungen und eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Community-Updates veröffentlicht, die die EVERSPACE-Serie kontinuierlich mit Bugfixes, Optimierungen und neuen Features versorgt haben. Wir sind zu einem Studio mit etwas mehr als dreißig Mitarbeitern angewachsen, die über die ganze Welt verstreut sind. Wir haben eine erstaunliche globale Community voller begeisterter Space Game Fans und starke Partnerschaften zu den größten Plattformen und Hardware-Herstellern, die das Fundament für unsere Zukunft bilden. Was ROCKFISH Games ausmacht, ist unser Team. Ohne die Handvoll kreativer Entwickler, die Christian und mir von unserem vorherigen Unternehmen gefolgt sind und von denen die meisten heute noch bei uns sind, und ohne die Teammitglieder, die im Laufe der Jahre zu uns gestoßen sind, hätten wir das nicht geschafft. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, großartige Menschen für unser Team zu finden und langfristig mit denen zusammenzuarbeiten, die aufregende Weltraumspiele entwickeln wollen. Manchmal haben wir riskante Gelegenheiten abgelehnt, um sicherzustellen, dass unser Team vor den Turbulenzen geschützt ist, die die Spieleindustrie in Zyklen durchschütteln - wir sind hier einigen Kugeln ausgewichen. Unsere Reise durch den Early Access mit EVERSPACE 2 war in den letzten Jahren sehr aufregend. Der Wechsel von unseren Roguelike-Wurzeln zu einem Open-World-Action-RPG-Looter-Shooter war ein Risiko, das wir bereit waren einzugehen, da dieses Spiel so viel näher an dem ist, was wir uns ursprünglich für unsere EVERSPACE-Serie vorgestellt hatten. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass Spieler auf der ganzen Welt diese Veränderung so gut aufgenommen haben und auch in den Medien fand sie großen Anklang. Starke frühe Kritiken und beständige Berichterstattung hielten uns im Rampenlicht, als das Spiel größer und besser wurde - unser 1.0-Launch lief sogar besser als unser erstes Spiel und wir erhalten immer noch starke Unterstützung von Fans des Genres. Neben dem kommerziellen Erfolg, der uns ermöglicht, zu tun, was wir lieben, ist für jeden bei ROCKFISH die größte Belohnung, so viel positives Feedback zu unserer harten Arbeit von den Genres-Fans zu erhalten. Wir haben noch so viele neue Ideen, so viele erstaunliche Geschichten zu erzählen und fantastische Abenteuer für Weltraumfans auf der ganzen Welt in petto. An Christian: Danke, dass wir dieses Abenteuer zusammen erleben. An das Team: Ich freue mich auf weitere 10 Jahre mit euch allen. Wir werden weiterhin gemeinsam unglaubliche Dinge erschaffen! Michael

    A Decade of ROCKFISH Games

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