Koelnmesse GmbH

Koelnmesse GmbH


Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen 17.009 Follower:innen

We energize your business - since 1924.


Die Koelnmesse ist Messeplatz Nr. 1 für rund 25 Branchen, für die das Unternehmen die Weltleitmessen veranstaltet. Wesentliche Kompetenzfelder der Koelnmesse sind die „Global Competence in Food and FoodTec“ mit Messen wie Anuga und ISM im Ernährungsbereich, die „Global Competence in Furniture, Interiors and Design“ der Einrichtungsmessen beispielsweise mit imm cologne und ORGATEC sowie „Digital Media, Entertainment und Mobility“, das mit Veranstaltungen wie gamescom und DMEXCO wichtige Zukunftsthemen aufgreift. Die Koelnmesse organisiert und betreut jedes Jahr rund 80 Messen, Ausstellungen, Gastveranstaltungen und Special Events in Köln und in den wichtigsten Märkten weltweit. Rund 3 Millionen Besucher aus 224 Staaten und mehr als 54.500 ausstellende Unternehmen aus 122 Ländern nehmen regelmäßig an den Veranstaltungen teil. Das Kölner Messegelände – mit 284.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche das drittgrößte in Deutschland und unter den Top Ten der Welt – liegt nur einen Steinwurf von der Kölner Innenstadt entfernt und ist bestens an das nationale und internationale Verkehrsnetz angebunden. Die Internationalität der Messen ist eine der höchsten der Welt: Im Durchschnitt kommen 70 Prozent der Aussteller und mehr als 40 Prozent der Besucher aus dem Ausland.

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Trade Fairs, Events, Food, Interior, Furniture, Digital Media, FoodTec, Exhibitions, Entertainment, Design, Event location, Global, FoodTec, Mobility, Conferences, Business Matchmaking und Service


Beschäftigte von Koelnmesse GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Sustainable mobility at Koelnmesse: We are expanding our e-charging infrastructure 🚗⚡ Koelnmesse is making great progress towards a more environmentally friendly future! Currently we have: 🔋 80 charging stations in the Car Park Zoobrücke 🔋 10 charging points in the area around the North Entrance 🔋 10 mobile movable charging stations that our workshop has built for flexible use at events And we're not stopping! 70 more e-charging stations are planned on the site, strategically placed close to the entrances on the car park decks of Halls 2, 4 and 10. Our new buildings Hall 1 and Confex will also be equipped with e-charging stations. 💪 We are particularly proud of the fact that our e-charging stations are powered by 100 % green electricity. The pictures show the impressive effort involved in laying 4.5 kilometres of cable! 🔌 With these measures, we are continuously reducing our carbon footprint and supporting employees, exhibitors and visitors in travelling to Koelnmesse in a more environmentally friendly way. 🌍💚 How important are sustainable mobility solutions to you? Let us know in the comments. 👇 📸: Koelnmesse GmbH / Ludolf Dahmen #tradefairer #sustainabletradefair #natureeventscommunity #sustainabletradefair #sustainableevents #tradefairer

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    📣 Big news! New joint venture with proven and established partners Corferias and Concept2b paves the way for expansion of INTERNATIONALE EISENWARENMESSE to Latin America and the Caribbean! 🌎🔧 With a strategic movement that enriches the panorama of industrial trade fairs in Latin America, Koelnmesse, in collaboration with Corferias, Centro internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones de Bogotá. and Concept2b, is now part of Gran Salón Ferretero y Constructor. 🌐🔝 This new chapter for the hardware industry in the region reinforces Koelnmesse's leadership in the organisation of international trade fairs. 🚀 "I am delighted to invest the expertise we have acquired with our successful Cologne model EISENWARENMESSE in this promising joint venture in Colombia," explains Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse. "This will enable us to support our customers in the Latin American market and create synergies between our events in Cologne and abroad. An absolute win-win situation for everyone involved." 🤝💼 👀 Read more: 📸: Koelnmesse GmbH / Thomas Klerx #koelnmesse #eisenwarenmesse #business #expansion

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  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Italy joins 100-year celebration: Koelnmesse's Italian Extravaganza 🤗 Our Italian colleagues celebrated our 100th anniversary. Koelnmesse CEO Gerald Böse didn't want to miss the spectacle and attended the event! 😊 After our CEO's opening speech, a brass band mesmerised the guests with modern songs - followed by dancers who complemented the show. 🎶 Afterwards, all guests enjoyed a magnificent dinner in the historic Palazzo Lana Berlucchi. But the evening was far from over: after dinner, the anniversary cake was sliced in the garden and everyone danced to live music until midnight. 🕺💃 The evening was a complete success for everyone! 🥳 #koelnmesse100 #koelnmesse #celebration Koelnmesse Italia

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    For anyone interested in the post-pandemic comeback of trade fairs and the future of our industry, we highly recommend reading Carsten Dierig’s insightful piece for Welt, one of Germany’s leading newspapers (link German/no paywall). 📰 As he writes: “Trade fairs were among those hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis. Venues had to remain closed, events were cancelled, and companies faced bankruptcy. Now, a series of organisers are reporting record results. Not least because the true value of trade fairs has been rediscovered.” Dierig describes how Koelnmesse, in particular, kept on investing in the future of physical trade fairs and events throughout the slump, and then managed to announce record sales in time for its 100th anniversary. The author sees a trend in one German trade fair company after another reporting its comeback and the return of international exhibitors and visitors. 💯 “Humans are social beings and prefer direct contact,” Dierig quotes our Koelnmesse CEO Gerald Böse. “We thrive on bringing people together.” Read the full Welt article here: 📸: Koelnmesse GmbH, Oliver Wachenfeld #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #tradefair #messen #comeback

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  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    A 100-year journey in two moments 💚 In 1924, we opened our doors for the first spring trade fair, laying the seeds for our vibrant company history. 🙌 In 2024, we proudly celebrated the grand opening of Confex, our brand-new congress and event center. 🎉 The two snapshots in our video show what changes and what remains. 💫 Throughout our 100-year journey, Koelnmesse has continuously reinvented itself. Most recently, with our Confex, which combines state-of-the-art technology with unparalleled flexibility for entirely new event formats. 🚀 And yet, as the video shows, Koelnmesse remains above all one thing: the platform where people and ideas come together. ️🤝 📸: Koelnmesse GmbH / Dipl.-Des. Oliver Wachenfeld 📽️: Koelnmesse GmbH / Thomas Volkmar #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #confex #springfair

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    Who hasn't experienced it? You go to work in the morning, expecting a day like any other, but then suddenly everything turns out differently. 🙋🙋♂️ We love a good challenge at Koelnmesse, which is why this week’s edition of our #KoelnmesseStories is all about the most exciting or craziest tasks our colleagues faced at work so far. 🗣 Check out our video to learn which princess broke protocol during her visit and how our hostesses had to improvise when they couldn’t get to their uniforms! 🧐 #koelnmesse100 #koelnmesseyourway #koelnmesse #interviews Michael Hildenhagen Katrin Schön Jonas Falk

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    Koelnmesse extends contract with COO Oliver Frese 📢   We are thrilled to announce that Koelnmesse GmbH has extended the contract of Oliver Frese, our Chief Operating Officer, for an additional five years until December 31, 2029. Oliver Frese has been with Koelnmesse since 2020, steering our event portfolio through the challenging Covid pandemic and introducing a new operating model in Sales, Services, and Marketing Communications. Koelnmesse CEO Gerald Böse lauded Oliver Frese’s pivotal role in successfully implementing global portfolio responsibility in Trade Fair Management, adding: "I am confident that with Oliver by our side, Koelnmesse will continue to grow and thrive." Cologne’s Mayor Henriette Reker explained: "Strengthening Cologne's trade fair business is a key priority for Koelnmesse. This is why I'm so pleased that Oliver Frese will continue to play a decisive role as Chief Operating Officer." Oliver Frese, who held management positions at companies such as Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, and Deutsche Messe AG before joining Koelnmesse in 2020, counts the development and expansion of attractive trade fair concepts for Cologne among his priorities for the coming years. "My aim is for Koelnmesse events to remain unmissable dates in the calendars of the currently over 50,000 exhibiting companies, but to also make them the place to be for new exhibitors and partners," said Oliver Frese.    For more details and full quotes read our official press release here: 📸: Koelnmesse / Katja Velmans

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  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    To mark the 100th anniversary of Koelnmesse, the grandson of our founder Konrad Adenauer shares interesting insights into the history of our company.💡 Among other accomplishments, Konrad Adenauer laid the foundation for our world trade fairs and led Koelnmesse to success despite strong European competition. 👏 Our CEO Gerald Böse meanwhile emphasises the unique role of trade fairs to this day: "Trade fairs can be felt and experienced. It's about bringing people together and offering a platform for innovation and dialogue."  The video takes you on a short journey through time - from the beginnings to the present day. Take a look! 📽️ #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #journey #interview

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    To our German speaking followers: 200 Berufe, eine Koelnmesse 🤝 IT’s your time: Heute nimmt euch Carlo Fuchß, einer von vier IT-Projektleiterinnen und -leitern hier bei der Koelnmesse, mit durch seinen Arbeitsalltag. 👨💻 Carlo war zuerst zwischen Januar 2017 und Juni 2021 als Referent im Bereich der Unternehmensentwicklung beschäftigt. Nach einer inspirierenden Zeit bei einem anderen Unternehmen ist er mit frischen Ideen und einer neuen Job-Beschreibung zu uns zurückgekehrt. Damit ist er nicht der Einzige – über solch ein „Feedback“ freuen wir uns immer besonders! 😊 Seit seiner Rückkehr im Januar 2023 hat er eines der größten IT-Projekte der Koelnmesse erfolgreich an den Start gebracht und steckt nun mitten in der Umsetzung. 🚀 „Bei der Koelnmesse geht es nicht nur um die neuste Technologie, sondern darum, wie wir sie nutzen können, um echten Mehrwert zu schaffen. Daher arbeiten wir in unseren Projekten stets eng mit den Fachbereichen zusammen. Jedes Projekt, das wir starten, wird von einer Doppelspitze aus IT und Fachbereich geleitet. So erreichen wir gemeinsam unsere Businessziele. Es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie unsere Arbeit nicht nur die internen Abläufe verbessert, sondern auch, wie sie die Erfahrungen unserer Kunden bereichert und unsere gesamte Branche voranbringt." Du möchtest wissen, wie Carlos Arbeitsalltag aussieht? Dann bleib dran, um Einblicke in die digitale Transformation der Koelnmesse zu erhalten! Die Koelnmesse klingt als Arbeitgeberin interessant für dich? Schau gerne bei unseren offenen Stellen vorbei 🙌: #koelnmesse #it #berufe #job #work #technology #technologie #innovation #köln

  • Unternehmensseite von Koelnmesse GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    17.009 Follower:innen

    Little hero, big event! 🥳 Last Friday, we celebrated our big anniversary in our new congress and event centre Confex. As little Leon shows, it was a ton of fun not just for grown-ups. No wonder, there was a lot to see at Koelnmesse's 100th birthday! 🍰 Leon is the youngest son of our colleague Daniel Zech, Project Manager Technical Building Equipment. Of course, he didn't want to miss the grand opening of our new Confex and Koelnmesse’s big birthday party! 💯    By the way: Leon's older brother Marlon was also able to visit his father at work. He still raves about "the big escalator in dad's" office. 😎👷♂️      Thanks to Daniel Zech for the great photo. 📸      #koelnmesse #koelnmesse100 #tradefairs #anniversary #confex #worklife 

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